Leadership Development "Leadership is not magnetic personality — that can just as well be a glib tongue. It is not 'making friends and influencing people' -- that is flattery. Leadership is lifting a person's vision to high sights, the raising of a person's performance to a higher standard, the building of a personality beyond its normal limitations." --Peter F. Drucker
LEA Board of Directors Who are your elected representatives? • Marcia Benner,Secretary/Treasurer, LincolnHigh; • Julia Doerr, Lincoln High; • Linda Freye, Maxey; • Resa Wiltse, Meadow Lane; • Kathy Spahr, Culler; • Mandy Peterson, Everett; • Karen Shelton, Everett; • Jenni Absalon, Vice President, Maxey • Matthew Hoffman, Lincoln North Star; • Tammy Schafer, Holmes
Building Faculty Representative (FR) Leaders from each building and or site of the Lincoln Public Schools. Each building/site is allowed 1 Senior FR plus the pertinent number of Junior FRs (relative to the number of members in their building ... 1 FR per 15 members), plus a matching number of alternate FRs. The SR and JR frs have voting rights at FR Council.
Building Membership Coordinator (BMC) • Membership Recruitment • One-Day Training • Report • Simple • Due March 15th at end of Membership Drive • Report Guidelines will be available at One-Day Training • Stipend for BC • Attend One-Day Training, $40 • Complete Membership Report, $35
Joint LEA/LPS Committees • LEA-LPS Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Committee: LEA members and LPS staff will help educate LPS staff in indoor air quality issues and respond to IAQ problems that arise in the District. • LEA Representative to the Joint LEA-LPS Calendar Committee: Along with District and parent representatives, members provide input to the LPS Board of Education on calendar proposals from the educator's point of view.
LEA Representative to the Joint LEA-LPS Extra Standard Committee: Along with District representatives, members review the job descriptions and compensation for the District's many extra standard positions, ranging from coaching to academics. This crucial joint committee reviews one-third of all extra job descriptions each year. They usually meet about once a week after school in October to the first of December. LEA Representative to the Joint LEA-LPS Professional Enhancement Funds (PEF): Work with District representatives to decide upon requests by educators for special projects they would like to see funded with money from UN-L for supplying student teachers with classroom experiences. The Committee generally meets once or twice a year.
LEA Representative to the Joint LEA-LPS Staff Development Committee:This committee recommends staff development dates in the calendar, making sure contract criteria are maintained and staff development dates meet teacher needs. The committee meets generally once a year as needed. LEA-LPS PROCOM Committee: This committee meets on the recommendations of the negotiations team. If there is an issue or topic that needs further discussion. A report is made to the members.
LEA Committees • LEA Foundation Fundraiser Committee: This committee will plan, organize and implement the fundraisers for the year. This committee will meet as needed to complete the task. • LEA Incentive Program Committee: Review and modify its current plan to increase member involvement in the LEA. This committee will meet one to three times. • LEA Member Benefits Committee: Coordinate and inform members of the benefits that are available through membership. This committee will meet one to three times to review and modify its plan. • LEA Membership Committee: Review and modify its plan to maintain the current high level of membership in the LEA. This committee could meet monthly throughout the year.
LEA Ad Hoc Committees: These committees, yet to be established, will provide charges for action during the current year. The committees might include, but not be limited to: leadership development, community efforts, and community relations. These committees will be short term and will meet one to five times. LEA Bylaws and Policy Committee: Help review and propose revisions on an annual basis to the Association's constitution and policies. This committee meets on an "as needed" basis, only. LEA Elections Committee: Help with the essential ballot sorting, verification, and counting of votes for LEA Elections and Contract Ratification votes. Work on ways to insure members vote and ballots are turned in.
LEA Personnel Committee: Develop and oversee the appraisal of the LEA professional staff who are working to serve you. LEA Representative to Academic Freedom Coalition of Nebraska: LEA is an organizational member of AFCON and has a seat on the AFCON Board--a statewide group dedicated to anti-censorship efforts and the academic freedom of all individuals. LEA New Teacher Luncheon: Meet with new hires at the beginning of the year and help explain the benefits of membership. Sign up those new teachers and start them off right as they enter the profession! The luncheon always takes place the week NEW hires report to work-before previously employed members report for duty.
LEA Retirement Dinner: Help with the dinner by planning the dinner, greeting guests, and other assorted responsibilities. The dinner is usually held in latter May. This committee will meet one or two times. LEA Scholarship Committee: Although they meet only once a year in the spring, this committee makes a real difference in a number of people's lives, reading and deciding upon recipients of LEA's Christa McAuliffe, Barbara Buckingham Patronsky, and Future Teacher Scholarships.
NSEA Delegate Assembly (DA)Representative Assembly (RA) • As an elected delegate to DA or RA you are representing the members of the Lincoln Education Association • All Members are eligible to run for either/both • For NSEA DA one delegate is elected for every 50 members • For NEA RA one delegate is elected for every 150 members • NSEA DA is in the spring somewhere in Nebraska • NEA RA is over the Fourth of July in a major US city
NSEA and NEA Committees • NSEA Board of Directors • NSEA Ad Hoc Committees • NEA Board of Directors • NEA Ad Hoc Committees
Lobbying and Political Activity • LEA/PAC Political Action Committee Not funded by dues Recommends Candidates for School Board and Legislature
Legislative Communicate on a regular basis with a Nebraska State Senator from the district in which you live or work. Senators need the perspective of the professional classroom teacher and those working daily with students when making decisions about educational issues before the Unicameral. Both LEA and NSEA provide training and on-going information to make your contacts successful and rewarding. School Board Meet once a month with an LPS school board member in the district in which you live (preferred) or teach. LPS School Board members need to hear the perspective of the classroom teacher and those working daily with students. LEA provides training and on-going information on issues before the Association and the profession. LEA wants each LPS school board member to have an informed, energetic group with whom to meet. Contact Teams
Cyber-lobbying Join through email When an issue arises on the local, state or national level an email arrives asking for your support. You e-mail on your time if you chose to support or oppose the issue.
Staff Development and Professional Growth • “I Can Do It” a workshop on classroom management Taught by NEA trained LEA members Counts for up to 7 hours of flex time • Financial, Personal and Professional Seminars Presented by LEA endorsed Vendors as well as other experts in their fields
Scholarships • Blue Cross Blue Shield of Nebraska offers college scholarships to NSEA members.Since 1986, financial aid has been provided to college-bound Nebraska teachers through the Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Nebraska Professional Development Fund. To be eligible, NSEA members must be covered by either a single or family Blue Cross/Blue Shield health care policy. Scholarships can be used by teachers to pursue an advanced degree, seek an additional teaching endorsement or to take course work to meet certification requirements. All courses must be taken for credit.
LEA-RETIRED STUDENT TEACHER SCHOLARSHIPSEach year, the Lincoln Education Association -- Retired and Union Bank will co-sponsor four $1,000.00 scholarships for 2006. Scholarships shall be limited to graduates of Lincoln Public High Schools, Lincoln, Nebraska. Scholarships shall be considered for students who are in or near their practice teaching semesters. LEA FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIPS FOR EDUCATORSEach year the Lincoln Education Association Foundation makes available two different scholarships to employees in the Lincoln Public Schools who are members of the Lincoln Education Association:
LEA FOUNDATION FUTURE TEACHER SCHOLARSHIPSThe scholarships are available to juniors and seniors enrolled in the Lincoln Public Schools, only to juniors and seniors enrolled in the Lincoln Public Schools, only.
The NEA Urban Grants ProgramWhat are Urban Grants?Since 1985, the National Education Association’s Urban Grants Program has supported local NEA affiliates in the development of education reform leadership programs for PreK-12/Graduate School faculty and education support professionals. Each year the NEA awards 25 Urban Grants in the amount of $5,000 each to NEA local affiliates to help support them with these programs. NEA Grants and Awardshttp://www.nea.org/grants/archive.html NSEA ScholarshipsSeveral scholarships are available through NSEA. Click on the following link for more information ...http://nsea.org/members/teaching/scholarships/index.htm NEA Foundation -- The Foundation provides grants for educators conducting research studies about the education profession.
Member Benefits Programs • Whether your needs are for life, health or casualty insurance, savings and investment programs, a home mortgage or a refinance, a credit card or personal loan, put the collective buying power of 3.2 million NEA members to work for you. NEA Member Benefits programs are specially designed to help make members' lives better. • Life Insurance Programs • Financial Services Programs • Investment Programs • Consumer Discount Programs • Member Education Guides
LEA Member Benefits • Over 70 discount providers • Discounts on Cultural Events (Lied, Playhouse) • Member Social Events (Salt Dogs, LEAF Fundraiser)
Visit LEA, NEA, and NSEAWebsites • www.lincolneducationassociation.org View this slide show Download important information for potential and current members • www.nea.org • www.nsea.org