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eTwinning: a digital touch in teacher training

eTwinning: a digital touch in teacher training. Klaudia Klára Tvergyák Educatio Public Services Non-profit Ltd. eLearning Directorate. About eTwinning. The community for schools in Europe.

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eTwinning: a digital touch in teacher training

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  1. eTwinning: a digitaltouchinteachertraining Klaudia Klára Tvergyák Educatio Public Services Non-profit Ltd. eLearningDirectorate

  2. AbouteTwinning The communityforschoolsin Europe • The eTwinning actionpromotesschoolcollaborationin Europe throughtheuse of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) byprovidingsupport, tools and servicestomakeiteasyforschoolstoformshortorlongtermpartnershipsinanysubjectarea. • Launchedin 2005 asthe main action of theEuropean Commission’seLearning Programme, eTwinning has beenintegratedintheLifelongLearning Programme since 2007. • Studentsfrom 3 to 19 years and theirteachersfromdifferenteducationalinstitutionsfrom Europe canparticipateinit.

  3. About eTwinning over 5,000activeprojects (Europe)Hungary: over 500 over 94,000registeredusers (Europe) Hungary: over 1,100 • ItsCentralSupport Service is operatedbyEuropean Schoolnet, an internationalpartnership of 26 Ministries of Education developinglearningforschoolsacross Europe • FurthersupportedatnationallevelbyNational SupportServices – in HungarybytheeLearningDirectorate of Educatio Public Services Non-profit Ltd. • 32 European countries(27 EU countries + Croatia, Iceland, Macedonia, Norway, Turkey)

  4. About eTwinning • The eTwinning portal(www.etwinning.net) is the main meeting point and workspacefortheaction. Itprovidesonline toolsforteacherstofindpartners, start projects, shareideas, exchangebestpractice and mainlyto start workingtogetherimmediatelyusingvariouscustomizedtoolsavailableonthe eTwinning platform. • The portal has threelayers: thepublicpageswithinformationavailableforeveryone, theDesktop (forregisteredusers) and theTwinspace (workingareaforprojects) • Tools: search, profiles, forum, mailbox, chat, wiki, blog, photogallery • The Hungarian eTwinning portal(www.etwinning.hu) is mainlyforcommunicatingevents and news

  5. About eTwinning • no administration • newpartnershipsfromall over Europe • flexibilityintiming and project work • QualityLabels • Competitions and Awards • partner findingseminars (RDWs) and professionaldevelopmentworkshops (PDWs)

  6. eTwinning inteachertraining • theHungarian National Support Service (Educatio’seLearningDirectorate) launched a 30-hour accreditedteachertraining programme in 2009. • part of theHungariansystemofteachers’ professionaldevelopment (120 hoursinevery 7 years) • it is advertisedthroughourmailinglists and web pages • in 2010 cca. 8 times, about 16 peoplein a group • mainlyheldin Pilisborosjenő (closeto Budapest), attheTeacherTraining Centre • 3 dayslong • no participationfee • accomodation and mealsfor free • basic ICT skillsarerequired • verypopular

  7. eTwinning inteachertraining the 3-day longcourse is mainlycomposed of: • an insightintothe eTwinning programme • an insightinto eTwinning bestpractice • Web 2.0 toolsforcollaborativework • Trainingforregistering and starting a project work • basicelements of making a presentation • settingup a project idea

  8. eTwinning inteachertraining • Educatio’seLearningDirectoratealsodecidedtocooperatewithsometeachertraininghighereducationsin Hungary todevelop a teachingmaterialaboutinternational project workforteachertrainees and teacherassistanttrainees • cooperationwith: • Eötvös Loránd University of Budapest (lectureson eTwinning as part of a bigger unit; heldbyourelearningexperts) • University of Szeged (a wholesemesteroninternational project work, mainlyon eTwinning: registering, settingup a project, bestpractice, Web 2.0 tools; heldby 2 representatives of theHungariansystemof National Ambassadors, altogether 6 inthe country)

  9. eTwinning teachertraining 12-14 July 2010 ,Tiszafüred

  10. Thankyouforyourattention! www.etwinning.hu www.etwinning.net

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