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RFA 17 – ISOC Tools. Specific Request The tools needed to run the LOF/SOG need to be specified. Response: See viewgraphs which follow and responses below. Which HK and science parameters will be monitored and in what way? Response:
RFA 17 – ISOC Tools • Specific Request • The tools needed to run the LOF/SOG need to be specified. • Response: See viewgraphs which follow and responses below. • Which HK and science parameters will be monitored and in what way? • Response: • ITOS will be used to monitor yellow and red limits for S/C and LAT housekeeping parameters (temperatures, currents, voltages, as detailed in LAT-TD-2905) and log messages for anomalies detected. • Trending software and ITOS Configuration Monitors will monitor HK data and log messages for anomalies detected. • Science data will be monitored at the Subsystem (e.g. ACD, TKR, CAL) and System (event) level by processes in the science data analysis pipeline, and messages indicating anomalies will be logged. • What actions would be taken based on the results seen with these tools? • Response: • The Anomaly Tracking and Notification System (ATNS, such as FASAT or SOF RXTE) examines the logs for events which it has been configured to notify users about. • ATNS notifies staff (two-way beepers, email) of problems so that they may take action. • If the notified staff do not respond to a significant anomaly, it is escalated and other staff automatically notified. • The automatically generated reports and logs may be viewed by staff from the web to monitor LAT status and performance. • How does the ISOC team know from a design perspective that the collection of the described I&T tools will function in the operations environment as an integrated system? • Response: • Newly developed software and tools adopted from I&T (such as the electronic logbook) will be tested against ISOC requirements and receive extensive operational use (e.g. during Mission Simulations) before launch. • Note also that the extent of expected use of I&T tools is small compared to use of existing tools such as ITOS. • Need lists of which software tools are required to achieve the ISOC’s requirements are needed. • Response: • ISOC tools have been identified based on examination of the ISOC level III requirements – see attached viewgraphs.
Requirements Mapped to Software • Reviewed all ISOC level III requirements • Identified which required software • Identified existing tools which satisfied all or part of reqt • Identified where new development needed
Requirements breakdown • Each requirement was identified as: • Procedural (non-software) 42 • Existing software (commercial or other well-established software -- i.e. implementation Done!) 291 • Under development by SAS(mostly done, refer to SAS for status) 43 • To be developed by others (I&T, FSW, ITOS) 21 • Remaining new development 91 total 488 • Some requirements map to multiple categories or SW tools, so total exceeds total number of level IIIs (395)