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Discover the role of cultural capital in shaping family dynamics and social hierarchies. Analyze your upbringing and its impact on personal development. Uncover the interplay of different forms of capital - economic, social, and symbolic.
Introductiontosociology Sociological thinking about life courses College of Sociology, Rikkyo University Tokyo, Japan April-May, 2016 Henk Vinken, PhD Isabelle Diepstraten, PhD Class 5 April 26, 2016
Family culture This class Isabelle and I will present key issues relatedtothe concept of family culture Afterthis class youwillreflect on your life story fromthe perspective of family cultures and add more lines on ittoyour paper andbringitto next class (see last slides) Class 5 April 26, 2016
Family culture But first http://www.thesociologicalcinema.com/videos/wife-swap-class-and-cultural-capital Class 5 April 26, 2016
Family cultures: the basics Focus on therole of cultural (besidessocialandeconomiccapitaltransferredandattainedby members in the family Culturalcapitalreferstothefamily’s skills and attitude togain access to resources thatexpressone’scultivation: visible in thelanguageyouspeak, manners, your sense of taste in food, clothing, interior design, carbrands, etc., your lifestyle. Culturalcapitaltellsyou (andtheothersaround) whereyou are from, from a highly or lesshighlycultured family background Culturalcapital is thedesiredcapitalbythecultural elite in a society: what is highlyvaluedandwhatnot is determinedby elites Class 5 April 26, 2016
Different forms of capital Culturalcapital: havingthe skills and attitude togain access tothewhat is regarded ‘cultured’ Socialcapital: havingthe skills and attitude togain access to a lot andthe right sort of friends, e.g. friendsthatcan help you out in differtentdomains in life (job, legal, medical, otherinfluentialnetworks) -> later class on soccialnetworks Economiccapital: havingthe skills and attitude togainincome, toyield assets Symboliccapital: the different forms of capitalbecomeobservable in someone’s lifestyle: visible taste markers Class 5 April 26, 2016
High economic capital High status & Conservative High cultural capital High status & Progressive The V-shapedrelationship of culturalandeconomiccapital Middle class: identityseekerstryingto do the ‘right’ thing/imitate high class sum of cultural and economic capital ← low high → Little cultural, Little economic capital Low status: Aimed at what is functional Not per se what is ‘right’ No imitation of ‘right’ taste ← nadruk op cultureelkapitaalnadruk op economischkapitaal→ ! Social capital: enables you to increase economic and cultural capital And transfer the one in the other Source: Bourdieu (1979) Distinction Class 5 April 26, 2016
Talkingabout (effects of) culturalcapital Addtheanswerstothe below questionstoyour paper Life trajectoriesand life orientationsdepend on past and present networksandthecapital of these networks Parentalculturalcapital is thekey predictor of kid’s school succes: kidswith low culturalcapital background take muchlongerto go through/rise in theeducational system Whenyouwere 12 yearsold What was theeducation level andprofession of yourparents? Whatculturalpossessions (books, art, etc.) didthey have? What kind of culturalactivitiesdidtheyparticipation in? How wouldyoudescribetheir lifestyle/taste? Andtoallquestionsabove: where do you stand now, are youvery different? Class 5 April 26, 2016
Talkingabout (effects of) culturalcapital Low levels of mixingbetweenpeoplewith different culturalcapital Do yourparents have friendsfromvery different culturalcapital levels? Do you? Whatdid a ‘normal’ weekend look like whenyouwere 12 yearsofage? What kind of thingsdidyou do andwithwhom? Whatdidyoueat? Whatdidyou talk about? Which ‘life sayings’ wereyoutaught? Class 5 April 26, 2016