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National Strategy Application Joint Assessment Moldova, 2011. Multi-stakeholder involvement – commitment, processes and mechanisms. Ivtodi Rodica Regional Center for Community Policies. PRINCIPLES OF ENGAGEMENT PROCESS. ACCESSIBILITY PARTICIPATORY EQUITY NEUTRALITY TRANSPARENCY
National Strategy Application Joint AssessmentMoldova, 2011 Multi-stakeholder involvement – commitment, processes and mechanisms Ivtodi Rodica Regional Center for Community Policies
Political Commitment Moldova integrated HIV into its general development plans such as: • Millennium Development Goals targets as part of the Economic Growth and National Development Strategy 2008 - 2011 • EU-Moldova Action Plan • Sector-wide approaches:,, “Promoting gender equality for the 2006-2009 period”, National Plan “Education for all 2004-2015”, National Programme to promote healthy lifestyles 2007-2015”, National Health Policy, National Strategy of reproductive health, National Strategy for the development of the health system 2008-2017, National Program to control and prevent Tuberculosis for the 2006-2010 period; Law No 25-XVI of 03.02.2009 for the approval of the National Youth Strategy 2009 – 2013, National Programme for control of Hepatitis B, C, D 2007-2011, Government Decision 1143 of 19.10.2007 • Bilateral and multilateral agreements with donors, including the Common Country Assessment / UN Development Assistance Framework
CS commitment • UNGASS (2001, 2011) • G8 summit (2005) • UN Session on HIV / AIDS (2006) • Session of CIS countries on the UA (2006) • Three ones principles approach (UNAIDS) in response to HIV / AIDS, etc.. • National Program for Prevention and Control of HIV / AIDS / STIs for the years 2011-2015 • Law on prevention and control of HIV/AIDS , 2007 • National Health Policy, 2007
Accountability of public authorities for placing information on the web sites regarding elaboration of policies and structure of central government authorities • Accountability of public administration of developing cooperation agreements with civil society, particularly concrete action plans with CSOs. • Organizing a formal consultation process with CSO when developing policy. • Develop a mechanisms and measures to ensure transparency and participation of CSOs in decision-making debate draft laws and regulations. • Assess the possibilities of establishing a structure within the Government empowered to make interaction with civil society, able to support cooperation between public institutions and civil society. (ALREADY EXISTS) • Improve the mechanism of cooperation between Parliament and CSOs and legislative sanction of such mechanisms at the level of government, the central and local public administration authorities • Improving cooperation and awareness of local public authorities and bodies responsible for the registration of CSOs about development of civil society Country political enabling environment • Constitution of the Republic of Moldova (forbids all kind of discrimination) • L AW on prevention and control of HIV/AIDS nr. 23-XVI of 16.02.2007 (in the process of adjustment to all international standards) • Republic of Moldova Government Decision 1143 On the activities to prevent and control HIV/AIDS and STI, National Program for Prevention and Control of HIV/AIDS/STI 2011-2015. • Law Nr. 263 of the 27. 10. 2005, regarding rights and responsibilities of patients • Law №. 411 of the 28. 03. 95 regarding healthcare protection (general • document) • Parliament decision nr. 267 for approval of Development Strategy of civil society • Law nr. 25 regarding national Youth Strategy • Law nr. 5 on equal opportunities among men and women/ Government Decision 933 from 31.12.2009 for approval of the National Programme on Gender Equality for 2010 -2015 • Government Decision 1208 from 27.12.2010 for approval of the National Antidrug strategy • Draft of antidiscriminatory law
The National Coordinating Council (acting as CCM) Government decision no. 825 of august 3, 2005 – institutionalization of national coordination council TB / AIDS (22 members chaired by ministry of health) and enlarging its function, being national coordination council for all interventions under the umbrella of HIV/TB national programmes Government decision no. 375 of may 6, 2010 - NCC expanding (32 members)
“Three Ones” principle • A coordination mechanism – NCC TB / AIDS (Regulation approved in August 2005: Government Decision 893) • A national action plan - national programs for control and prevention of TB and HIV / AIDS / STI (Government decision nr.1143) • A M&E system (M&E Unit for National Health Programmes)
NCC • has active government leadership and participation • has a defined membership • has terms of reference • includes civil society representatives • includes people living with HIV, including at Vice-president level • includes the private sector • has an action plan • has a functional Secretariat • meets at least quarterly • reviews actions on policy decisions regularly • actively promotes policy decisions • provides opportunity for civil society to influence decision-making • strengthens donor coordination to avoid parallel funding and duplication of effort in programming and reporting
NCC structure National Programmes on Prevention and Control of HIV/AIDS and STI
Previous experience • 10 years of multisectoral strategy • NP 2001-2005 - Round I • NP 2006-2010 - Round VI • Round VIII – complementary on social support of PLWHA • Round IX – complementary on prevention (not funded) • Round X - complementary on MARPs (not funded)
Sectoral Plans on HIV/AIDS NCC Stakeholders IDOM HIV/AIDS Workplace Policies Churches Mass media
Coordination levelNCC secretariat • Ensure coordination, participation and transparency. through: • Publishing informational bulletin (500 copies every 3 months, distributed to all stakeholders at national and regional level) • Administration of the web page www.ccm.md • Monitoring TWG • Organizing NCC meetings • Facilitating national consultation processes, including elaboration and monitoring of GF projects • Elaboration of application procedure • Facilitation of proposal elaboration • Monitoring and facilitating procedures of application • Ensuring participation of all interested stakeholders (NCC and non NCC) in selection of PR, managing conflict of interests • Application to the GF and further consultation
Coordination levelNCC led processes With support of national and international partners, NCC coordinated development of the: • National Programmes for 2006-2010, 2011 – 2015 • Mid term review of national programme • UNGASS biannual report • Universal Access Strategy • National communication strategy • Financing strategies • National protocols • Specific strategies on prevention in vulnerable groups, epidemiological surveillance etc.
Operational level – 12 TWG Joint for HIV&TB
Process participativity • About 40 intersectorial meetings per year • About 100 persons – members of the TWG (42 from civil society sector and 54 from governmental sector) with the right to vote
Relevant documents of NCC • Regulation and bylaw of NCC • Operational Manual • Conflict of interest Regulation Policy • Conflict of interest Declaration Model • Procedure of GF grants Primary recipients selection • Monitoring guide for GF implemented projects • NCC Procedure procedure on oversight, coordination and alignment • Information presentation form, for all NCC partners implementing projects in the field of HIV/AIDS/TB (time period – 1 year)
Mechanisms of multistakeholder involvement Parliamentary mechanism of involvement: • Parliamentary committee for social protection, health and family • Parliamentary committee for Law, Appointments and Immunities • Annual Conferences “Cooperation between Parliament and Civil Society” (IV editions) • On line registration of NGOs, willing to cooperate with Parliament • National Participation Council (NPC), created at the initiative of the Government as an advisory body and operates under the Government Decision no. 11 of 19.01.2010, includes 30 members of CS • Justice and human rights • Economical development • External policy for security and defense • Social , educational, youth and environment policies Successful experiences, as a result of cooperation between the Parliament and NGOs • Law on voluntariat • Law on the legal status of adoption • Law on freedom of expression • Law on public-private partnerships • Action Plan on Human Rights !!! Register & Report of contributions received from civil society and cooperation of the events held at the Commission level
Mechanisms of multistakeholder involvement • NCC meetings • TWG • TWG on Health and Human Rights within the Ministry of Health, with its thematic group on HIV/AIDS (analysis and adjustment of legislation in the field, with involvement of CS representatives) • NGO Forums (the recent one in 2009) • Secretariats of 3 umbrella organizations, financially supported at NCC initiative (UOHR (19), AIDS Network (40) and League of PLWHA (8)) • Capacity building activities
Civil society involvement • NGOs are part of the NCC (38%) and its technical working groups , which are responsible for developing plans and sectoral strategies. • NGOs were actively involved in the mid-term review of the National Programme on HIV/AIDS in 2008 and in finalizing the Response Analysis in 2010. • Representatives of the civil society sector were actively involved in developing the National Programme (2011-2015) • During 2008-2009, NGOs have developed, in partnership with relevant national medical institutions, national standards regarding complex approach to care, support, treatment and rehabilitation of IDUs. • For the resource mobilization part, NGOs were involved in developing the project proposals that the Government has submitted to the GFTAM (Rounds 1, 6, 8, 9, 10). • Also, the active participation of NGOs was attested in the process of creating the Law on preventing HIV/AIDS, approved in 2007, as well as in putting forth proposed amendments to the Law
Legal enabling environment • Law nr 239-XVIof 13.11.2008 about transparency in decision-making • Government Decision nr.96 of 16.02.2010 about Regulation on procedures to ensure transparency in the elaboration and adoption of decisions (laws, regulations, administrative documents) • Concept of cooperation between the Parliament and civil society, adopted by Parliament Decision No. 373-XVI of 29.12.2005 • Government Decision nr.33 of 11.01.2007 about rules and unified requirements for developing policy documents • Methodological guide on decision making and Methodological guide for ex-ante evaluation of publical policies impact
NAP 2011-2015 has been designed in line with the provisions of the national legislative frameworks in place in the Republic of Moldova and international guidelines for the development of national programs with participation of representatives of Government (all line Ministries), NGOs, including PLHIV, with technical support of bilateral donors and international organizations (UNDP, UNAIDS, WHO, UNFPA) and it was endorsed through the Government Decision 1143 .