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Strategic Plans for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs

Overview and objectives of DCOG's revised 2015-2020 strategic plans, annual performance plans, and budget allocations discussed in a parliamentary committee meeting. Goals include good corporate governance, improved access to services, and disaster risk reduction.

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Strategic Plans for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs

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  1. REVISED 2015-2020 STRATEGIC PLANS AND 2017/18 ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLANS Portfolio Committee on Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs 14 March 2017

  2. PURPOSE • SECTION 1: DEPARTMENT OF COOPERATIVE GOVERNANCE 2.1. PART A: DCOG Strategic Overview 2.2. Part B: DCOG Revised 2015-2020 Strategic Plan 2.3. Part C: DCOG 2017/18 Annual Performance Plan 2.4. Part D: DCOG 2017 MTEF Budget Allocations 2.5. Part E: Progress on recommendations of the Portfolio Committee 2.6. Recommendations

  3. 3. SECTION 2: MUNICIPAL INFRASTRUCTURE SUPPORT AGENT 3.1. PART A: Strategic Overview 3.2. PART B: Programmes and Sub-Programmes 3.3. MTEF Budget Estimates Per Programme 3.4. Conclusion 4. SECTION 3: DEPARTMENT OF TRADITIONAL AFFAIRS 4.1. PART A: DTA Revised Strategic Plan 4.2. PART B: DTA 2017-2018 Annual Performance Plan 4.3. PART C: DTA MTEF Budget Allocations 4.4. Recommendations

  4. The purpose of this presentation is for the Portfolio Committee to note and provide inputs on the COGTA’s revised 2015-2020 Strategic Plans, 2017/18 Annual Performance Plans and indicative budget allocations. The presentation is divided into three sections: Section 1: Department of Cooperative Governance Section 2: Municipal Infrastructure Support Agent Section 3: Department of Traditional Affairs Purpose


  6. DCOG: Strategic Overview Vision A functional and developmental local government system that delivers on its constitutional and legislative mandates within a system of cooperative governance. Mission Statement Our mission is to ensure that all municipalities perform their basic responsibilities and functions without compromise by: • Putting people and their concerns first; • Supporting the delivery of municipal services to the right quality and standard; • Promoting good governance, transparency and accountability; • Ensuring sound financial management and accounting; and • Building institutional resilience and administrative capability. Our Values Guided by the spirit of Batho Pele, our values are: • Commitment to public service; • Integrity and dedication to fighting corruption; • A hands-on approach to dealing with local challenges; • Public participation and people centred approach; • Professionalism and goal orientation; • Passion to serve; and • Excellence and accountability

  7. Strategic Outcome Oriented Goals DCoG has 8 Strategic Goals that are outcome oriented which we aspire to achieve over the MTSF period 2014-2020

  8. Alignment of Strategy to the MTSF • The Department contributes to the achievement of national priorities as outlined in the 2014-2019 Medium Term Strategic Framework (MTSF). Outcome 9 of the MTSF: A responsive, accountable, effective and efficient developmental local government system. • The Department contributes towards the following sub-outcomes of outcome 9 of the MTSF: • Sub-outcome 1: Members of society have sustainable and reliable access to basic services; • Sub-outcome 2: Strengthened Intergovernmental arrangements for a functional system of cooperative governance for local government; • Sub-outcome 3: Democratic, well governed and effective municipal institutions capable of carrying out their developmental mandate as per the constitution; • Sub-outcome 4: Sound financial management; and • Sub-outcome 5: Local public employment programmes expanded through the Community Work Programme. • The implementation of the Indigent policy is aligned to Outcome 14 on Nation Building and Social Cohesion, we must ensure that municipalities focus their plans towards the poor and vulnerable groups. • Through the ward committee system, Ward Councillors and ward committees should report to ward meetings about the broad budget plans and consult the residents about programmes and projects that will affect them. This is in line with outcome 14 - all municipalities have recorded processes that demonstrate inclusion of the poor in budgeting processesand has a direct link to sub-outcome 3 of outcome 9 outlined above. Through the Community Work Programme partnerships are formed to ensure the greening and cleaning of cities.

  9. Strategic Objectives There are 12 Strategic Objectives that will drive the achievement of our Goals over the MTSF period


  11. Strategic Outcome: Good Corporate Governance Strategic Outcome: Accountable Local Government System

  12. Strategic Outcome: Improved Access to Basic Services Strategic Outcome: Spatial Transformation

  13. Strategic Outcome: Spatial Transformation Strategic Outcome: A Culture of Good Governance

  14. Strategic Outcome: Capability in Disaster Risk Reduction Strategic Outcome: Employment Safety Net

  15. DCOG 2017/18 Annual Performance Plan Indicators and Targets And its Alignment with the Strategic Plan

  16. Administration

  17. Programme 2: Regional and Urban Development and Legislative Support

  18. InstitutionalDevelopment

  19. Institutional Development Cont.

  20. InstitutionalDevelopmentCont. National Disaster Management Centre

  21. Local Government Support and Intervention Community Work Programme


  23. 2017 MTEF: NET BASELINE CHANGES This slide shows the net changes to the baseline amounts, which reflects a decrease of R142.725 million in 2017/18, due to budget cuts. The decrease will result in lower operational funding. However, in 2018/19 and 2019/20, there will be increases of R855.308 million and R896.315 million, respectively, related to grants.

  24. ALLOCATIONS PER PROGRAMME The average increase in budget allocations of the Department over the 2017 MTEF period will be 8%. The decrease of -28% in the budget allocation for Programme 2: Regional and Urban Development and Legislative Support is due to the phasing-out of the Demarcation Transitional Grant from the 2018/19 financial year.



  27. DIVISION OF 2017/18 BUDGET ALLOCATION Transfer & Subsidies = 93.96% DCoG = 0.66% CWP = 4,71% MISA =0,49% DTA = 0,18% Compensation = 57.9% Compensation = 1.2% Goods &Services = 41.1% Goods & Services = 98.8% Capital Assets = 1.5%

  28. Progress on Key Financial and Performance Recommendations of the Portfolio Committee on Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs

  29. Recommendations on Annual Performance Plan and Budget Vote 4 Dated 13 April 2016

  30. Recommendations on Annual Performance Plan and Budget Vote 4 Dated 13 April 2016

  31. Recommendations on Annual Performance Plan and Budget Vote 4 Dated 13 April 2016

  32. Budgetary Review and Recommendations Report 20 October 2016

  33. Budgetary Review and Recommendations Report 20 October 2016

  34. Budgetary Review and Recommendations Report 20 October 2016

  35. Recommendations It is recommended that the Portfolio Committee notes and provide inputs on: • The DCoG Revised 2015-2020 Strategic Plan and 2017/18 Annual Performance Plan (APP); • The DCoG MTEF budget indicative allocations; and • DCoG’s response to the Budgetary Review and Recommendations Report


  37. 2017/18 ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN FOR MISA Presented to the Portfolio Committee on Cooperative Governance Tuesday, 14 March 2017

  38. Presentation Outline • Part A: Strategic Overview • Vision and Mission • MISA’s Mandate • Organisational Values • Strategic Goals and Objectives • Part B: Programmes and Sub-Programmes • Administration • Technical Support Services • Infrastructure Delivery Management Support • MTEF Budget Estimates Per Programme • Conclusion


  40. Vision and Mission Vision Our vision is to strive for sustainable municipal infrastructure and service delivery Mission Our mission is to render technical advice and support to municipalities to enable them to optimise municipal infrastructure provisioning. By optimising the provision of infrastructure, municipalities will be able to deliver municipal services to the right quality and standards.

  41. MISA’S Mandate MISA’s mandate is to render technical advice and support to municipalities by undertaking the following broad functions aimed at optimising municipal infrastructure provisioning: • Supporting municipalities to conduct effective infrastructure planning to achieve sustainable service delivery; • Supporting and assisting municipalities with the implementation of infrastructure projects as determined by the municipal integrated development plans (IDPs); • Supporting and assisting municipalities with the operation and maintenance of municipal infrastructure; • Building the capacity of municipalities to undertake effective planning, delivery, operations and management of municipal infrastructure; and • Performing any function that may be deemed ancillary to those listed above.

  42. Organisational Values • Guided by the spirit of Batho Pele, our values are: • Commitment to public service; • Integrity and dedication to fighting corruption; • A hands-on approach to dealing with local challenges; • Public participation and people centered approach; • Professionalism and goal orientation; • Passion to serve; and • Excellence and accountability.

  43. Strategic Goals and Objectives

  44. Strategic Goals and Objectives

  45. Strategic Goals and Objectives


  47. Programme 1: Administration

  48. Programme 1: Administration

  49. Programme 1: Administration

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