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Computer 7 My Electronic Portfolio. Roxanne Shabani. Excel Spreadsheet.
Computer 7 My Electronic Portfolio Roxanne Shabani
Excel Spreadsheet I really learned a lot when we tested our group air planes. We went out into the hallway to find out how far the farthest air plane could fly. Each group flew their air planes in the hall, and their recorder recorded the distance for their group planes. Also the groups named their planes. Many planes had weird names, but that doesn’t matter because what matters is the distance of the plane. We came back to the classroom to record our data on the computer. Microsoft Excel is what we used to type in our records!
Access Database • As we started to make the address book in Microsoft Access, it was difficult. • We made up fake names, fake addresses, fake e-mail addresses, fake states that the people lived in, fake birthdays, and even fake zip codes. • I had a total of about 13 people. It was fun, and it was hard at other times. • It was hard because you could not make the mistake of putting the same fake name, fake address, fake e-mail address, a fake state that the person lived at, fake birthday, and even a fake zip code.
Last Name First Name Address City State Zip Phone Number Birthday Email Any Pets Adams Paul 14039 Cool Man Lane Miami FL 14039 111-1111 6/26/89 coolman123@aol .com Yes Anderson Jessica 4655 Valley Dally Hoover AL 35235 675-679-6864 3/8/22 fisterwald78@aol.com Yes Brown Christie 7823 Happy Land Townsville NV 78958 345-567-2940 4/8/70 qtbugg2354@bearwood.com No Cromer Brittany 4437 Sester Road Kansas City KS 37544 686-965-6783 7/8/64 maplze@wood.com No Jenings Jeannie 891 Riverchase Drive Sunny Dale AK 38128 384-7849 3/7/89 Summers345@aol.com No Jenkins Caroline 2890 Pennsylvania Road Hopkins CA 67232 237-6786 7/7/78 smartgirl60@centrals.com Yes Miley Ashley 7887 Terrace Maple Pierce WA 89799 264-7665 7/9/54 Baby10345@kennings.com Yes Packs Henry 5344 Huckle Berry Chickens SC 98687 234-9876 5/30/64 Burgerking@aol.com Yes Peck Roxanne 6756 Cross Creek Lane Hoover AL 35242 408-8192 12/5/99 chickgirl66@aol.com Yes Sacks Anna 3881 Meled Street Birmingham AL 78234 122-3346 6/9/01 fashiongirl@compuserve.com No Smith Laura 3566 Shandy Palace Dallas TX 76567 786-9843 4/5/43 honeysuckle@central.com No Strawberry Liz 3664 Colonial Ground Tender SC 94678 365-6783 10/30/83 princess59@waters.com Yes Tyler Bob 678 Teaper Seaper Tuscaloosa AL 67847 783-3547 2/4/56 smartblonde@aol.com No My Access Database Address Book
Tables in Word • The calendar was not hard at all. • Spacing each row was a little complicating. • I got all my pictures from clip art, and Jessica did also. • We both picked a picture that included something about Valentines Day. • The month was February, so we picked something along those lines for a picture! • Next, we typed in the header and footer! • I learned many things!
February Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 2 February Calendar
My Animation • The animation was not hard at all because you can basically draw if you wanted to. • I went over to Microsoft Word to pick a figure that I could animate for this class. • I had picked a few such as: a flower, moon phases, and also the piggy bank with the coin falling in it. • Instead of always going to Microsoft Word, I used a little of my creativity to draw a little of what I would like to animate. • Sometimes I had to make doubles, but that is what would make it the best looking animation. • It was fun, and cute!!
PowerPoint Portfolio Project • Throughout the beginning of this class until know, it has been fun! • Having to help out your friends can be exciting. • All the assignments that we have been assigned, have been totally cool. • The best out of all the assignments that we have been told to do, was the animation. • I think that when you have total control of your creativity, something wild will come up!!