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Day 2. Understanding Module, Module Bundler, Module Loader Using WebPack Angular2 Project Setup from Scratch Understanding Angular2 Core Concepts Communication Between Components. What is Type Script? - Review. TypeScript = JavaScript + Types. Data Types in TypeScript - Review.
Day 2 Understanding Module, Module Bundler, Module Loader Using WebPack Angular2 Project Setup from Scratch Understanding Angular2 Core Concepts Communication Between Components
What is Type Script? - Review • TypeScript = JavaScript + Types
Data Types in TypeScript - Review • Primitive Types • string • number • boolean • Special Types • any, void • Array Types • [ ] • Array • Function Types • Function • Object Types • { }
Modules • Starting with the ECMAScript 2015, JavaScript has a concept of modules. TypeScript uses this concept. • Modularity deals with the process of breaking up complex systems into small, self contained pieces that can be managed easily. • Modules allows you to organize your code. • Module contain a set of Classes, Interfaces, etc., based on common operation like String Manipulation Module or Math Module etc. • Modules are executed within their own scope, not in the global scope; this means that variables, functions, classes, etc. declared in a module are not visible outside the module.
Using Modules • The relationships between modules are specified in terms of imports and exports at the file level. • export keyword: In order to avail an Interface or Class or a function to a different TypeScript module you need to expose it using the export keyword. • import keyword: In order to access Class or an Interface of different module we need import it. • Each file is a module OR a module is in a file
Hands On Example • Create Different Modules in separate file • Create module1.ts to export • Point and • Point3D • Use Point and Point3D from oopdemo.ts file. • Importing Module Members in another TS module file import {Point} from "./module1" • import {Point, Point3D} from "./module1“ • Importing all members import * as flow from “./module1”
Module System Styles • There are multiple standards for how to define dependencies and export values: • CommonJS, AMD, UMD, RequireJS • Modules should be executed on the client, so they must be transferred from the server to the browser. • There are two extremes when transferring modules: • 1 request per module • All modules in one request • Modules are imported using a module loader. • At runtime the module loader is responsible for locating and executing all dependencies of a module before executing it. • Well-known modules loaders used in JavaScript are the WebPack, SystemJS.
Web Pack • Web pack takes care of loading modules and it also bundles all our code into a single file, so that browser can load it in a single http request. • Module bundling is the process of combining a group of modules along with their dependencies together into a single file (or a bunch of files). • Install webpack to the project npmiwebpack –S
Hands On Demo – Web Pack • In js folder, create app.js, child1.js, child2.js, grandchild.js files with console log messages in each file. • Create webpackdemo.html • Using dependencies in app.js file, use require() function to refer dependencies. • The app.js is dependent on child1.js and child2.js, In app.js const c1 = require("./child1.js") const c2 = require("./child2.js") console.log("This is APP Message") • child2.js depends on grandchild.js, in child2.js file const gc = require("./grandchild.js"); console.log("This is Child 2 File Message")
Hands On Demo • In web page, refer app.js <script src="scripts/app.js"></script> throws an error • Module Dependencies and Bundling • Bundle JS files node_modules\.bin\webpack js\app.js js\mybundle.js • Refer mybundle.js file in webpage and verify the output.
WebPack with TypeScript • Webpack supports only JS code. • But, we are using TS, so we need an additional package for that. • Web pack uses loaders to load different files. • Install ts-loader package. npm i ts-loader –D
Hands On - Webpack Configuration File • Create webpack.config.js file in project folder module.exports = { entry: "./ts/oopdemo.ts", output: { path: __dirname+”/dist", filename: "appbundle.js" }, module: { loaders: [{test:/\.ts$/, loader:'ts-loader' }] }, resolve: { extensions: ['.js', '.ts'] } } • Create and Run web pack as NPM Task Runner"webpk": "webpack --watch",
Web Pack Configuration File • Webpack will read a file webpack.config.js . This file should export the configuration object. • Configuration Object properties • entry: The entry point for the bundle. The string is resolved to a module which is loaded upon startup. • output: tell Webpack how to write the compiled files to disk. • output.filename: determines name of the output file on disk. • output.path: determines the location on disk the files are written. • module.loaders: An array of automatically applied loaders. • test: used to match the file extension. A condition in RegExp • loader: A string of loader. The loader is resolved relative to the resource which they are applied to. • resolve.extensions: An array of extensions that should be used to resolve modules.
Hands On Example • Comment app.js reference in home page. • Refer appbundle.js in home page • Verify the output.
Working with Other JS Libraries • To use the libraries not written in TypeScript such as jQuery, AngularJS, KnockoutJS etc.., we need to declare the API that the library exposes. • We just need to have TypeScript definition file for the library available. • Typically, these are defined in .d.ts files. • Typings is a package typescript uses to understand how the external libraries are used. • Typings basically is going to tell typescript all about these packages here that way typescript can give code hinting tells methods whichever libraries we are going to use.
Decorators • Decorators in typescript are used to describe more information about a class or method or property or a data member. • Decorator is a function that adds meta data to a • Class • Its members or • Its method arguments • Prefixed with an @
Angular2 Application Development • Angular is an open-source JavaScript framework developed by Google has been designed with modern web standards. • Using Web Storm IDE • Create a new Empty Project day2project • Create Home Page i.e. index.html
Angular2 Project Dependencies • These dependencies provide functionality for our Angular2 that make our apps better. • es6-shim: Adds es6 features to browsers that don't have them • zone.js: An execution context. Helps with change detection and showing errors. Provides stack traces. • reflect-metadata: Polyfill for decorator metadata. Used to apply decorators to our code. • rxjs: Libraries that help create asynchronous data streams. Gives us Observables. The Angular 2 http library uses these heavily. • WebPack: We can load different modules across different files in our browser • Typescript: Allows us to apply types, oop features in app development. • Ts-loader: Helps to transpile and bundle TS file with webpack.
Hands On Example • Install Angular2 Project dependencies npm i es6-shim reflect-metadata zone.js rxjs webpack typescript ts-loader –S • We need to install the typings (Type Definitions) for es6-shim library. npm install @types/es6-shim -S • Let’s organize our TS files in our project src folder and transpiled files in dist folder. • Create src folder in project and • Create main.ts file in src folder
TS Configuration File • Create Type Script Configuration File { "compilerOptions": { "module": "commonjs", "target": "es5", "noImplicitAny": false, "sourceMap": false, "noEmitOnError": true, "rootDir": "src", "outDir": "dist" } }
WebPack Configuration File • Create webpack.config.js file module.exports = { entry: "./src/main.ts", output: { path: "./dist", filename: "app.bundle.js" }, module: { loaders: [{test:/\.ts$/, loader:'ts-loader' }] }, resolve: { extensions: ['.js', '.ts'] } }
Hands On Example • Modify Home Page i.e. index.html <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <title>First Angular App Example</title> </head> <body> <app-root>Angular is Loading. Please Wait...</app-root> <script src="dist/app.bundle.js"></script> </body> </html>
NPM Task Runner • Create package.json file • Install lite-server and concurrently as Dev Dependency and save in package.json file. • Define task runners for webpack and lite-server "scripts": { "webpk": "webpack --watch", "lite": "lite-server", "start": "concurrently \"npm run webpk\" \"npm run lite\" " }, • npm start • Run the application in browser and verify Console. • Kill the NPM start.
Angular2 Framework API • Angular is an open-source JavaScript framework developed by Google has been designed with modern web standards. • Visit: angular.io • Angular2 is a framework for all types of apps • Web Apps • Mobile Apps (Hybrid) • Desktop Apps • Angular API is organized in the form of modules. • A module is a collection of related classes, interfaces, decorators, services etc..,
Angular Modules • Angular2 Application requires following modules. • @angular/core • @angular/common • @angular/compiler • @angular/platform-browser • @angular/platform-browser-dynamic • In command prompt, install the above packages in our project npm install @angular/core @angular/common @angular/compiler @angular/platform-browser @angular/platform-browser-dynamic -S
Structure of Angular2 Application • Angular2 application is a set of components. We design and build each component individually and then stack them nicely to create our application. • We design each component to work with the others ultimately provide user experience. Constructing an Angular2 Component • Import External Modules • Add Meta Data • Create the Class
Creating a Component • As per convention, each component will have .component.ts file app.component.ts • Define a class AppComponent export class AppComponent { } • Decorate the class with built-in @Component decorator @Component({ }) export class AppComponent {}
TS Config file Settings • emitDecoratorMetadata: Emit design-type metadata for decorated declarations in source • experimentalDecorators: Enables experimental support for ES decorators. {"compilerOptions": { "module": "commonjs", "target": "es5", "sourceMap": true, "rootDir": "src", "outDir": "dist", "noEmitOnError": true,"experimentalDecorators": true,"emitDecoratorMetadata": true}}
Hands On Example - Component • Provide meta data with two parameters: • selector and • template. • The selector parameter defines the tag to be used for the instance of the component on the html page. • And template defines the html content that will be displayed for the component. @Component({ selector: “app-root",template: “ <h3>Welcome to Angular2 Application</h3>” })
Using the Component • To use component in angular2 app, we need to do TWO things • Need to create a angular module • And then we need to bootstrap it • In main.ts file • The module is a way we can encapsulate all of the different components of our application into one central location. • Define NgModule Decorator • imports: Any other modules we need to use BrowserModule here. • declarations: this is going to be components that we are using in our app • bootstrap: We need to use core component we need to use
Hands On Example • Create app.module.ts file in src folder, and import required libraries for Angular2 Application import {NgModule} from "@angular/core" import {BrowserModule} from "@angular/platform-browser" import {AppComponent} from "./app.component“ @NgModule({ imports: [BrowserModule], declarations: [AppComponent], bootstrap: [AppComponent] }) export class AppModule {}
Initializing Angular2 Application • Angular2 application startup or initialization process is called bootstrapping an application, which really means that we are going to use our application and started up in our browser. • To initialize our angular2 application, we need to use bootstrapModule(ModuleName); function. • The platformBrowserDynamic module contains the functionality to run our application in the browser and loading our templates dynamically. • It’s also use angular outside the browser, mobile apps / server apps that’s why we are using dynamic browser.
Hands On Example • In main.ts file import "reflect-metadata“ import "zone.js" import {platformBrowserDynamic} from "@angular/platform-browser-dynamic“ import {AppModule} from "./app.module"; platformBrowserDynamic().bootstrapModule(AppModule) • Start the npm task
Handling Iterable Error • Open the respective file and i.e. node_modules/@angular/core/src/change_detection/differs/iterable_differs.d.ts • add the following to the top of the file declare type Iterable<T> = any; • and it compiles now.
Passing Data to Template • Create a data member in Component Class export class AppComponent { pageHeading:string = “Wells Fargo" } • Interpolation: Use double-curly braces of interpolation, {{ and }} to bind data into the text between HTML element tags and within attribute assignments. • Bind the data member to View (Template) using {{ }} template: "<h1>{{pageHeading}}</h1>“ • Angular replaces that name with the string value of the corresponding component data member.
Hands On Example – External View • Splitting the application into smaller components is a good practice in Angular 2 • Create partials folder in your project • Create a new html file app.component.html <h1>{{pageHeading}}</h1> • Modify component meta data porperty to refer external html view.templateUrl: “partials/app.component.html“
Hands On Exercise • Create counter folder in src • Create a WebComponentcounter in counter.component.tsfile. @Component({selector: "counter",template: ` <h3>This is Counter Component Content</h3> `})export class CounterComponent {}
Hands On Exercise • Create counter.module.ts file in counter folder @NgModule({ declarations: [CounterComponent]})export class CounterModule { } • Use <counter> component in <app-root> component view. • Modify app.component.html <h1>First Angular2 Example</h1><hr><counter></counter>
Working with Child Components • Angular2 allows nesting a component inside another component. • The outer component is RootComponent / Parent Component and inner component is a Child Component. • We will create another component (Child Component) and we will see how to nest the child component inside the parent component.
Angular Modules • Angular Modules help organize the source code of an application. • An Angular Module is a class decorated with @NgModule decorator function. • Every Angular app has at least one module class, the root module. • We bootstrap that module to launch the application. • As the app grows, we refactor the root module into feature modules that represent collections of related functionality.
Working with Feature Module • Use CounterModule as dependency to AppModule imports: [BrowserModule, CounterModule], • The CounterComponent should avail to AppModule, export the CounterComponent from CounterModule. declarations: [CounterComponent], exports: [CounterComponent]
Hands on Exercise – Working with Model • Defining a Model • Create a data member count in CounterComponent export class CounterComponent {count:number= 0;} • Display count value in template • Multi Line Template: Typescript uses BackTick to work with multi line strings. • Interpolation Value of Count is {{count}}
Event Binding • Define a method incrementCounter() in CounterComponent incrementCounter():void {this.count++;} • Create a button in template to increase the counter. <button>Increase</button> • To bind a click event for button, use the parentheses syntax, (click) <button (click)="incrementCounter()">Increase </button>
Property Binding • Bind the count to textbox <input type="number" value="{{count}}"> • The [] square bracket notation here signifies a property binding. • The value is a property on the DOM object • To think about property binding in a simpler way, take element.value for example. • Applying Property Binding <input type="number" [value]="count">
Passing data into Angular2 Components • In AppComponent, Declare a data member myCount with value as 10 and display in template. export class AppComponent {myCount:number = 10;} • Initialize the myCount data for count property • We need to tell Angular what is coming into our component. • @Input decorator is used to recieve input details from parent component.
Hands On Example • Decorate count property with Input decorator @Input()count:number = 0; • We have to tell Angular the name of the property binding <counter [count]=“myCount"></counter>
Custom Property Names • We want property names to differ from the internal input names. <counter [count]=“myCount"></counter> • To <counter [init]=“myCount"></counter> • We’ve changed [count] to [init], so how does this now affect our internal input binding inside the CounterComponent? @Input('init')count:number= 0;
Passing Data from Child Component • Changes applied for count property when a button clicked, it should apply myCount in parent. • If the nested component wants to send information back to its container, it can raise an event. • The nested component exposes an event it can use to pass output to its container using the @Output decorator. • However, the property type must be an event. • An event is defined with an EventEmitter object. • The event property uses emit method to raise an event and pass our data as an argument.
Hands On Example • Passing data from Child to Parent @Output()myEvent= new EventEmitter(); • Emitting the event incrementCounter() {this.count++;this.myEvent.emit(this.count);} • Listening the event <counter [init]=“myCount" (myEvent)="onMyEvent($event)"></counter> • In App Component class define a method onMyEvent(val:number){this.myCount = val; }
Data Binding • Data-binding is an automatic synchronization of data between a View (HTML) and Model (data). • Angular Supports • One-way data binding: Model to View • Two-way Data Binding: Model to View and Vice-versa • Apply two way binding with HTML form elements. • Two-Way Data Binding • Using both property binding and event binding [(ngModel)] • <input [(ngModel)]=‘property name’> <input type="number" [(ngModel)]="count"> • Throws an Error