DESCRIPTION • alking about careers there are many different types of careers in india nowadays that students love to pursue, but the major question that arises is when the student get pass from class 10 then the students choose the their careers and mostly students doesn't know which stream to choose, whereas according to my opinion being intelligent and choosing a stream are both different subjects ,moreover indian mentality is that if a person is scoring good marks he or she must choose medical or non - medical,despite their interest, that is the scenario in today's life. A person should follow their passion which could help them achieve more
LIFE EXAMPLE • 10 years ago i had a big dream and it was to be a professional football player. And 10 years ago that dream ended. I was playing a state level football match and i got injured in a game.I had to have a surgery, and it was 10 years ago in 10 days to this day when i had a that surgery. MY DREAM WAS OVER. And i remember being in denial this entire time i was like "You know what, I' m this big, jacked I can't be hurt I'm gonna recover really quickly", we back in the field I'm gonna continue playing and living my dream. Now had to wear a cast, for 6 months on my arm in this possession.After the cast came off, it was like gumby arm just like gangly around . And it took a year and a half for me to recover. So every week i thought. I'm gonna get better, I'm gonna get stronger and come back and play, unfortunately that wasn't the case.....