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Explore theories of culture and development, language acquisition, intersubjectivity, and cognitive processes in this comprehensive course. Includes assignments and exams. Don't miss out on essential lectures and materials.

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  1. Exams

  2. DATES Writtenexam: • 27 Maggio (verb. 31) • 17 Giugno (verb. 21) • 19 Luglio Deadlines for assignmentsubmission(via email) • May: 20 May • June: 10 June • July: 12 July

  3. Assignment: Critical comparison between 2 articles • Instruction on my web page (document called “Assignment”) • Sent via email as PDF, Times New Roman 12, max 2,5 pages • Examples or references to things discussed during course are encouraged • Check deadlines on my web page! • Written exam: 20 multiple-choicequestions • On site • checkdates on LUMSA website

  4. Materials: • Lecture Slides • Articles and book chapters Check personal web profile for guidelines document

  5. Main topics Lectures 1 and 2 • Conceptions of Cultures • The role of culture in development (Cultura, Enculturation, Socialisation) • Development as participation in cultural practices • Classical theories of development and culture • Theories of cultural education (Bruner, Vygotsky)

  6. Lecture 3 • Development as cultural process • Developmental theories • Dynamic system theory (Thelen & Smith) • Bioecological theory of developmental processes (Bronfenbrenner) • Developmental aspects • Learning (ZPD, Vygotsky) • Conceptual development (Piaget, Modularity) • Naive psychology (ToM)

  7. Lecture 4 and 5 • Functions of language • Theoretical accounts of language development • Early communicative exchanges – protoconversations • Speech preparatory movements, turn taking

  8. Communicative intentions • Early processes for understanding others • A narrative perspective of language • Cognitive pre-requisites of narrative • Language as storytelling • Mental Time Travel

  9. Lecture 6 • Language acquisition: nurture vs nature • Language as symbolic communication • Pragmatics of language: how utterances are used in context • Social contexts define and regulate the appropriate use of language

  10. Lecture 7 • Early intersubjective exchanges • Main theories of Intersubjectivity • Neurological approach: Direct-matching hypothesis • Cognitive approach: Theory of Mind theories • Embodied approach - Second person approach • Intersubjectivity and Engagement as participatory processes of sense-making

  11. Lecture 8 • Understanding and sharing intentions: the origins of cultural cognition (Tomasello et al.) • Development of False belief tasks and representational skills • Critical issues: • High-level mental processes necessary for interacting and understanding others • Mind-body dualism (or GAP) • Neglecting of timing, context and relational history

  12. Lecture 9 • Self as relational entity • emergence of selfhood in relations of different kinds • Three aspects of selfhood: the body, the awareness of self, and the regulation of self • Emergence of self as being the object of other’s attention • Cultural variations of practices related to the use of body in infancy

  13. Lecture 10 • What is autism • Causes, emergence, risks • Research on social salience • Embodied approaches to autism: problems with the self

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