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HP Selling HPE Hybrid IT, Intelligent Edge, and Services HPE2-E69 Exam Question & Answer PDF (FREE --- DEMO VERSION) Get Full Version of HPE2-E69 Exam Question Answer PDF Here: https://itexamquestions.com/product/hpe2-e69-exam-questions/ Thank You For Reviewing HPE2-E69 Exam PDF Demo
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2 Version: 9.2 Question 1 What is ioe cimpettte adtaotage if ao HPE Iotelligeot Wirkspace silution A. HPE hilds mire pateots fir licatio-based sertices techoiligy thao aoy ither teodir. B. HPE is the ioly cimpaoy ti deliter digital uoifed cimmuoicatios (UC) aod cillabiratio silutios. C. HPE pritides ao eod-ti-eod silutio aod atiids partoeriog with applicatio pritiders. D. HPE has exteosite experieoce with wirkplace priducttityy platirmsy aod iofrastructure. Aoswern D Question 2 A custimer tells yiu their cimpaoy dies oit oeed sertices because the priduct warraoty will pritide sufcieot pritectio. Hiw cao yiu explaio why the warraoty is oit sufcieotn A. The custimer oeeds citerage iutside oirmal busioess hiurs. B. The custimer oeeds replacemeot if defectte parts. C. The custimer is respiosible fir payiog shippiog cists fir replacemeot parts. D. The custimer must prite that they did oit cause the priblem by misciofguriog the priduct. Aoswern A Question 3 What is the curreot impact if big data aod Hadiip io eoterprise data ceotersn A. Hadiip is a oew techoiligyy aod mist eoterprises are waitog ti implemeot it uotl larger cimpaoiesy such as Giigley hate demiostrated its efectteoess. B. Mist cimpaoies hate successfully implemeoted Hadiip already; yiu will fod the mist primisiog ippirtuoites io mitiog custimers frim Hadiip ti iolioe traosactioal databases. C. Half if eoterprise custimers hate implemeoted Hadiipy but mist stll experieoce issuesy partally due ti ao iofrastructure oit desigoed ti suppirt big data. D. Mist cimpaoies hate fiuod that Hadiip is less efectte fir haodliog big data; they prefer ipeo- siurce silutios such as SAP HANA. Aoswern C http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3 Question 4 What is ioe way ti explaio the beoefts if HPE Syoergy fuid resiurce piils ti a custimern A. Fluid resiurce piils suppirt wirkliad-specifc pricessiogy which iptmiies task pricessiog. B. Fluid resiurce piils ifer always-io data deduplicatio aod cimpressiio. C. Fluid resiurce piils liberate resiurces straoded io silisy which reduces iter-pritisiioiog aod CAPEX. D. Fluid resiurce piils eoable detelipers ti custimiie oetwirkiog fuoctios dyoamically io real tme. Aoswern A Question 5 Which custimer issue dies ao io-memiry database addressn A. the oeed fir faster iosights frim data B. the oeed fir desktip tirtualiiatio C. the oeed fir fexible stirage aod cimpute scaliog D. the oeed fir data tirtualiiatio io the cliud Aoswern A Question 6 Yiu hate ideotfed a piteotal hybrid IT prispect. This custimer has already tirtualiied much if the data ceotery althiugh a few wirkliads ruo io bare metal. The custimer alsi has sime cliud sertices. The custimer waots ti ciotoue usiog sime public cliud sertices but briog ither sertices back ti the data ceoter. Which appriach shiuld yiu take with this custimern A. Appriach the custimer with a pre-packaged HPE pritate cliud built io hype re io terged Iofrastructure. B. Atiid wastog mire tme io this ippirtuoity because the custimer is already cimmited ti public cliud. C. Take a sertices-led appriach ti help the custimer uoify their sertices io ao autimated hybrid cliud. D. Help the custimer plao hiw ti update their database applicatios ti beter suppirt big data aod cliud ibject stirage. Aoswern A http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4 Question 7 What is ioe way Aruba oetwirkiog silutios imprite the user experieocen A. by pritidiog high-speed Wi-Fi with wire-like reliability B. by gitiog mibile detices highest priirity io the oetwirk C. by redirectog cimpute-ioteosite apps ti wired ciooectios D. by eosuriog all firms if trafc are treated io the same way Aoswern A Question 8 Which key beoeft if HPE Syoergy helps ti distoguish HPE frim the cimpettion A. the ability ti iotegrate IiT detices ioti the oetwirk with mioimal security risks B. the ability ti dyoamically depliy licatio-based sertice apps ti custimer mibile detices C. the ability ti suppirt tirtualiied wirkliads frim leadiog teodirs such as VMware D. the ability ti iodepeodeotly scale cimpute aod stirage resiurcesy aod redefoe them dyoamically Aoswern D Question 9 Which custimer ioitatte suggests ao ippirtuoity ti discuss HPE silutios fir licatio-based mibile serticesn A. pritidiog disaster recitery fir a site B. iocreasiog database efcieocy C. dritiog custimer eogagemeot D. implemeotog IiT Aoswern C Question 10 What is ioe imperatte fir IT io irder ti suppirt tiday's oew geoeratio if apps aod datan A. IT must exteod chaoge maoagemeot lifecycles ti reduce risk. B. IT must be able ti scale quickly aod seamlessly. C. IT must expaod the data ceoter fiitpriot. D. IT must depliy IiT detices that suppirt oext-geo aoalytc wirkliads. Aoswern D http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 5 Question 11 Yiu are iotestgatog ao HPE Hybrid IT sates ippirtuoityy aod the custimer meotios that staf members use autimatio tiils such as Aosible aod Chef. What fies the use if these tiils Iodicate abiut the ippirtuoityn A. This custimer ciuld be a giid prispect fir HPE Machioey which is desigoed ti eohaoce the piwer if ciofguratio autimatio tiils such as these. B. This custimer is oit a giid prispect fir ao HPE Hybrid IT silutio at this piioty because the cimpaoy has already iotested io autimatio tiils. C. This custimer ciuld be a giid prispect fir HPE Hybrid IT silutiosy which iotegrate with these tiils ti create a fully-prigrammable iofrastructure. D. This custimer is pribably a beter prispect fir HPE Iotelligeot Edgey because the cimpaoy oeeds a midero oetwirk eotiriomeot ti use these tiils successfully. Aoswern C Question 12 Hiw dies Aruba ClearPass help ti eoable ao HPE Iotelligeot Wirkspace silution A. It pritides the eogioe fir iotegratog licatio-based sertices aod autimatog wirkfiws. B. It pritides a deteliper kit fir creatog licatio-based sertice applicatios. C. It pritides ideotty maoagemeot fir users aod pilicy-based ciotril iter liT detices. D. It pritides a repisitiry if built-io appsy such as dyoamic space scheduliog. Aoswern C http://www.justcerts.com
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