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:jfutd ;fj{hlgs lgdf{0f M s/f/ ;Demf}tf k|zf;g / ljjfb Joj:yfkg ;'/]z k|wfg g]kfn k|zf;lsg k|lzIf0f k|lti7fg )&%=!@=@%. k|:t'tLsf ljifoM ;Demf}tf k|zf;gsf k|d'v kIfx?. s/f/ ;Demf}tf, hdfgt / s/f/sf cfjZos tTjx? s/f/ ; Demf}tfsf sfof{Gjog kIf sfof{Gjogsf ljz]if cj:yfx? M
:jfutd\ ;fj{hlgs lgdf{0f M s/f/ ;Demf}tf k|zf;g / ljjfb Joj:yfkg ;'/]z k|wfgg]kfn k|zf;lsg k|lzIf0f k|lti7fg)&%=!@=@%
k|:t'tLsf ljifoM ;Demf}tf k|zf;gsf k|d'v kIfx? s/f/ ;Demf}tf, hdfgt / s/f/sf cfjZos tTjx? s/f/ ;Demf}tfsf sfof{Gjog kIf sfof{Gjogsf ljz]if cj:yfx? M • ;do lgoGq0f M Dofb yk • nfut lgoGq0f M e]l/o;g cfb]z , k'j{ lgwf{l/t Ifltk"lt{, d'No ;dfof]hg • u'0f:t/ lgoGq0f M q'6L ;Rofpg] cjlw, u'0f:t/ k/LIf0f • s/f/ ;dfKtLsf cfwf/x? • ljjfb Joj:yfkg • sfo{;DkGg k|ltj]bg • s/f/ k|zf;gsf] sfof{Gjgdf Wofg lbg'kg]{ kIfx?
s/f/sf] cfwf/ / bz{g -Philosophy of Contracting_ • vl/b ug]{ lgsfo / s/f/sf] csf]{ kIf -Contractor_ ;dfg ;fem]bf/ -Partner_ • ;dtf / :jR5tf -Fairness_ • kf/blz{tf -Transparency_ • k]zfut k|s[of jf k|0ffnL -Approach_ • k|To]s s/f/ cl4tLo -Unique_ 5 eGg] s'/f hfGg' kb{5 • cfk;L xLt . kmfO{bf / ;dfgtfsf] cfwf/df x'g'kg]{ • ;fj{hlgs lgsfo / 7]s]bf/ b'j}n] zt{x? kfngf ug{ ;xdt ePsf] x'g'k5{ / csf]{ kIf;+u s/f/ cg';f/ sfo{;Dkfbg ug]{ u/fpg] clwsf/ /xG5
Contract and Essential Elements • A Contract is an agreement between two or more parties whereby each party promises to do, or not to do, something: • a transaction involving two or more individuals, whereby each has reciprocal rights to demand performance of what is promised. (Friedman, Jack P., Dictionary of Business Terms Page 123) • Agreement :Consensus ad idem – meeting of minds • Offer on one side and acceptance on the other • Acceptance must be made before the offer has expired. • Exchange of a promise for a promise or act • Adequacy of Consideration is left to the contracting parties themselves. • Valid and Binding
vl/b ;Demf}tf ug'{kg]{ km'6s/ vl/b afx]s cGo vl/b ubf{ vl/b ;Demf}tf ug'{ kg]{ • km'6s/ vl/b M ? ! nfv eGbf a9L vl/bdf ;Demf}tf ug'{kg]{ vl/b ;Demf}tf cfjZos x'g] cj:yf M • ;f]em} vl/b -? ! nfv b]lv % nfv;Dd_ • b/efpkq tyf af]nkq -qmdzM @) nfv / ;f] eGbf a9L /sd_ • k/fdz{bftfsf] ;DaGwdf k|:tfj -;f]em} vl/b ? % nfv;Dd, k|fljlws / cfly{s k|:tfj dfu u/L ? @) nfv;Dd / ;f] eGbf a9L /sdsf] nflu k|:tfj dfu kq - Request For Proposal_ ;Demf}tfsf zt{x? M af]nkq jf l;naGbL b/efp kq jf k|:tfj kmf/fddf sfdsf] k|s[lt cg';f/ s/f/ ;Demf}tfsf zt{x? ;dfj]z ug'{ kg]{
vl/b ;Demf}tfdf ;fdfGotM pNn]v ug'{kg]{ zt{x? -bkmf %@_M • -s_ vl/b ;Demf}tfsf kIfx?sf] gfd / 7]ufgf, kmf]g, km\ofS; gDa/ / ;Demf}tf sfof{Gjogsf nflu ;Dks{ /fVg] JolQm, • -v_ vl/b ;Demf}tfsf] sfo{ If]q, • -u_ vl/b ;Demf}tfdf /x]sf lnvtx?sf] ljj/0f / k|fyldstfsf] qmd, • -3_ sfo{ ;Dkfbg tflnsf, • -ª_ cfk"lt{ ;do, sfo{ ;Dkfbg ug'{ kg]{ ;do jf Dofb yk ug{ ;lsg] g;lsg] Joj:yf, • -r_ vl/b ;Demf}tfsf] /sd jf ;f] lgwf{/0f ug]{ tl/sf, • -5_ dfn;fdfg, lgdf{0f sfo{ jf ;]jf :jLsf/ x'g] zt{x?, • -h_ ljb]zL d'b|fsf] e'QmfgL nufot e'QmfgLsf zt{ / tl/sf, • -em_ sfa' aflx/sf] kl/l:ylt -kmf]z{ d]h/_, • -`_ d"No ;dfof]hg ug{ ;lsg] eP ;f]sf] Joj:yf, -6_ vl/b ;Demf}tf ;+zf]wg / e]l/P;g cfb]z hf/L ug{ ;lsg] eP ;f]sf] Joj:yf, • -7_ aLdf cfjZos ePdf ;f] ;DaGwL Joj:yf, • -8_ cfjZos kg]{ hdfgt, • -9_ lgwf{l/t cjlwdf sfo{ ;Dkfbg x'g g;s] afktsf] k"j{ lgwf{l/t Ifltk"lt{ -lnlSj8]6]8 8\ofd]h]h_, -0f_ lgwf{l/t cjlw eGbf cufl8 g} sfo{;Dkfbg ePdf lbg] af]g; ;DaGwL Joj:yf, • -t_ vl/b ;Demf}tf /2 ug{ ;Sg] Joj:yf, • -y_ ;a sG6«ofS6 ug{ ;lsg] jf g;lsg] Joj:yf, -b_ ljjfb ;dfwfgsf] ;+oGq, • -w_ nfu" x'g] sfg"g, / • -g_ tf]lsP adf]lhdsf cGo s'/fx? .
sfo{;Dkfbg hdfgt -Performance Guarantee_ 9fFrf M sfo{;Dkfbg hdfgt af]nkq;DaGwL sfuhftdf pNn]v ePsf] 9fFrfdf eP gePsf] k/LIf0f ug'{ kg]{ sfo{ ;Dkfbg hdfgt /sd M af]nkqdf pNn]v ePg';f/sf] /sd x'g' kg]{ vl/b ;Demf}tfdf /sd gv'Ng] M o:tf] ;Demf}tfsf] xsdf ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] af]nkq ;DaGwL sfuhftdf tf]sL lbPsf] sfo{;Dkfbg hdfgt k]z ug'{ kg]{ sfo{;Dkfbg hdfgtsf] dfGo cjlw M ;Demf}tfdf plNnlvt dfn;fdfg cfk"lt{ jf x:tfGt/0f ug{' kg]{] clGtd cjlw jf k|Tofe"lt -jf/]G6L_ sf] cjlw jf lgdf{0f sfo{sf] q'6L ;Rrfpg] bfloTj -l8km]S6 nfolalnl6h_ sf] cjlw eGbf sDtLdf Ps dlxgf a9L cjlwsf] x'g' kg]{ k|lt k|Tofe"lt M ljb]zL a}Ín] hf/L u/]sf] sfo{;Dkfbg hdfgt g]kfndf :yfkgf ePsf] s'g} jfl0fHo a}Ín] k|lt k|Tofe"lt -sfp06/ Uof/]G6L_ u/]sf] ePdf dfq dfGo x'g]
Contract Administration: Major Elements Scope : Outcome/output Time Control : Update of the Program , . Extension of the Intended Completion Date, Management Meetings, Contractor shall warn the Project Manager at the earliest opportunity of specific likely future events or circumstances Cost Control : Unit Rate contract ( the Bill of Quantities ) shall contain priced items, Changes in the Contract Price, Variations, Cash Flow Forecasts, Payment Certificates, Payments, Compensation Events, Tax,Price Adjustment, Retention, Liquidated Damages, Bonus, Advance Payment, Day works, cost of repairs
Contract Administration: Major Elements... Quality Control : Identifying defects, Tests, Correction of Defects Force Majeure: Release from Performance Finishing the Contract : Completion, Taking Over, Final Account, Operating and Maintenance Manuals -as built drawings, Termination (Commencement, Progress, Abandon), Fraud and Corruption, Blacklisting
s/f/ ;Demf}tf k|zf;g -lgod !!!_ sfo{ jf ;'k'b{uL cjlw -Work and Delivery Schedule_ sf] cfwf/df 7]s]bf/ / cfk"lt{stf{ kl/rfng ePsf] x'g' kg]{ vl/b ;Demf}tfdf pNn]lvt cjlwleq s/f/ ;Demf}tfsf] sfd z'? ug'{ kg]{ -h:t} &, !% lbg jf cGo pko'St ;do_ • pNn]lvt ;do leq sfd z'? gu/]df s/f/ e+u klg x'g ;Sg] vl/b ;Demf}tf ePkl5 a}7s -kf]i6 la8 sGkm|]G;_ ug]{, ;Demf}tf sfof{Gjog 6f]nL u7g ug]{, ;Demf}tf sfof{Gjog ;DaGwL sfo{ of]hgf / sfo{tflnsf tof/ ug{], ;do tflnsf cg';f/ sfd z'? ug{ kqfrf/ ug'{kg]{ dfn;fdfgsf] s/f/ ;Demf}tfdf e'StfgLsf] dfWod k|ltt kq eP cfk"lt{stf{sf] gfddf k|ltt kq vf]Ng] Joj:yf ug]{
;Demf}tf k|zf;gdf cfjZos Joj:yfx? -lgod !!!_ ladf ;DaGwL Joj:yf M • lgdf{0f sfo{ M ;Demf}tf /sd, d]lzg/L dfn;fdfg, t]>f] kIf , sd{rf/Lx? • k|ltt kqsf] dfWodaf6 vl/b ubf{ M dfn;fdfg vl/bdf l;=cfO{=kL= -Sofl/h P08 OG;f]/]G; k]8 6''''''_ d"Nosf] sDtLdf !!) k|ltzt /sd a/fa/sf] uf]bfdb]lv uf]bfd;Dd o'4, x8tfn / cfuhgL ;d]tsf] ;a} hf]vLd Aoxf]g]{ u/L aLdf u/fpg' kg]{ ;Demf}tf sfo{fGjogsf] k|ult cg'udg ug]{ / u'0f:t/ lg/LIf0f / k/LIf0f ug]{ vl/b ;Demf}tfsf] x]/km]/, e]l/Pzg cfb]z, d"No ;dfof]hg, vl/b ;Demf}tf lgnDjg jf cGt, sfo{ ;DkGg k|df0fLs/0f, e'QmfgL cflbsf] Joj:yfkg ug]{, ljjfb pTkGg eP ;dfwfgsf] pkfo ckgfpg], ;Demf}tf pNn+3g ePsf]df ;Demf}tfdf plNnlvt pkrf/ ;DaGwL Joj:yf cg';f/ sf/afxL cl3 a9fpg], ah]6 / nfut n]vf -s:6 PsfpG6LË_ , ljQLo kIfsf] Joj:yfkg ug]{, ;Demf}tf sfof{Gjog;Fu ;DalGwt sfuhft l;nl;nfa¢ / Jojl:yt 9+un] /fVg], ;Dkfbg ePsf] sfd :jLs[t ug]{, / cfjlws k|ltj]bg Ps tx dflysf] clwsf/L ;dIf k]z ug]{ .
lgdf{0f:yn tyf :yndf kx'Fr Possession of the Site: The Employer shall give possession of all parts of the Site to the Contractor. If possession of a part is not given by the date stated in the SCC, the Employer shall be deemed to have delayed the start of the relevant activities, and this shall be a Compensation Event. Access to the Site : The Contractor shall allow the Project Manager and any person authorized by the Project Manager access to the Site and to any place where work in connection with the Contract is being carried out or is intended to be carried out.
;Demf}tfsf] cjlw yk ;DaGwL Joj:yf -bkmf %^_ vl/b ;Demf}tfdf pNn]v x'g'kg]{ M vl/b ;Demf}tfsf] cjlw yk ;DaGwL Joj:yf ;DalGwt vl/b ;Demf}tfdf pNn]v eP adf]lhd x'g] tf]lsPsf] cfwf/df cjlw a9fpg ;Sg] M sfa" aflx/sf] kl/l:ylt, ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] pknAw u/fpg' kg]{ s'/f pknAw u/fpg g;s]df jf cGo dgfl;a sf/0faf6 vl/b ;Demf}tfsf] cjlw ga9fO{ gx'g] ePdf ;Demf}tf k|fKt ug]{ JolQmsf] lgj]bg adf]lhd clwsf/ k|fKt clwsf/Ln] tf]lsPsf] cfwf/df cjlw a9fpg ;Sg]
vl/b ;Demf}tfsf] cjlw yk ug{ ;lsg] -lgod !@)_ vl/b ;Demf}tfadf]lhdsf] sfdcjlwleq k"/f ug{ g;lsg] ePdf;DalGwtlgdf{0fJoj;foL, cfk"lt{stf{, jf k/fdz{bftfn]]] sf/0fv'nfO{ vl/b ;Demf}tfsf] Dofb ;lsg' sDtLdf |;ft lbgcufj} cjlwyksf] nflulgj]bglbg' kg]{ lgj]bgk|fKtePkl5clwsf/ k|fKtclwsf/Ln] lgDgadf]lhdcfjZoshfFra'emug{ jf u/fpg ;Sg] M -s_ ;DalGwtपक्षले vl/b ;Demf}tfadf]lhdsf] sfd;do d} ;DkGgug{ e/ dUb'/ k|of; u/]sf] lyof] jflyPg < v_ lgof]Stfn] ;Demf}tfadf]lhdpknAw u/fpg' kg]{ s'/f pknAw u/fPsf] lyof] jflyPg < -v !_ bkmf ^& s adf]lhdsfuhftlemsfPsf] sf/0faf6sfddfl9nfO{ ePsf] xf] jfxf]Og , / -bkmf ^& s M vl/b sfo{sf] 5fglagug]{ k|of]hgsf] nflusfuhftlemsfpFbfvl/b sf/jfxLcufl8a9fpgafwfgkg]{ u/L lemsfpg' kg]{ , P]gsf] k|yd ;+zf]wg_ -u_ sfa'aflx/sf] kl/l:yltsf] sf/0faf6sfddfl9nfO{ ePsf] xf] jfxf]O{g .< • sf/0fdgfl;a b]lvPdf 5 dlxgf;Ddsf] cjlwaf]nkq :jLs[t ug]{ clwsf/Ln] / ;f] eGbfa9Lsf] cjlwljefuLok|d'vn] ykug{ ;Sg] dfldnfM hltklg Dofb yk ug{ ;lsg] ls g;lsg] <<<
Extension of Time (EoT) (Cl. 27) Extend the Intended Completion Date • If a Compensation Event occurs or • a Variation is issued which makes it impossible for Completion to be achieved by the Intended Completion Date without the Contractor taking steps to accelerate the remaining work, which would cause the Contractor to incur additional cost. The Project Manager shall decide whether and by how much to extend the Intended Completion Date within 21 days of the Contractor asking the Project Manager for a decision upon the effect of a Compensation Event or Variation and submitting full supporting information. If the Contractor has failed to give early warning of a delay or has failed to cooperate in dealing with a delay, the delay by this failure shall not be considered in assessing the new Intended Completion Date.
k"j{ lgwf{l/t Ifltk"lt{ -Liquidated Damage_-lgod !@!_ ;Demf}tfdf k"j{ lgwf{l/t Ifltk"lt{sf ;DaGwdf b]xfosf] Joj:yf ug{ ;lsg] M cfk"lt{stf{sf] l9nfO{sf] sf/0fn] ;Demf}tfdf tf]lsPsf] Dofbdf sfd ;DkGg x'g g;s]df ;Demf}tf /sdsf] bz k|ltztdf gj9\g] u/L ;fwf/0ftof k|lt lbg ;Demf}tf /sdsf] z'Ggf bzdna z'Ggf kfFr -)=)%_k|ltzt k"j{ lgwf{l/t Ifltk"lt{ lbg' kg]{ t/ lghsf] sfa' aflx/sf] kl/l:ylt k/L jf s'g} ulNt jf x]nr]S¥|ofO{ geO{ sfo{;Dkfbg jf cfk"lt{ ug{ l9nf ePdf To:tf] Ifltk"lt{ ltg{ gkg]{, / k"j{ lgwf{l/t Ifltk"lt{ ltb{}df ;DalGwt cfk"lt{stf{ vl/b ;Demf}tf adf]lhdsf] sfo{ ;Dkfbg ug]{ bfloTjaf6 d'Qm x'g g;Sg] . dfldnf M Ps cfk"lt{stf{n] l;+xb/af/sf] Ps dGqfnonfO{ eStk'/sf] snfTds O{6f cfk"lt{ ug]{ s/f/ ;Demf}tf u/]sf]df kf}if d;fGtdf a'emfpg' kg]{ O{6f a'emfpg g;s]sf] cj:yfdf t/fO{ aGbsf] sfa" aflx/sf] kl/l:yltsf] sf/0fn] ;dodf cfk"lt{ ug{ g;s]sf] egL lgj]bg lbPsf] 5, o; cj:yfdf ;f] cfk"lt{stf{nfO{ Ifltk"lt{ ltg{ gnufO{ Dofb yk ug{ ldN5 ls ldNb}g <
Variations in Contracts Variation literally means change, alteration, modification • Variations are the result of unforeseen circumstances in the implementation and administration of a contract. • Variations allow: • Change and alterations to the Contract • Execution of unforeseen works Origin of variations Variations should be in writing Work can be omitted, but it cannot be done through other contractor during the operation of the contract.
Causes of Variations • Increase or decrease in quantity indicated in the BOQ (without change in scope /design) • Omission of any such work in the BOQ • Change in scope of work • Compromise of design improvement • Mainly due to shortage/ availability of additional fund • Time Extension • General items need to be varied • Change in sequence or timing of Construction • Time constraint for new contract Technical reasons • Change of design and specification • Change in level, lines, position and any dimension of any part of the work (design parameters) • Additional work • additional requirement due to further investigation/information • inadequate/ faulty design • Change in site conditions • natural phenomenon • further deterioration of existing condition • due to time lag between design & execution
Effects of Variations • Increase or Decrease in volume and nature of work • Satisfactory completion of the Contract • Effect on Project Cost • Effect on Time of Completion of the Contract • Claims • Compensation Events • Disputes Cost Time
vl/b ;Demf}tfubf{sf] avtk'jf{g'dfgug{ g;lsPsf] kl/l:ylt ;f] ;Demf}tfsfof{Gjogsf] qmddfl;h{gf e} e]l/Pzgcfb]z hf/L ug'{ kg]{ ePdftf]lsPsf] k|lqmof k"/f u/L hf/L ug'{ kg]{ lgdf{0fsfo{sf] e]l/Pzg k|dfl0ft ug'{kg]{ ljj/0f M -s_ lgdf{0fsfo{sf] 8«O{Ë, l8hfO{g tyf :k]l;lkms]zgcflbabNg' kg]{ jfgkg]{ / abNg' kg]{ ePdflgdf{0fsfo{sf] cfwf/e"tk|s[ltjf If]q kl/jt{g x'g] jfgx'g] s'/f -v_ e]l/P;gkl/df0fsf] k|fljlwsk'i6\ofO{ / sf/0f -u_ nfutcg'dfgdfk|efjkfg]{ eP;f]sf] k|ltzt -3_ :jLs[t ah]6 tyfsfo{qmddf k/] jfgk/]sf] s'/f dfn;fdfgjfcGo ;]jfsfo{sf] e]l/P;g k|dfl0ft ug'{kg]{ ljj/0f M dfn;fdfgjfcGo ;]jfsf] 8O{u, l8hfO{g tyf :k]l;lkms]zgcflbabNg' kg]{ jfgkg]{ / abNg' kg]{ ePdfTo:tf] dfn;fdfgjf ;]jfsf] cfwf/e"tk|s[ltjf If]q kl/jt{g x'g] jfgx'g] s'/f e]l/Pzgkl/df0fsf] k|fljlwsk'i6\ofO{ / sf/0f nfutcg'dfgdfk|efjkfg]{ eP ;fsf] k|ltzt :jLs[t ah]6 tyfsfo{qmddf k/] jfgk/]sf] s'/f e]l/Pzg M lgod !!*
vl/b ;Demf}tf ubf{sf avt k"jf{g'dfg ug{ g;lsPsf] kl/l:ylt >[hgf ePdf ;f]sf] :ki6 sf/0f v'nfO{ e]l/Pzg cfb]z hf/L ug{ ;Sg] e]l/P;g cfb]z kRrL; -o; cl3 kGw| _ k|ltzt;Dd b]xfosf] clwsf/Ln] b]xfo adf]lhd e]l/Pzg cfb]z hf/L ug{ ;Sg] M kfFr k|ltzt;Dd /fhkqfFlst l4tLo >]0fL bz k|ltzt;Dd /fhkqfFlst k|yd jf ;f] ;/xsf] k|d'v kGw| k|ltzt;Dd ljefuLo k|d'v kGw| k|ltzt eGbf a9L kRrL; k|ltzt;Dd ;lrj jf ;f] ;/xsf] lgsfo k|d'v -@)&#=#=#) sf] k|yd ;+zf]wgn] yk _ klRr; k|ltzt eGbf a9L ;/sf/L ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf] xsdf dlGqkl/ifb\ cGo ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf] xsdf -;+:yfg, af]8{ kl/ifb\ cflb_ kGw| k|ltzt b]lv dflysf] xsdf ;f] lgsfosf] ;jf]{Rr sfo{sf/L lgsfo{ -;+rfns ;ldlt, sfo{sf/L ;ldlt cflb_ e]l/Pzg cfb]z -bkmf %$_
e]l/P;g cfb]z hf/L ubf{ b]xfo adf]lhd hf/L ug'{ kg]{5M -s_ ;DalGwt sfdsf] cfwf/e"t k|s[lt jf If]q kl/at{g gx'g] u/L ug'{ kg]{, -v_ ah]6sf] Joj:yf ePsf] x'g' kg]{ -ax'jlif{o cfof]hgf :jLs[lt ePsf] cJf:yf jf cy{ dGqfnon] >f]tsf] ;'lglZrttf u/]sf] eP jf nfut cg'dfgdf @% k|ltzt /sd yk u/L :jLs[t ul/Psf] eP ldNg] gldNg] <<< -u_ clwsf/ k|fKt clwsf/Lsf] l:js[tL lnPsf] x'g' kg]{ . nfut cg'dfg :JfLs[t ug]{ clwsf/L eGbf tNnf] txsf] clwsf/Ln] e]l/Pzg cfb]z hf/L ug{ gx'g] ;f7L nfv ?k}ofF;Ddsf] vl/b sfo{sf] kGw| k|ltzt eGbf dflysf] e]l/Pzg ljefuLo k|d'vn] hf/L ug{ ;Sg] e]l/Pzg cfb]z -bkmf %$_
e]l/P;g :jLs[t ug]{ clwsf/Ln] b]xfoadf]lhdk|dfl0ft u/]sf] x'g' kg]{ M l8hfO{g tyf :k]l;lkms]zgcflbabNg' kg]{ jfgkg]{ abNg' kg]{ ePdfTo:tf] dfn;fdfgjf ;]jfsf] cfwf/e"tk|s[ltjf If]q kl/jt{g x'g] jfgx'g] s'/f e]l/Pzgkl/df0fsf] k|fljlwsk'i6\ofO{ / sf/0f nfutcg'dfgdfk|efjkfg]{ eP;f] sf] k|ltzt :jLs[t ah]6 tyfsfo{qmddf k/] jfgk/]sf] s'/f e]l/P;g :jLs[t ubf{ k|dfl0ft ug'{ kg]{- lgod !!*_
Variations Clause in SBDs (SBD-Cl.38.) All Variations : shall be in updated Programs produced by the Contractor. Payments for Variations • Contractor provide a quotation for Variation as requested by Project Manager. • Project Manager assess quotation, within seven days of the request or within any longer period and before the Variation is ordered by him. • If the variation work corresponds with an item in BoQ and / or the timing of its execution do not cause the cost per unit of quantity to change, BoQ rate shall be used to calculate the Variation. • If the cost per unit of quantity changes, or if the nature or timing of the work in the Variation does not correspond with items in the Bill of Quantities, the quotation by the Contractor shall be in the form of new rates for the relevant items of work. Contractor not be entitled to additional payment for costs that could have been avoided by giving early warning.
New Rate/Rate Revision: Factors To be Considered Contract Clause Labor Equipment Materials Overhead (field and home office) Profit and Overhead Contractor’s Bid Rate Contractor’s Rate Analysis
e]l/Pzg M dn]k k|ltj]bg @)&$ ;fj{hlgs vl/b sfg"g / vl/b ;Demf}tfadf]lhd lgdf{0f sfo{sf] e]l/P;g hf/L ug{ ;Sg] Joa:yf eP tfklg • k"jf{g'dfg ug{ ;lsg] k|s[ltsf] sfo{df ;d]t e]l/P;g u/]sf], • clwsf/ k|fKt gePsf] txaf6 e]l/P;g yk u/]sf], • cfjZostf lgwf{/0f gu/L a9L ;fdu|L k|fKt x'g] u/L e]l/P;g u/]sf] • e]l/P;g cfb]z hf/L gu/L e'QmfgL lbPsf]
Price Adjustment Two Methods : 1. Input Cost Approach : Adjustment in Extraordinary Conditions when the price of inputs - Increase or Decrease by 10 percent from the price mentioned at the time of Contract (For Contract less than 12 months) 2. Formula Based Approach : Price Adjustment for contract more than 12 months through the given Formula and adjustment Factor
Price Adjustment : Philosophy Equitable Adjustment Contract Price Adjustment Shows additional coverage Better balance of rights or obligations between Employer and Contractor Invites competitive bidding Gives a Sense of security Leads to Economic Prices • Basic principle : keep neither party to be left better or worse off than it was after formation of Contract.
d"No ;dfof]hg;DaGwL Joj:yf bkmf %%= vl/b ;Demf}tfdf cGoyf Aoa:yf ePsf]df afx]s afX| dlxgf eGbf a9L cjlwsf] vl/b ;Demf}tf sfof{Gjog ug{] s|ddf d"No ;dfof]hg ug{ cfjZos b]lvPdf clwsf/ k|fKt clwsf/Ln] d"No ;dfof]hg ug{ ;Sg] t/ ;fa{hlgs lgdf{0f sfo{ vl/b ubf{ /fli6«o :t/sf] af]nkq cfAxfg eO{ vl/b ;Demf}tf eO{ ;s]sf] ca:yfdf cK|Tofl;t ?kdf s'g} lgdf{0f ;fdu|Lsf] d"No ;flas d"Nosf] bz k|ltzt eGbf a9L 36a9 ePdf To;/L 36]sf] jf a9]sf] /sddf bz k|ltzt s6\6f u/L d"No ;dfof]hg ul/g] t/ lgDg cj:yfdf d"No ;dfof]hg ug{ ;lsg] 5}g M vl/b ;Demf}tf k|fKt ug]{ AolQmsf] l9nfO{sf] sf/0faf6 ;Demf}tf adf]lhdsf] sfd ;f] ;Demf}tfdf plNnlvt cjlw leq ;DkGg geO{ a9L ;do nfu]sf]] • Psd'i6 sfo{ ;Dkfbg -nDk ;d sG6«fS6_ jf • lglZrt ah]6sf] cfwf/df vl/b ;Demf}tf ePsf]
d"No ;dfof]hg;DaGwL Joj:yf -lgod !!(_ d"No ;dfof]hg ug{ ;lsg] s'/f vl/b ;Demf}tfdf pNn]v ug'{ kg]{ vl/b ;Demf}tfdf b]xfosf s'/fx? pNn]v ug{' kg]{ M • -s_ d"No ;dfof]hg ug]{ cj:yf, • -v_ lgwf{/0f ug]{ ;"q M ;"q lgwf{/0f ubf{ ;DkGg ePsf] sfddf nfu]sf] >d, ;fdu|L / pks/0fx?sf] dfq d"No ;dfof]hg x'g] u/L ug'[{ kg]{ • -u_ d"No ;dfof]hgsf]] clwstd /sd, • -3_ ;"qdf k|of]u ul/g] d"Nosf] ;+/rgf ->d, pks/0f, ;fdu|L, O{Gwgsf] d"No cflb_, • -ª_ k|To]s d"No ;+/rgfsf] d"No ;dfof]hg ug{ k|of]u ul/g] ;Dj4 d"No ;"rL -O{G8L;]h_ • -r_ d"No ;"rL pNn]v ug{ k|of]u ul/g] d'b«f / e'QmfgL lbg k|of]u ul/g] d'b|f jLrsf] ljlgdo b/sf] 36j9 dfkg ug]{ tl/sf, • -5_ d"No ;dfof]hg ;"q k|of]u ug{ lnOg] cfwf/ ldlt -a];nfOg 8]6_, • -h_ d"No ;dfof]hg ;"q nfu" x'g] ;dosf] cGt/fn, / • -em_ d"No ;dfof]hg ;"qsf] k|of]uaf6 b]lvg' kg]{ Go"gtd d"No a[l4 / d"No ;dfof]hg ;DaGwL k|fjwfg nfu" x'g k"/f x'g' kg]{ cGo zt{ tyf jGb]h .
Table of Price Adjustment Data[To be used if Price Adjustment is applicable as per GCC 53.1] *Normally following source of index shall apply. Public Entity shall choose applicable Index for each item. (a) Labor: "National Salary and Wage Rate Index"- "Construction Labor" of Nepal Rastra Bank or rate fixed by District Rate Fixation Committee (b) Material:"National Wholesale Price Index" - Construction Materials" of Nepal Rastra Bank (c) Equipment usage: "National Wholesale Price Index" - "Transport Vehicles and Machinery Goods" of Nepal Rastra Bank or "Fuel" Price fixed by Nepal Oil Corporation. ** Bidders proposed weightings should be within the range specified by the Employer in column - 5
Table of Price Adjustment Data[To be used if Price Adjustment is applicable as per GCC 53.6] * Major construction materials to be specified by Employer in column - 2. ** Base Price and source normally to be specified by Employer (or alternatively informed to be proposed by bidder) in column 4 and 5. Note: The base prices of the construction materials shall be taken as of 30 days before the deadline for submission of the Bid as quoted by the Bidder and verified by the Employer. For the purpose of calculation of price adjustment, the Ex-factory price of the same source shall be taken into consideration.
Price Adjustment : SBD(M) Cl=46 : A separate formula of the type indicated below applies to each Contract currency: Pc = Ac + Bc Imc/Ioc, where: Pcis the adjustment factor for the portion of the Contract Price payable in a specific currency “c”. Ac and Bcare coefficients specified in the SCC, representing the nonadjustable and adjustable portions, respectively, of the Contract Price payable in that specific currency “c”; and Imc is the index prevailing at the end of the month being invoiced and Ioc is the index prevailing 30 days before bid opening for inputs payable; both in the specific currency “c”.
Price Adjustment : SBD(M) Cl=46 : The sum of the two coefficients Ac and Bc should be 1 (one) in the formula for each currency. Normally, both coefficients will be the same in the formulae for all currencies, since coefficient A, for the nonadjustable portion of the payments, is a very approximate figure (usually 0.15) to take account of fixed cost elements or other nonadjustable components. The sum of the adjustments for each currency are added to the Contract Price.
Price Adjustment If the contract is not subject to Price Adjustment pursuant to Sub-Clause46.1. [Insert Base Price of construction material that are applicable to the works and are considered for price adjustment ] Construction Base Source Material Price (Ex-factory ) (factory) I. Cement NRs………../ MT ii. Steel a)Reinforcement NRs………./ MT b) Structure NRs………./ MT iii.Brick Chimney NRs………./ No Machine Made NRs………./ No iv.CGI Sheets NRs………./Sqm v.Gabion wire NRs………./ MT vi.Bitumen NRs………./ MT vii.others The base prices of the construction materials shall be taken as of 30 days before the deadline for submission of the Bid. For the purpose of calculation of price adjustment, the Ex-factory price of the same source shall be taken into consideration
d"No ;dfof]hg;DaGwL Joj:yf lgod !!( -#_ M d"No ;dfof]hgsf]] clwstd /sd ;fdfGotof z'? ;Demf}tf d"Nosf] kRrL; k|ltzt eGbf a9L gx'g] , ;f] d"No eGbf a9L x'g] ePdf vl/b ;Demf}tf cGTo ug{, ;Demf}tf d"NonfO{ :jLs[t ah]6 leq kfg{sf] nflu cfk"lt{stf{;+u jftf{ ug{ jf vr{ 36fpg] cGo pkfo canDag ug{ ;Sg] jf yk ah]6 Aoa:yf ul/g] Joj:yf vl/b ;Demf}tfdf ug{ ;lsg]
Price Adjustment (SBD(M) Cl=46 : ) For unexpected increase in price P =[R1 –(R0 ×1,10)]× Q For unexpected decrease in price P =[R1 –(R0 ×0.90)]× Q Where: “ P” is price adjustment amount “ R1” is the present price of the construction material “ R0” is the base price of the construction material “ Q“ is quantity of the construction material consumed in construction during the period of price adjustment consideration The Price Adjustment amount shall be limited to a maximum `of 25% of the initial Contract Amount unless otherwise is specified in the SCC. The Price Adjustment provision shall not be applicable if the contract is not completed in time due to the delay caused by the contractor or the contract is a Lump sum Contract or a Fixed Budget Contract.
Sources of Indices • Should be asked for to be submitted at the time of bid submission • Determined on the basis of availability and source of material • Import materials – indices are derived from their country of origin with source from official publication. Materials are e.g. expatriate labor,constructional plants, bitumen, cement, reinforcing steel, gabions etc. • Local materials -- indices are derived from employers country with source from official publication e.g. • Fuel :Nepal Oil Corporation • Cement :National Trading Limited • Steel :National Trading Limited • G I Wire National Trading Limited • Pipes :Source chosen by the Contractor approved by the Employer • Miscellaneous : Overall Consumer price index of the country (Nepal Rastriya Bank )
ck|Toflzt d"No j[l4 ePsf] cj:yfdf /sd u0fgf olb l;d]G6sf] z'¿ d"No ¿=%)).– k|ltaf]/f, l;d]G6sf] xfnsf] d"No ¿=^%).– k|ltaf]/f / vkt kl/df0f *)) af]/f /x]5 eg] ;'q k|of]u ubf{ • P = [R1 - (R0 x 1.1)] x Q • P = [^%) - -%)) x !=!)_ x *)) • P = [^%)–%%)] x *)) • P= !)) x *)) • P = *),))).– lgdf{0f Joj;foLsf] 7]Ssf ;DaGwL] aLnsf] /sd -klxn] g} d"No ;dfof]hg ul/Psf] 5}g eg]_ df ?= *),))).– yk u/L s'n /sd sfod u/L e'QmfgL ug'{k5{ .
ck|Toflzt d"No j[l4 ePsf] cj:yfdf /sd u0fgf kmnfd] 58sf] z'¿ d"No ¿=%) k|lt s]=hL, xfnsf] d"No ¿= *) k|lt s]=hL / vkt kl/df0f ^))) s]=hL /x]5 eg] ;'q k|of]u ubf{ • P = [R1 -(R0 x 1.1)] x Q • P =(*) - -%) x !=!)_]) x ^))) • P = [*) – %% ] x ^))) • P= @% x ^))) • P = !,%),))).– lgdf{0f Joj;foLsf] 7]Ssf ;DaGwL] aLnsf] /sd -klxn] g} d"No ;dfof]hg ul/Psf] 5}g eg]_ df ?= !,%),))).– yk u/L s'n /sd sfod u/L e'QmfgL ug'{k5{ .
ck|Toflzt d"No 36]sf] cj:yfdf lgDg cg';f/ /sd u0fgf olb kmnfd] 58sf] z'?d"No ?= &).– k|lt s]=hL=, xfnsf] d"No ?= ^).– k|lt s]=hL= / vkt kl/df0f ^))) s]=hL= /x]5 eg] ;'q k|of]u ubf{ • P = [R1 - (R0 x 0.9)] x Q • P = [ ^)–-&) x )=(_ ] x ^))) • P = [^)–^# ] x ^))) • P = –# x ^))) • P = –!*,))).– lgdf{0f Joj;foLsf] 7]Ssf ;DaGwL] aLnsf] /sd -d"No ;dfof]hgsf] /sd aLndf ;dfj]z gePsf] cj:yfdf_ df ?= !*,))).– 36fO{ s'n /sd sfod u/L e'QmfgL ug'{k5{ .
ck|Toflzt d"No 36]sf] cj:yfdf lgDg cg';f/ /sd u0fgf olb l;d]G6df z'¿ d"No ?= %)).– k|lt af]/f, xfnsf] d"No ?= $#).– k|lt af]/f / vkt kl/df0f *)) af]/f /x]5 eg] ;'q k|of]u ubf{ • P = [R1 - (R0 x 0.9)] x Q • P = [$#)–-%)) x )=(_ ] x *)) • P = [$#)–$%) ] x *)) • P = –@) x *)) • P = –!^,))).– lgdf{0f Joj;foLsf] 7]Ssf ;DaGwL] aLnsf] /sd -klxn] g} d"No ;dfof]hg ul/Psf] 5}g eg]_ df ?= !^,))).– 36fO{ s'n /sd sfod u/L e'QmfgL ug'{k5{ .
q'6L ;Rofpg] cjlw -Defect Liability Period_ A Defect is any part of the Works not completed in accordance with the Contract. The Defects Liability Period is the period calculated from the Completion Date where the Contractor remains responsible for remedying defects. The Defects Liability Certificate is the certificate issued by Project Manager upon correction of defects by the Contractor.
vl/b ;Demf}tfsf] cGTo ;fj{hlgs lgsfo M vl/b ;Demf}tf adf]lhd sfo{ ;Dkfbg gu/]df, cfr/0f kfngf gu/]df jf k]ZsLsf] b'?kof]u u/]df ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] vl/b ;Demf}tf cGTo ug{ ;Sg] cj:yf, ;'lj:tfsf] cfwf/ M ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] ;fj{hlgs lxtsf] nflu ;'lj:tfsf] cfwf/df vl/b ;Demf}tfsf] cGTo 6ld{g];g jfO{ slGeg]G;_ ug{ ;Sg] cj:yf, cfk"lt{stf{, k/fdz{bftf, ;]jfk|bfos jf lgdf{0f Joj;foL M vl/b ;Demf}tf cGTo ug{ ;Sg] cj:yf, / sfa" aflx/sf] kl/l:ylt M vl/b ;Demf}tf cGTo ug{ ;lsg] cj:yf .
vl/b ;Demf}tfsf] cGTo vl/b ;Demf}tf ug]{n] ;Demf}tf adf]lhd sfd z'? gu/]df, sfd z'? u/L aLr}df 5f]8]df jf ;Demf}tf adf]lhd sfdsf] k|ult gu/]df ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] To:tf] ;Demf}tf h'g;'s} avt cGTo ug{ ;Sg] • o;/L ;Demf}tf cGTo ePdf ;f] sfd jfkt /flvPsf] k"/} hdfgt hkmt x'g]5 • ;Demf}tf cGTo ePsf] sf/0fn]] ;Demf}tf adf]lhd afFsL /x]sf] sfo{ k"/f ug{ h] hlt /sd cfjZos k5{ ;f] /sd To;/L ;Demf}tf adf]lhd sfo{ gug]{ af]nkqbftfaf6 ;/sf/L afFsL ;/x c;'n pk/ ul/g] ;Demf}tf cGTo ePdf To:tf] ;Demf}tf adf]lhd afFsL /x]sf] sfo{ k"/f ug{sf nflu o; cl3 5gf}6 ePsf af]nkqbftfx? dWo]af6 kGw| lbgsf] Dofb lbO{ tf]lsP adf]lhd cfly{s k|:tfj dfu u/L ;Demf}tf ug{ ;lsg] cfly{s k|:tfj dfu ug'{ cl3 Ps tx dflysf] clwsf/Laf6 :jLs[lt lng' kg]{ / o:tf] k|:tfj dfu v'nf af]nkqsf] dfWodaf6 ePsf] ;Demf}tfsf] xsdf dfq nfu" x'g]5 pko'Qmfg';f/ ;Demf}tf x'g g;s]df P]g adf]lhdsf] vl/b k|s[of cjnDag u/L vl/b sf/afxL k|f/De ug'{ kg]{
vl/b ;Demf}tfsf] cGTo ;f]sf] pkrf/ -bkmf %(_ vl/b ;Demf}tf cGTo ubf{ b]xfo adf]lhdsf s'/fx? ;lxt ljQLo km/kmf/s ug]{ / Ifltk"lt{ lbg] ;DaGwL Joj:yf pNn]v ug'{' kg]{ M -s_ :jLsfo{?kdf ;DkGg eO{ ;s]sf sfo{, cfk"lt{ jfkt ug'{ kg]{ e'QmfgL afFsL /x]sf] eP ;f]sf] e'QmfgL, -v_ vl/b ;Demf}tf adf]lhdsf] sfd gu/]sf] sf/0faf6 ;f] sfd ug{ jf u/fpgsf nflu nfUg]] yk vr{ jfkt lghn] Joxf]g'{ kg]{ bfloTj, -u_ s'g} q'l6 -l8kmN6_ ljgf ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] vl/b ;Demf}tf cGTo u/]sf] sf/0fn] lghn]] Joxf]g'{ k/]sf] jf:tljs xflg gf]S;fgLsf] /sd . vl/b ;Demf}tfdf cGoyf Joj:yf ePsf]df afx]s ;fj{hlgs lxtsf nflu ;'lj:tfsf] cfwf/df vl/b ;Demf}tfsf] cGTo ug{ ;Sg]
;'lj:tfsf] cfwf/df vl/b ;Demf}tfsf] cGTo ;fj{hlgs lxtsf] nflu ;'lj:tfsf] cfwf/df ;Demf}tfsf] cGTo u/]sf]df ;DalGwt cfk"lt{stf{, lgdf{0f Joj;foL, k/fdz{bftf jf ;]jf k|bfosnfO{ b]xfo adf]lhdsf] /sd e'QmfgL lbg' kg]{M k]ZsL /sd eP k]ZsL s6fP/ dfq e'QmfgL lbg' kg]{ -s_ :jLsfo{ ?kdf ;DkGg eO{ ;s]sf] sfo{, cfk"lt{ jf ;]jf jfkt ug'{ kg]{ e'QmfgL afFsL eP ;f] e'QmfgL, -v_ vl/b ;Demf}tf adf]lhd ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf] k|of]hgsf] nflu pTkflbt dfn;fdfgsf] d"No, lgdf{0f:yndf NofOPsf lgdf{0f ;fdu|L, -u_ lgdf{0f:ynaf6 pks/0f x6fpg nfUg] dgfl;j vr{, -3_ lgdf{0fsfo{df dfq nufOPsf ljb]zL sd{rf/Lsf] :jb]z lkmtL{ vr{, / -ª_ cfjZos eP lgdf{0f sfo{sf] ;+/If0f / ;'/Iff vr{ .
vl/b ;Demf}tf pNn+3g eP k|fKt x'g] pkrf/ -lgod !@*_ vl/b ;Demf}tfsf] pNn+3g u/]df ;fj{hlgs lgsfonfO{ k|fKt x'g] pkrf/ pNn]v ug'{ kg]{ M -s_ q'l6k"0f{ sfo{ c:jLsf/ ug]{, -v_ q'l6k"0f{ dfn;fdfg tTsfn x6fpg] / ;DalGwt cfk"lt{stfaf6 k|lt:yfkg ug{ nufpg], -u_ ;dodf sfo{ ;Dkfbg x'g g;s] jfktsf] k"a{ lgwf{l/t Ifltk"lt{ k|fKt ug]{, -3_ ;Demf}tfsf] cGTo ug]{ / ;Demf}tf adf]lhdsf] sfd gug]{ cfk"lt{stf{, lgdf{0f Joj;foL, ;]jf k|bfos jf k/fdz{bftfsf] vr{df To:tf] sfo{ ;DkGg u/fpg], -ª_ cfg'iff+lus Ifltk"lt{ e/fpg], / -r_ k|rlnt sfg"g jf vl/b ;Demf}tf adf]lhd pknAw x'g] cGo pkrf/ .