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中國少年賣腎買 iPhone. David Liman. A teenage high-school student in China sold his kidney for an illicit transplant operation and used the proceeds to buy an Apple iPhone and iPad , state press said. 中國國營媒體說,中國一名高中生賣腎供給違法移植手術使用,並將賣腎所得用來購買蘋果公司的 iPhone 與 iPad 。.
中國少年賣腎買iPhone David Liman
A teenage high-school student in China sold his kidney for an illicit transplant operation and used the proceeds to buy an Apple iPhone and iPad, state press said. • 中國國營媒體說,中國一名高中生賣腎供給違法移植手術使用,並將賣腎所得用來購買蘋果公司的iPhone與iPad。
The 17-year-old boy, who was paid 22,000 yuan , was recruited from an online chatroom and is now suffering from kidney failure and in deteriorating health, the Xinhua news agency said. A surgeon and four others have been arrested and are facing charges of illegal organ trading and intentional injury. • 新華社報導,這名17歲少年看到網路聊天室召募而賣腎,收了2萬2000人民幣,他現在腎衰竭,健康狀況惡化。一名外科醫師與另4人已被逮捕,可能被控違法買賣器官與蓄意傷害。
The kidney donor, only identified by his surname Wang, agreed to the April 2011 operation in the central province of Hunan without his parents consent, the report said. One of those detained was a hard-up gambler who acted as a middle-man between a hospital worker and the teenager. He was paid 220,000 yuan. • 報導說,這名王姓捐腎者,在2011年4月未經父母允許在湖南同意接受手術。被捕的其中一人是手頭拮据的賭徒,他擔任醫院與少年的仲介,收取22萬人民幣。
Health ministry statistics show that about 1.5 million people in China need transplants, but only around 10,000 transplants are performed annually. The huge gap has led to a thriving illegal market for organs. • 中國衛生部統計顯示,中國約有150萬人需要器官移植,但每年實際進行的移植手術只有約1萬起,供需的落差導致非法器官買賣市場盛行。
Questions • What did he use the money for? • What is happening to this teen now that he sold his kidney? • How did he meet the people that bought his kidney?
Source • http://tw.news.yahoo.com/%E4%B8%AD%E5%9C%8B%E5%A4%A7%E9%99%B8-%E5%B0%91%E5%B9%B4%E8%B3%A3%E8%85%8E%E8%B2%B7iphone-5%E4%BA%BA%E8%A2%AB%E6%8D%95-002610528.html