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Equal Pay Day 2012 in Europe . Equal Pay Day. Initiated by BPW i n 2008. Why does equal pay matter?. Closing the gender pay gap has benefits for employers and workers Creates quality jobs Attracts the best and most talented workers Creates a positive working environment
Equal Pay Day Initiatedby BPW in 2008
Whydoesequalpaymatter? • Closing the gender pay gap has benefits foremployersandworkers • Createsqualityjobs • Attracts the best and most talented workers • Creates a positive working environment • Increasesproductivityandcompetitiveness • Closing the gender pay gap makes the economy as a whole more profitable • Women play a vital role in Europe’s employment and growth • Their skills and talents are necessary for economic and socialdevelopment • Closing the gender pay gap can help to create a more equal society • Valuing women’s skills can improve their economic independence • Fewer women will be in poverty, particularly upon retirement
The HistoryofEqual Pay Day • Initiatedby BPW/USA in 1988 asthe“RedPurseCampaign“ • 2008 - Broughtto Europe by BPW Germany withthefirstEqualPay Day • Equal Pay DayexpandedthroughoutEurope in 2009/2010 • 2010 - International Awarenesscampaignby BPW International launched in New York at CSW • 2010 - EU organizesEqual Pay Day on 15 April (fixeddate) • 2011- EU followsthecalculationformularandorganizesthefirst European Equal Pay Day on 5th March 2011 (averagepaygapover Europe 17.5 %)
Equal Pay Day symbolizesthedayuntilwhichwomenhavetoworklongertoearnthe same salaryasmenearnedtheyearbefore. Equal Pay Day is a calculateddaydepending on thepaygapofeachcountry. The goalisthatEqual Pay day will beearliereachyearaccordingtothedevelopmentofthepaygap in thecountry. AtEqual Pay daythereareactivitiesandevents in eachcountrytoraiseawarenessforthis still existingpaygap. WhatisEqualPay Day?
Howtocalculatethedate(figuresofSwitzerlandasexample) Dates ofthefirst EPD countries in 2011 • * Depending on numberofholidays in thecountry
The Goals ofEqual Pay Day • Raisingawarenessandmobilization • To force governments and companies to change their gender policy • Making the “unknownand illegal“ paygap a topic in themediaand in thecompanies • Through mediacoveragethepaygapbecomesa subjectofpublicdiscussion • The goalis: Equal Pay Day will beearliereachyearasthepaygapdecreasesorevendisappears.
On Equal Pay Daywomenandsupportingmenweara redbag Redstandsforrednumbers. Theredbagstandsforrednumbersin women‘spockets. The symbolofEqual Pay Day: A Redbag France Spain Germany Italy
The Logo • Red numbers on our paychecks • Less income below the line • Red numbers in women´s pockets • Designed by Natalie Schommler from Germany, available free of charge for non-commercial use
Events& Activitiesby BPW in Europe Italy Italy Austria Spain • Info stands and events in pedestrian zones or shopping centers • Duringlunch break women, equippedwith a redbag, meetin a restaurantorgotothecantine • Duringthe“unhappy hour” cafes, bars, restaurants and retailers offer a rebate of xx % for women equivalent to the pay gap in the country
Events & Activitiesby BPW in Europe Switzerland Estonia France • Shops decorate their windows with red bags • Workshops for salary negotiations • Equal Pay Day on TV in the news • Serving dishes on the street
Events& Activities in Europe (2) Poland Switzerland • Letter to 1500 CEOs toinformthemaboutequalpaytoolsfortheircompanieslikeequalsalary • Panel discussions with high level speakers • Award for best Equal Pay Posters at schools • Promote andwatchthe film «Wewant Sex (Equality)» togetherat a localcinema
Equal Pay Day in thepress High mediacoverage in thelocaland national press in the countries.
Equal Pay Day Webpages Germany A Web pageis an importanttooltoprovidedetailedinformationforthegeneralpublic, themediaandourmembers • Forwomenandmenaboutthetopic“Equal pay for equal Work!” • AboutthebackgroundEqual Pay Day • Aboutcauseandeffectofthepaygap • Overviewof regional events • Contactpersons • Q&A aboutsalarynegotiations • Articlesandbooksaboutequalpay • Press articlesand press reviews • Links toministries, salarycalculators, etc.
Webpage examples Estonia France Austria
Tools forcompanies • Therearetoolsin some countries toanalysethesalariesofwomenandmenwithincompanies(withmorethan50 employees) • ForExample • EqualSalary (in Switzerlandtobepaid) • Companies receivecertificationandlabel • Logib (in Switzerlandand Germany forfree) • Encourage companies to use these tools to reduce the pay gap internally and to become an attractive employer for women!
Deliveringstatistics: GenderPayGap in the countries This isimportantfor countries wherenoofficialstatisticsexist.
What action has the EU taken? Under EU law it is illegal to discriminate against women at work and in their pay: • Equal pay for equal work is one of the European Union’s founding principles • Article 141 of the Treaty calls for equal pay for work of an equal value • The Directive 75/117 provides that the principle of equal pay means, for the same work or for work of equal value, the elimination of all discrimination on grounds of sex with regard to all aspects and conditions of remuneration. In particular, where a job classification system is used for determining pay, it must be based on the same criteria for both men and women and so drawn up as to exclude any discrimination on grounds of sex • The 2002 Directive on equal treatment as regards access to employment, vocational training and promotion, and working conditions also applies to pay and requires Member States to establish Equality Bodies to promote equal treatment • These Directives have been incorporated into a single Directive 2006/54 (The Recast Directive) on equal opportunities and equal treatment in employment and occupation
EU genderpaygapcampaignand material Information and material fromthe EU canbedownloadedon thiswebpage: http://ec.europa.eu/justice/gender-equality/gender-pay-gap/index_en.htm
The gender pay gap across the lifecycle • Stereotypes shapewomen'sand men's roles in society, starting at a very early age • Whilstthismayreflectpersonal preferences, traditionsandstereotypes mayinfluence, forexample, the choice of educational paths andemploymentpatterns http://ec.europa.eu/equalpay These Posters canbedownloadedfrom EU webpage.
The gender pay gap across the lifecycle • Women and men still tend to work in different jobs. Women often work in sectors where wages are, an average, lower than those dominated by men • The gender pay gap exists even though women represent as many as 59% of all university graduates • Women's skills and competences are under-valued especially in those occupations where women predominate
The gender pay gap across the lifecycle • Women’sopportunitiesforprogressionandhigherpayin the workplace are affected bytheirfamilyresponsibilities • The gender pay gap widens whenwomenhavechildren, andparticularlywhentheyworkpart-time • The employment rate for women with dependent children is only 62.4% comparedwith 91.4% for men with children. More thanthree-quartersofpart-time workersarewomen (76.5%)
The gender pay gap across the lifecycle • The gender pay gap reduces lifetimeearningsandwomen'spensions • When women retire their lower pensions mean higher risk of poverty
Equal Pay Day in Europe initiatedby BPW (2008 – 2011) Equal Pay Day in 17 countries uptonow. Numberofactivitiesincreasedeveryyear.
Equal Pay Day activitiesshowresults! Those countries whostartedearly, nowseetheprogress (Germany, Austria, Switzerland) Pay gaphasbeenreduced in these countries after 3 - 4 yearsandEqual Pay Day isearliernow. Equal Pay isregularly in themedia in the EPD countries andawarenesshasincreased.
Equal Pay Day shows positive developments after 3 years These 3 countries startedveryearlywiththecalculateddateofEqual Pay Day.
GoodpracticesforEqual Pay Day The creativityforcampaignsandactivities in ourfederationsisamazing. The morecreativetheyare, themoreinterestingtothemedia. Campaignswithhumorareveryattractiveforthemedia (France, Estonia). Financial supportissometimesgrantedby a ministryortheEU. Cooperation with other women organisations, trade-unionsand trade associations (Germany) Promote Equal Pay togetherwiththe WEPs (principleno. 2)
Organize Equal Pay Day Events 2012 in your country! • Fora “Equal Pay Day” all over Europe!!! • Promote to wear a red bag at your Equal Pay Day • Inform us about your planned activities and announce them on your website. • Send us pictures and text for the European website Together we can make the change!
ContactsandfurtherinformationconcerningEqual Pay Day and BPW Pleasereplacethiswithyour national contactdetails. Sabine Schmelzer Regional Coordinator Europe coordinator@bpw-europe.org www.bpw-europe.org