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Exploring Brain Gate Technology: A Revolutionary Seminar

Dive into the innovative Brain Gate System presented by Assistant Professor G. Kirubasri, covering its development, working principle, BCI types, applications, advantages, disadvantages, and future scope. Learn about this mind-to-movement system allowing users to control gadgets using thoughts. Understand how Brain Gate monitors brain activity to convert intentions into computer commands for paralyzed individuals. Discover the history behind BCIs, the Brain Gate model, and the technology's working principle, components, and forms. Explore the software algorithms and cutting-edge advancements in Brain Gate technology.

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Exploring Brain Gate Technology: A Revolutionary Seminar

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  1. Seminar On Brain Gate Technology Presented by G.Kirubasri Assistant Professor Department of CSE PSNA College of Engineering and Technology, Dindigul.

  2. CONTENT • Introduction • Development • Working Principle • Types of Brain Computer Interface(BCI) • Application • Advantages • Disadvantages • Future Scope • Conclusion

  3. Introduction- Brain gate System • It is a mind-to-movement system that allows a quadriplegic man to control a computer using his Thoughts. • The system is to help those who have lost control of their limbs, or other bodily functions, such as patients with spinal cord injury to operate various gadgets such as TV, computer ,lights, fan etc. • It monitors brain activity in the patient and converts the intention of the user into computer commands • This can be used o control a robot arm or a cursor on a screen

  4. What is Brain gate? • Brain gate is an electrode chip which can be implemented in the brain. • The goal of the Brain Gate Program is to develop a fast and reliable connection between the brain of a severely disabled person and a personal computer. • The ‘Brain Gate’ device can provide paralyzed or motor-impaired patients a mode of communication through the translation of thought into direct computer control.

  5. A Model of Brain Gate System

  6. HISTORY • Research on BCIs has been going on for more than two decades, but recently there has been a dramatic increase in working experimental implants. • John Donoghue and his team of Brown University researchers formed a public traded company, Cyberkinetics. The goal was to commercially design a brain computer interface , the so called Brain Gate.

  7. DEVELOPMENT Brain Gate is a brain implant system developed by the bio-tech company Cyber kinetics in conjunction with the Department of Neuroscience at Brown University. Nicholas Halso

  8. Brain Computer Interface A Brain computer interface called as direct neural interface or brain machine interface is a direct communication pathway between human or animal brain and an external device. • “BCIs” usually connects the brain(or nervous system) with a computer system • Based on the communicative pathway BCI is classified as follows • One way BCI • Two way BCI

  9. Basic Elements of Brain Gate • The chip: A four-millimeter square silicon chip studded with about 100 hair-thin microelectrodes is embedded in the primary motor cortex-the region of the brain responsible for controlling movement. • The connector: When somebody thinks ‚move cursor up and left his cortical neurons fire in a distinctive pattern the signal is transmitted through the pedestal plug attached to the skull.

  10. The converter: The signal travels to an amplifier where it is converted to optical data and bounced by fiber optic cable to a computer. • The computer: Brain gate learns to associate patterns of brain activity with particular imagined movements up, down, left, right and to connect those movements to a cursor. • Cerebus 128 channel neural Data Acquisition system(DAG).

  11. Neuro chip Chip uses 100 hair-thin electrodes that ‘hear’ neurons firing in specific areas of the brain.

  12. Cerebus System Front End Amplifier

  13. WORKING PRINCIPLE • Brain Gate uses a sensor that is implanted onto the motor cortex of the brain

  14. WORKING PRINCIPLE • The principle of brain gate neural interface system is that which intact with brain function, neural signals generated are interpreted by the systems and a cursor is shown to the user on a computer screen that provides an alternate “Brain Gate pathway". The user can use that cursor to control the computer, just as a mouse is used.

  15. WORKING • The Brain Gate neural interface device is a propriety brain-computer interface that consist of an Inter neural signal sensor and External Processors. • The sensor consists of a tiny chip containing 100 microscopic electrodes that detect brain cell electrical activity. • The chip is implanted on the surface of brain in the motor cortex area that controls movement.

  16. WORKING (CONT…) • External Processors convert neural signals into an output signal under the users own control. • In the pilot version of the device, a cable connects the sensor to an external processor in a cart that contains computers. • The computers translate brain activity and create the communication output using custom decoding software.

  17. Three forms of BCI • Invasive • Partially Invasive • Non Invasive

  18. INVASIVE Implanted directly into the brain during neurosurgery.

  19. PARTIAL INVASIVE Implanted inside the skull but rest outside the brain

  20. NON INVASIVE • Electro encephalography(EEG) • Magneto encephalography (MEG) • Hat Allows Computer Control By thought..

  21. Working Algorithm

  22. Software behind Brain Gate • The computers translate brain activity and create the communication output using custom decoding software. • System uses adaptive algorithms and pattern- matching techniques to facilitate communication. • The algorithms are written in C, JAVA and MATLAB.

  23. APPLICATIONS Typing words by mind

  24. RESEARCH ON ANIMALS Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh had demonstrate on a monkey that can feed itself with a robotic arm simply by using signals from its brain to carryout the movement. At first ,rats were implanted with BCI. Signals recorded from the cerebral cortex of rat to operate BCI to carry out the movement.

  25. A boon to the paralyzed Mathew-Nagel the first person to use the brain computer interface to restore functionality lost due to paralysis

  26. Mathew Nagle’s Statement : “I can't put it into words. It's just—I use my brain. I just thought it. I said, "Cursor go up to the top right." And it did, and now I can control it all over the screen. It will give me a sense of independence.” Nagle, a 25-year-old quadriplegic, the first human fitted with the Brain Gate Neural Interface.

  27. Controlling robots by thoughts alone

  28. Control the Robotic Arm • The person who is physically Handicapped and not able to do any movement of body parts, so that person can use BrainGate to move the Robotic Arm. • Hutchinson, 58, is the first almost-fully paralyzed person to maneuver a vessel to her mouth and drink from it and she's completed that action solely using her mind. • Nov. 2016, Doctors from Netherlands have performed the first ever brain implant on a 58-year-old paralyzed woman • Neuroscientist and lead researcher of this project was Nick Ramsay.

  29. APPLICATIONS • In classification of EEG signal. • In multimedia communication. • In evaluation of spike detection algorithms. • Actuated control of mobile robot by human EEG. • As a brain controlled switch for asynchronous control. • In evaluating the machine learning algorithms.

  30. ADVANTAGES • Controlling remote devices • Making and receiving telephone calls • Accessing the internet. • Turn on or off the lights • Control robotic arm • Watch and control television • Use the pc • Locking or unlocking doors • Motorized wheelchair

  31. DISADVANTAGES • Expensive • Risky Surgery • Not Wireless yet • Difficulty in adaptation and learning. • Limitation in information transform rate. The latest technology is 20 bits/min.

  32. Brain Gate Research in India • In India basic brain science research is conducted only at NBRC Manesar and IISC Bangalore by some students. • Although many work on closely related research involving similar Neural Data Analysis Techniques applied on EEG, EMG signals for neuroscienctific investigations. • In 2016, PESIT-Bangalore south campus, students made a project of mini wheelchair by just focusing on a set of boxes flickering on the screen using BCI application. • In recent, Dr. C. Kesavadas(Professor at SCTIMST Trivandrum) involved in research on BCI collaborated with Germany and Turkey under the new INDIGO partnership program.

  33. Further concerns.. • Emphasis should be on improving the information transform rate. • Stronger algorithm should be implemented. • Smaller ,wireless device . • The user will have an improved control of respiratory system, limb with muscle stimulation or robotics

  34. CONCLUSION • The invention of Brain gate is such a revolution in medical field. • The remarkable breakthrough offers hope that people who are paralyzed will be able to independently operate artificial limbs, computers or wheelchairs. • Paralyzed people move by controlling their own electric wheelchairs, communicate by using e-mail and Internet-based phone systems, and be independent by controlling items such as televisions and thermostats. • Finally BRAIN GATE has proved to be a boon for paralyzed patient • This technology is well supported by the latest fields of Biomedical Instrumentation, Microelectronics, signal processing, Artificial Neural Networks and Robotics which has overwhelming developments. Hope these systems will be effectively implemented for many Biomedical applications.

  35. Thank You

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