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iPhone / iPad Application Development. Wildnet Technologies Pvt Ltd. F - 314, Sector 63, Noida (UP) INDIA Phone : +91-120-4533500 Email : contact@wildnettechnologies.com www.wildnettechnologies.com. Wildnet Technologies iPhone/iPod/iPad Application Development.
iPhone / iPad Application Development Wildnet Technologies Pvt Ltd. F - 314, Sector 63, Noida (UP) INDIA Phone : +91-120-4533500 Email : contact@wildnettechnologies.com www.wildnettechnologies.com
Wildnet Technologies iPhone/iPod/iPad Application Development We are a professional iPhone/iPad application development company in Noida, India offering custom applications development for the most popular mobile device of today's age, Apple iPhone, iPod and iPad. We go beyond offering services in customized iPhone 4 App development and apple iPhone game design and development. Our expert team of mobile app developers offers their years of experience in creating wide spectrum of iPad and iPhone applications which are highly interactive and offers great user experience. We have dedicated team of iPhone/iPad app programmers. You can hire dedicated iPhone app developer. Also, learn more about iPhone Games / Mac Games Development. We also provide customized iPhone/iPad App Development Services for Apple's revolutionary tablet device "iPad" which is also known as Apple iTampon or iPad Tablet PC. Contact us NOW! For iPhone web applications and custom iPhone apps development with the new iPhone iOS 4.2 and iPhone SDK 4.0.
Wildnet design & development team has been creating many iPhone/iPod/iPad applications. We have experience building Social Networking, gaming, Quiztest, Entertainment, non-profit and database driven applications. Working through each phase of development from defining a scope of work to rigorous testing and app deployment, Wildnet project managers are well versed in making sure our projects finish on time, in budget, and within scope. Common Features in Mobile Applications: • Unlimited Image Scrolling • GPS Locationing • Touch Screen Utilization • Push Notifications • Text, Web, and E-mail integration • Picture & Video Taking/Manipulation • Database Synching • Web Services • XML Parsing Introduction
Our Development Process • Kickoff Meeting: Our team members meet/communicate with your staff to gain a greater understanding of the entire project, and set guidelines & expectations. • Content & Materials Gathering: Here the Scope of Work is created; all content, assets, and images are gathered; additionally access to any necessary databases is obtained. • Wireframe Creation: Black & white depictions of your app are created, including the placement of text and images; the overall flow of your app is designed as well. • Application Design: Our designers build the skin for you app, what it will look like, what fonts will be used, and what graphics will be displayed. • Development & Integration: Wildnet in-house development team work on the creation of your app, build hooks to any necessary databases, integrate web services, & perform rigourous testing. • Project Sign-off, Launch, & Marketing: Once all is set with your app, Wildnet helps to make sure your app is successfully launched, as well as published on stores like Android Market and Apple Store.
Operating system: iOS Tool: Xcode Programming language: objective-c Architecture: client/server Communication between server and client: XML Database: SQLServer2005/Mysql/SqlLite/Oracle/MsAccess We use following technologies/Tools:
Aposio iPhone Application
Aposio - iPhone Application Introduction:The Application is Location Based Application and user can check-in the pins,Images,Videos and Audio from any place. User can also send messages, comments to other users. User has to register himself to use this application. Application has five Tabs 1.Pins 2.Pics 3.Video 4.Audio 5.PM(Private Message) This application uses L.B.S. (Location Based Services). User can record his void or select some audio files from library. He can take Pics from Camera or from PhotoLibrary.He can Record a video or select a video from library. He can send Private Messages to friends.Can get Information about the locations.
Splash Screen : This is Splash Screen.This Screen shows either Name or logo of the Application.This is always the first to be displayed. Location Detection : The application is detecting user's current location. User can select “OK” to allow application use his current location and select “Don't Allow” if he does not want to do so.
Registration : Here is the Registration Screen. User has to register himself to use this application. He will use AposioID and Password to login to the Application. Registered users can simply login with their AposioID and Password. Login Screen : After user is registered, he fills up the ID and password and presses the “Sign In” button to Login.
Pins Screen : This Screen shows the pins posted by users from location shown with each post. The User's name is in Blue Color and the title of post is in Black bold. If you click on any row, you get the details. You can create new Post/Pin by clicking “New pin” button right at the top. New Pin Screen : This is “New Pin/Post” screen. You can set Title of Post. You can describe the post in detail.
Pics Screen : This is Pics Screen .This screen shows all the pics with comments and location .You can get the details by tapping on the rows. Video Screen : This is Video Screen .This screen shows all the videos with comments and location .You can get the details by tapping on the rows.
Audio Screen : This is Audio Screen .This screen shows all the audios with comments and location .You can get the details by tapping on the rows. Private Message screen : This is Private Message Screen .This screen shows all the messages sent as Private to the user with date and time .You can get the details by tapping on the rows.
PIXCRAMBALE iPhone Application
PIXCRAMBLE - iPhone Game Application Introduction - PIXCRAMBLE an iPhone game application is a kind of puzzle game where user can take a picture either from the camera or from the iPhone photo library. On shaking the iPhone the picture gets distorted or gets changed into a picture having different parts at different places. Now it is the job of the user/player to fix the mixed up picture parts into its original position. There is the counter which counts the no. of moves the user has taken to complete the puzzle. Download on iTunes:: http://itunes.apple.com/in/app/pixcramble/id376614284?mt=8
1- Splash Screen : This is Splash Screen when we will tap the application icon. 2 - Welcome Screen : This is welcome screen you will get the pixcramble logo and the loading icon on it.
3 - Accessibility Options : This is the option Screen you can choose that How to play the game : You will get the playing method ,Play now : You can go for play the games and in Setting option you can set the counting mode, random mode and no. of blocks. 4 - How to play the game : When you will select the how to play option you will get he way for play the game.
5 - Game setting page : In setting page you can set the number of blocks for playing of an image and the count moves for so the counting in the corner and the random mode for selecting randomly a picture. 6: Screen after selecting play now option : In this screen you can play the game when you will shake the iphone the block will be changed in mismatch image and you have to match the image through sliding the image blocks.
7 - Picture loaded from the library : In this screen you can get the image from the phone library for match. First shake the iphone and then match the image through slide the blocks.
QATest iPhone Application
QATest – iphone Application Introduction : This project is for Testing the skills on some topics. The Test has some Categories which have chapters. Each category has some chapters. Each Chapter has some questions. Once user successfully gives the answer to each question the Result is shown. From Result Page user can go back to Categories Page or Chapter Page . Download on iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/in/app/passqfa/id436326945?mt=8 Guidelines: 1 .There are many categories. User can select any of them and start the Test. 2 .Now user gets the list of Chapters in selected Category. User can select any chapter. 3 .User now gets the First Question and four answers to this question. Only one of these answers is correct. 4 .User has to select correct answer and move to next question .Until he selects correct one he cannot move to next question. 5 .After user has answered all questions, he goes to result page which shows the performance of user in that chapter. 6 .User can opt for next Category or next chapter and start the test again.
Splash Screen : This is Splash Screen. This Screen shows either Name or logo of the Application. This is always the first to be displayed. Categories : This is the second screen. This screen has some categories which can be increased/decreased at run time. User can select any category and start the test.
Chapters : Here user gets some chapters which he has to select for the test. He can select any chapter and start the test. You see user chose “Investment” category in previous screen. Question Answer : Here user get the question and answer. Every question has four answers one of them is correct. If User selects correct answer he moves to next question otherwise an alert is shown .You can see the name of chapter at the navigation Bar right at the Top.
Wrong Answer Selection : This screen shows the alert when user selects wrong answer. To choose next answer click ”Try Again” and choose next answer. Result Screen : Here is the result screen. you can see selected chapter had 20 questions. User selected 9 correct answers out of 20.There are two buttons user can go to next chapter or next category and again start test.
Meetirvine iPhone Application
Meetirvine- iPhone Application Introduction - Meetirvine is a social networking iPhone application specially for Irvine city. Here anyone can register in a particular community category. After logging in to application an user can see all posting posted by users of application, user can post a reply over that post even can start new post as well as can send a message to a member and can check his/her messages in messages section. Download on iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/in/app/passqfa/id436326945?mt=8
Splash Screen : This is very first screen after loading the application. Here a person can be register or login to view the application. Login : This is Login screen from where an user can enter in the application to use the application.
Community Feed : After login in to the application user comes on this screen also called a community feed section. Here an user can post new message or can see the post of other members even able to see the comments on the particular post. Neighbor Section : This is neighbors section, here a list of all neighbors or can say all members of application.
Profile : This is profile section of member, here a user can see profile of any member's of application. Neighbor Profile : The same thing as earlier , from here an user able to send a private message to that member or can visit his most recent posts.
Message Section : This is messages section here an user can check his private messages and can reply. Wants & Needs : This is wants and needs section , here any member can start a new post regarding the needs or wants like home rent, tutor etc.. so that interested member can contact you.
Help This is Help section where an user can learn about the application features and service and how to use etc...
Hyundai Argentina iPad Application
Hyundai Argentina - iPad application Introduction - The Hyundai Argentina Motor iPad application let the user to get information of the Hyundai seven cars. The user of the application can select a car heaving different colors available. User can check for the car specification. Application user can also visit the Hyundai Facebook official fan page. If user wants to send its reviews or comments the user can do it via Email button option, user also can check the price of any car from the price list page (lineup page bottom right). Download on iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/in/app/hyundai-motor-argentina/id434604150?mt=8
1 - Splash Screen : This is the Starting screen of the app.
2- Main Screen : Main Screen is the first screen of the app, on this screen 7cars of Hyundai on the screen. When we click on any of these car the full view will open.
3 - Front Page : When user click on i10 car from main screen then the Front view Page (Full View) has open.
4- Car Color Selection Page : When User scroll the Front View page the next page will be Color Selection page, on this page user can select any color which are appear on that view below the car and can view car in that color.
5- Blue Selected Car : For Example user has select blue color then the car view like same.
6- Technical Info Page : When user scroll the color selection Page the next Page will be Technical Info Page, in this cars technical information is there.
7- About Us Page : This View will appear when user click on about us button which appear on each page (except Line Up Page) on bottom left.
8- Face Book Page : Hyundai Argentina FaceBook page will appear when user click on FaceBook button which appear on each page (except Line Up Page) on bottom left.
9 – Email Page : Email Page will appear when user click on Email Page button which appear on each page (except Line Up Page) on bottom left.
10 – LineUp Page : LineUp Page will appear when user click on LineUp button which appear on each page (except LineUp Page) on bottom left. User can see all the view from the LineUp page.
11- Price List Page : Price List Page will appear when user click on price List button which appear on bottom right on LineUp Page. In this list user can check the price of the car.