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Guiding principles- WES-Net and State Chapters: -. (5 Ws- What; Why; When; Where; Who; and……..How) A new way of - Complementing-n- Collaborative partnerships & cohesive efforts Operate by N etworking, associations, coordination between Govt.’-CBOs-Pvt.
Guiding principles- WES-Net and State Chapters:- (5 Ws- What; Why; When; Where; Who; and……..How) • A new way of -Complementing-n- Collaborative partnerships & cohesive efforts • Operate by Networking, associations, coordination between Govt.’-CBOs-Pvt. • Function thru.’ interaction, participation and sharing between stakeholders • Pooling of knowledge (e.g. experiences/ best practices) is purely voluntary • Collate information, analysis and dissemination to users, all voluntary • Suggest appropriate and affordable (also technological) solutions and processes • Facilitate WASH services deficit planning (e.g. tribals) and training needs • Encourage involvement of CSR/ Corporate partnership (MDG 8) • Create a pool of young talented RD/ WASH practitioners - thru.’ Internship and Research fellowships with Govt.’, donors & CSR committed participation
Strategy: • A stronger focus to retrieve knowledge/ work, being / already done • Adopt to a regional/ state focus- thru.’ state chapters • Draft TOR and establish working group • Promote dialogue, debates and discussions- in the public domain • Convergence with the field realities- identifying thematic/ research issues • Explore the use of different types of partnerships and collaborations • Explore role of the corporate socially responsible private sector partners • Knowledge dissemination- thru.’ conferences, events, publications, E- tools, Advocacy and campaigns • Networking to facilitate e.g. by Mapping training needs & training institutes • Reinforcing and strengthening WES-Net core competences by clear separation of role as a knowledge hub, and as a research organization
WES-net activities: • Streamlining and OD of WES-Net India at States, national levels • Knowledge (best practices and experiences) hub and action research network , and advocacy - National and regional/ state activities-dialogue crucial/ critical issues - Thematic and Action Research - Coordination, communication, dialogues, events and debate - Developing Knowledge products –support policy & implementation - Advocacy • Facilitate Training & capacity building thru.’ networking& coordination; • Advisory support” on thematic/ research issues to stakeholders
Activities State Chapter- : Thru,’ • Appoint a coordinating mechanism at WES-Net state chapter/s • Launch drive to expand membership base at states/ regional level • Draft/ agree on operational modalities/ strategy for WES-Net chapter • Agree on region/ statesaction plan for until end 2012-Establish events calendar • Establish Core groups (thematic , technical, policy, impl., research & advocacy) • Database of organizations/stakeholder in Jharkhand • Initiate debate and dialogue on most critical-crucial sectoral issues
Cond...........Activities State Chapter- : • Analysis of state WASH sector Gaps and challenges • Identify priority areas for action research and research coordination, thematic and capacity building • Review state DWS /agencies plans, strategy, policy, sector messages & research to suggest modifications • Mapping of training/ capacity building needs & training organizations • Organize/ initiate events of learning alliances & lobbying- by co-branding / co-funding
OUTCOMES-thru.’ partners networking and sharing • Capture for dissemination/ replication-WASH best practices/ experiences in the state • Suggest practical solutions to the WASH crucial & critical issues. • Address capacity building training needs of the WASH sector (based on TNA by state DWS) • Assist policy makers and practitioners- suggest policy and program based strategic recommendations Thru.’ • Preparations, publications and presentations on regular basis- - Position papers-2#,- Research articles-2#,- Fact sheets-2 #, - Policy briefs-2#,- Best Practices-2#, - Sector messages-3# (W&S&H) and compile into an annual compendium: • Contribute thru.’ / to quarterly newsletter and e-discussion platform