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Reducing Climate Change Impact on Agricultural Biodiversity

This project focuses on minimizing the effects of climate change on sustainable agricultural biodiversity. Efforts include water conservation, conversion of open irrigation systems, monitoring water quality, promoting conscious agriculture practices, and raising awareness about climate change.

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Reducing Climate Change Impact on Agricultural Biodiversity

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  1. EuropeAid/138406/ID/ACT/TR • “İklim değişikliğinin; Sürdürülebilir Tarımsal Biyolojik Çeşitliliğiüzerine olan etkisinin azaltılması Projesi” Contracting Authority: Central Finance and Contracts Unit Capacity Building in the Field of Climate Change in Turkey Grant Scheme (CCGS) WP5 WORKHOP RESULTS

  2. ClimateChange: WaterWorkingGroup 1

  3. ClimateChange: Agriculture& LivestockWorkingGroup 2

  4. ClimateChange: AwarenessWorkingGroup 3

  5. WaterWorkingGroup 1 • Efforts should be made to minimize the amount of water used in agricultural areas by automation. • In order to disseminate the underground irrigation system, trainings should be given to farmers (certification programs) and financial support should be provided.

  6. WaterWorkingGroup 1 • The works to convert open irrigation systems to closed systems should be continued by DSI. • As the amount of precipitation decreases, groundwater and surface water levels decrease and cause water quality deterioration. Therefore, projects related to monitoring water quality should be supported.

  7. WaterWorkingGroup 1 • It is necessary to establish a water usage map throughout the country by carrying out joint studies in which all institutions are together. • Legal arrangements and inspections related to irrigation ponds used by farmers are required.

  8. WaterWorkingGroup 1 • The measures to be taken for the protection of water resources should be monitored by the general administrations and the relevant authorities should be established. • Research on reuse should be supported where water is used and rewarding applications should be made for the highest reuse of wastewater.

  9. WaterWorkingGroup 1 • Support should be given to establish rainwater collection systems and to establish technological infrastructure. • Controls regarding the uncontrolled use of groundwater should be increased.

  10. AgricultureandLivestockGroup 2 • Topromoteanddisseminateactivities in Mersin Provinceforthepromotion of consciousagricultureandanimalhusbandrypractices • Tominimize theincrease of temperature in thisregionwithurbanization, zoningplansneedto be scientificallyandacademically done.

  11. AgricultureandLivestockGroup 2 • Takingnecessarymeasurestoprotecttheareasthatwill be neededforagricultureandlivestockagainstthedevelopment of energyandindustrialzones, • Determinationof agricultureandstockbreedingpoliciesbyprovince, planningthesepolicieswiththerelevantinstitutions (municipalities, universities, chambers, NGOs, etc.),

  12. AgricultureandLivestockGroup 2 • Increasingtheforestareasduetothereduction of thecarboncausingtheclimatechange, professionalmeasuresshould be taken on theimprovement of defectiveareas, determination of pastureareasandprevention of theiruseoutsidetheintendeduse, • Providingresearchandsupportfortheconservation of forestareas, reduction of theuse of woodrawmaterialsandthecreation of drought-resistantforest.

  13. AgricultureandLivestockGroup 2 • Developingpolicies on theplanning of agriculturalandanimalproductionsuitableforclimatechange, • Toprotectthefeedingandbreedingareas of theMediterraneanmonksealsandseaturtles, especially in thewildlifeprotectionareas (marine, wetlandandterrestrial) duetothetemperaturechangesduetoclimatechange, • Disseminationof pesticidecontrolscausingdeaths of fishandbeespecies.

  14. AwarenessWorkingGroup 3 • Awareness studies should be begun from children, training and activities should be carried out in coordination with schools. • Periodicactivitiesshould be organized in whichfamilies can participatewiththeirchildren.

  15. AwarenessWorkingGroup 3 • Practicalstudies (such as a hobbygarden) should be carriedout in schoolsandotherlivingareas. • Itshould be ensuredbylocalgovernmenttheperiodicallypublicspots on organicagricultureandclimatechange.

  16. AwarenessWorkingGroup 3 • Trt Radio and TV will be able to create awareness about the subjects. • Recycling should be done in a rewarding and encouraging way. • Shoppingcenters, busstops, billboardsshould be usedforclimatechangeawarenessactivities. Responsibilityshould be in localauthorities.

  17. AwarenessWorkingGroup 3 • Projects can be announced by users who are phenomena on social media. • Organic agriculture supportive grant etc. applications need to be implemented quickly.

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