All students new to GRCC who are enrolled in a degree seeking program are required to complete a college learning success course, either PY 097 (Strategies for College & Life Success for students with two or more developmental placements) or CLS 100 (Introduction to College: New Student Experience). Students not placing into PY097 who possess a mastery of the content offered in CLS 100 may attempt a Challenge Exam for CLS 100. Passing this exam will exempt a student from the course. Students must complete the course requirement their first semester of classes taken at GRCC. A degree-seeking student who has already successfully completed 12 or more credits of college-level courses at another college or university or has received GRCC transfer credit for these courses will not be required to complete CLS 100 or PY 097. Draft Policy Statement for FYE
Students who complete CLS 100 are retained at higher levels Students make connections with faculty and other students in CLS 100 Students don’t do optional A Word from those who Teach CLS 100
Students who complete CLS 100 are retained at higher levels Students make connections with faculty and other students in CLS 100 Students don’t do optional Some Last Thoughts
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