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2012 Arab-Israeli Conflict Lesson . Date your papers: Wednesday, October 24, 2012 Thursday, October 25, 2012---Odd Block Day Friday, October 26, 2012---Even Block Day Wednesday , October 31, 2012 Thursday, November 1, 2012 Friday, November 2, 2012 Monday, November 5, 2012
2012 Arab-Israeli Conflict Lesson Date your papers: Wednesday, October 24, 2012 Thursday, October 25, 2012---Odd Block Day Friday, October 26, 2012---Even Block Day Wednesday, October 31, 2012 Thursday, November 1, 2012 Friday, November 2, 2012 Monday, November 5, 2012 Wednesday, November 7, 2012 Thursday, November 8, 2012
Wednesday, October 24, 2012 • Quiet Question: Type One Prompt---We are going to do a Role Play Activity to introduce us to the Arab-Israeli or Palestinian-Israeli Conflict. • When Israel was established in 1948, over two thirds of the indigenous Palestinian population fled or were expelled. These people and their descendants are refugees and have not been allowed to return home. Their right to return home, known as the Right of Return is enshrined in international law. • Words that come up in the cards... • Nakba—means ‘catastrophe’ in Arabic—this is the word Palestinians use to describe what happened to them in 1948. • Aliyah—means ‘going up’ in Hebrew. It refers to Jewish immigration to Israel. According to Israeli law, any Jew in the world has the right to move to Israel and become a citizen. • You are going to be broken up into FIVE different groups. • Each group will be assigned a role. They are: • a Jewish Israeli citizen moved to Israel from the US • a Palestinian refugee living in a refugee camp in Lebanon • a Palestinian refugee living in London • a Palestinian refugee living in Gaza • a Jewish Israeli citizen born in Israel • Decide on who will be the spokesperson to present to the class. • Your group is to read the Profile Card and then answer the following questions:
Wednesday, October 24, 2012 • Where should the refugees go? Is the Right of Return valid? • Can the Right of Return be given up? • Who is responsible for ensuring that refugees’ rights are upheld? • Should the refugees get compensation? If so, who from? • What would peace and justice look like to you?
Wednesday, October 24, 2012 • Class: Each group will present their profile and responses. Then as a class we will identify some of the core issues that cause the conflict. • Class: Ms. Barben is going to do an Introduction to the Arab-Israeli Conflict and you are to take notes in the provided graphic organizer. • Homework:Youare to read the supplemental reading on the Arab-Israeli Conflict and Talk to the Text. • Follow the step by step directions as outlined in the grading criteria below.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012 • 2012 “Arab-Israeli Conflict” Supplemental Reading Homework Grade Sheet: • 1.__________It was turned in on time. For each day late, it is 10% off the value. • 2.__________The student highlighted or underlined the key facts and points appropriately. • Key arguments and historical facts were highlighted or underlined. • The student did not just highlight what he responded to when he Talked to the Text. • No more than 20% of the content was highlighted or underlined. • Worth 25 Points. • 3.__________There was a minimum of THREE well-developed responses per page. • The responses explained why, explored your thoughts, and were not just a few words. • Worth 50 Points. • 4.__________The student highlighted and/or commented on the inset boxed information and visuals. Worth 10 Points • 5.___________The student used at least FIVE types of responses listed below. Notice Summarizing or Paraphrasing is not an option. Worth 15 Points. • This means that you write in the margins: • Confusing • Interesting • Surprising • Important • Connections to current events, classroom learning, movies, tv shows, literature, personal life, etc… • Mark anything that is unfamiliar and keep going. • Make predictions • Formulate opinions • Ask questions • Analyze the author's craft • Write reflections/reactions/comments • Look for patterns/repetitions • Reflecting on content or the reading process
Monday, October 29, 2012 • Class: We are going to finish the History Channel Documentary. You should be adding to your graphic organizer. • Individual: Any remaining class time should be used to add notes to the graphic organizer up to the Nakba Disaster from the yellow supplemental reading to make sure all are complete.---The following categories • Palestinian Claims to Land • Zionist/Israeli Claims to Land • Zionism • Role of World War One and Balfour Declaration • Mandate System and Issues • UN Partition Plan of 1947 • 1948 War of Independence • Right of Return and Palestinian Refugees
Wednesday, October 24, 2012 • Chunking of Reading: Write in your assignment book! • Night One-Wednesday, October 24, 2012: Pages 1 through 6 • Night Two-Thursday, October 25, 2012:Pages 7 through 11 • Night Three-Weekend of October 26-October 28:Pages 12 through 17 • Night Four-Monday, October 29, 2012: Review each page, make corrections and add to your work using the Grade Sheet as your editing tool. • Due on Tuesday, October 30, 2012!
Block Day • Class: Ms. Barben is going to finish her Introduction to the Arab-Israeli Conflict, and you are to add the information to the graphic organizer. • Class:We are going to watch a documentary on the Arab-Israeli Conflict, and you are to add additional information to the graphic organizer. • Homework:Continue reading and Talking to the Text.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012 • Pairs: You are going to be broken up into pairs to complete this project. • You are going to be assigned a time period in the Arab-Israeli Conflict to research using your textbook, Ms. Barben’sPowerpoints uploaded on her teacher page, and the internet. • You will create a poster for your time period that does the following: • Has a clear title or heading at the top that identifies the dates and main events • Has at least THREE pictures and/or maps with typed captions that describe what is represented in relation to the main events. • They should be set on a background of colored construction paper to make each individual image stand out. • Has answered the following questions in bullet format and typed in Calibri Bold 14 font. • What happened? • When did it happen and for how long? • Who was involved? • Where did it take place? • Why did it happen? The causes of the events? • Results/Effects of the events? • Key Events: • The Suez Crisis 1956 • 1967 War and the Six Day War • PLO, Arafat, and Early Acts of Terrorism like Hijacking in August 30, 1970 and the Munich Massacre of 1972 • Yom Kippur War 1973 • OPEC Oil Crisis and Camp David Peace Accords 1979 • First Intifada from 1987 to 1993 • Oslo Accords of 1993 • The Second Intifada Begins in 2000 • Arab Peace Initiative March 28, 2002 • The West Bank Barrier 2003 • Disengagement in 2005 • Operation Cast Lead 2008
Wednesday, October 31, 2012 • Assigned Event: • 1._________The poster had a clear title or heading written or typed at the top of the poster that identified the dates and name for the main events. Worth 5 Points • 2.__________The poster had at least THREE pictures and/or maps with typed captions that describe what is represented in relation to the main events. Worth 30 Points • They should be set on a background of colored construction paper to make each individual image stand out. • 3.__________The poster answered the following questions in bullet format and typed in Calibri Bold 14 font. • What happened? • When did it happen and for how long? • Who was involved? • Where did it take place? • Why did it happen? The causes of the events? • Results/Effects of the events? • Worth 50 Points. • 4.__________The information was accurate and provided a strong overview. Worth 10 Points • 5._________The poster was done neatly, the writing was typed, and it was edited for spelling, grammar, and capitalization. Worth 5 Points
Wednesday, October 31, 2012 • Work Days: • Wednesday, October 31, 2012 • Thursday, November 1, 2012 • Friday, November 2, 2012 • Learning Station Days: • Monday, November 5, 2012 • Wednesday, November 7, 2012 • Thursday, November 8, 2012
Friday, November 9, 2012 • Class: Ms. Barben is going to teach the class about Propaganda and Propaganda Strategies. You are to add information to the provided handout. • Homework: You are going to create a Propaganda Poster on ONE of the identified issues from either the viewpoint of: • Israelis • Palestinians • Possible Topics for Arab-Israeli Conflict Propaganda Poster: • Second Intifada • West Bank Barrier • Demolition of Palestinian Homes • Gaza Strip • Operation Cast Lead 2008
Friday, November 9, 2012 • 1.__________It was turned in on time. For each day late, it is 10% off the value.______________ • 2.__________The student created the propaganda poster from either the Israeli or the Palestinian viewpoint and appropriately represented their views on the specific contemporary issue of: • Possible Topics for Arab-Israeli Conflict Propaganda Poster: Worth 10 Points • Second Intifada • West Bank Barrier • Demolition of Palestinian Homes • Gaza Strip • Operation Cast Lead 2008
Friday, November 9, 2012 • 3._________The student had a clever and appropriate slogan that reflected the core of the issue from the chosen viewpoint and used one of the following: Worth 10 Points • Alliteration • Rhymes • Pun • Plays off a commonly known phrase • 4._________The student used a MINIMUM of TWO DIFFERENT propaganda strategies appropriately in the poster from the list below: Worth 30 Points • Name-calling • Glittering Generalities • Transfer • Testimonial • Appeal to Authority • Bandwagon • Fear • Loaded or Emotional Words • Euphemisms • Plain Folks • Logical Fallacies • Misery • Black and White • Bait and Switch • Scapegoat
Friday, November 9, 2012 • 5.________The student used HISTORICAL IMAGES from the Arab-Israeli Conflict within the poster effectively in support of the position taken. Worth 10 Points • They should be in color. • They cannot be drawn by hand. • They must be either a photo of a key figure, of an event or events, or a map. • .________The student wrote a MINIMUM OF THREE WELL-DEVELOPED PARAGRAPHS. Worth 45 Points • A well-developed paragraph consists of a minimum of six strong sentences. • The sentences should either identify and define, explain and provide examples, or analyze the content or historical relationships. • Paragraph One: • Explained the core issue and answer the 5 Ws and How and Effects • Explained the viewpoint of the issue from the Israeli and Palestinian point of view • Explained why you chose to do the poster from the chosen viewpoint • Paragraph Two: • Explained the thought process behind the slogan and how it represents the chosen viewpoint on the issue • Explained the choice of images used in the poster and how it supports the chosen viewpoint on the issue • Paragraph Three: • Explained the first propaganda strategy used by defining it, how it was used in the poster, and why it was chosen • Explained the second propaganda strategy used by defining it, how it was used in the poster, and why it was chosen
Friday, November 9, 2012 • 7.__________The propaganda poster was done neatly, in color, typed, spell-checked, grammar-checked, and edited for capitalization errors. If not, it is 10% off the value. Chunking of Assignment: Weekend of November 9-11:Decide on topic, write down all historical information, and decide on position. Come up with clever slogan, decide on your TWO Propaganda Strategies and how you are going to use them, and locate your Historical Images Monday, November 12: Create the art part of the Propaganda Poster Tuesday, November 13: Do a Pre-Write for the paragraphs Wednesday, November 14: Type out the paragraphs. Thursday, November 15: Edit and make any last minute corrections to both parts. Due on Friday, November 16, 2012