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Joint Strategic Needs Assessment 2011-12. Allerdale Locality Stakeholder Panel Monday 7 th November. Content. Introduction to the JSNA Background & context Demand on health and social care system Long-term conditions Mental health & well-being Living conditions & health inequalities
Joint Strategic Needs Assessment 2011-12 Allerdale Locality Stakeholder Panel Monday 7th November
Content Introduction to the JSNA Background & context Demand on health and social care system Long-term conditions Mental health & well-being Living conditions & health inequalities Lifestyle & behaviours Summary
Welcome • Welcome to the JSNA locality stakeholder panel • Purpose – to begin the process of developing an enhanced JSNA for Cumbria • This is the responsibility of the Health and Wellbeing Board • Plan to have this in place by April 2012 • Feeds in to the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy (June 2012)
What is a JSNA? • Describes health and wellbeing in Cumbria • Describes strategic direction of services • Based on wide range of current information and evidence • JSNA products, county and locality narratives, online information
Who is involved? • Cumbria County Council • NHS Cumbria • Cumbria Intelligence Observatory • District Councils • Third Sector • LINKs • Probation, police and other partners
Why do we need a JSNA? • Current JSNA needs to be updated • Important role in the Health and Social Care Bill • HWWB role in Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy and JSNA • JSNA supports the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy (JHWBS) • Commissioning Plans 2013 need to take account of JHWBS
What are the challenges? • Ageing Population • Mental health and alcohol issues • Health of children and young people • Health inequalities
What do we want from you? • Your ideas and feedback on the information presented • Views on local needs and priorities • Information on local strengths and assets • Help to develop a local narrative for JSNA
Overall Deprivation Score Source: Indices of Deprivation 2010
Health Deprivation Score Source: Indices of Deprivation 2010
Life Expectancy Life Expectancy Healthy Life Expectancy Source: Office for National Statistics
Rurality England Cumbria Allerdale Source: Office for National Statistics, 2010
Rurality Aged 65+ England Cumbria Allerdale Source: Office for National Statistics, 2010
Barriers to Services & Housing Source: Indices of Deprivation, 2010
Allerdale Population “Known” Forecasted Source: Office for National Statistics
Median Household Income (£) Source: CACI Paycheck, 2011
Community Safety • Levels of crime are falling (5% since last year) • Yet the rate of crime is higher than the County average • Businesses crime, domestic violence & KSIs are rising • 4th highest rate of under 18’s admitted into hospital with alcohol specific conditions in England • The typical offender in Allerdale likely to be aged 18-30 years and male • Crime and disorder is most prevalent in deprived areas • Also high number of incidents in certain forms of crime within popular tourist centres especially Keswick
Housing • The mean average house price in Allerdale is £156,112, compared to £167,455 for Cumbria • The mean housing affordability ratio for the district is 5, below the county average of 5.2 • 25.5% of households in Allerdale are fuel poor, above the county average of 24.1%
Demand on the Health and Social Care System Demand on the health system in Allerdale is slightly less than the County average in the following areas:
Demand on the health and Social Care System Adults • 3,161 adult social care service users accessing 10,972 services • 1,947 new referrals to adult social care services, with 945 resulting in a full assessment Children • 115 looked after children • 182 core assessments completed
Demand on the Health and Social Care SystemAdult Social Care • 76% (2,399) of the adult service users are aged 65 and over • Over 1,100 safeguarding alerts come into adult social care every year
Demand on the Health and Social Care SystemHousing need (Adults) Source: Planning 4 Care
Demand on the Health and Social Care System – Learning Disabilities 2010-30 People aged 18 and over predicted to have a learning disability (Source: PANSI and POPPI based on Emerson and Hatton)
Demand on the Health and Social Care System – Dementia Figure 14: 2010-2030 The number of people aged over 65 years predicted to have dementia (Source: POPPI)
Long-term Conditions, Chronic Illness and Disabilities Years of life lost from Cancer Source: National Centre for Health Outcomes Development, 2007-2009
Long-term Conditions, Chronic Illness and Disabilities Years of life lost from Circulatory Disease Source: National Centre for Health Outcomes Development, 2007-2009
Long-term Conditions, Chronic Illness and Disabilities % of working age population with a disability Source: Annual Population Survey, 2011
Long-term Conditions, Chronic Illness and Disabilities % of children (0-16years) entitled to Disability Living Allowance Source: Annual Population Survey, 2011
Mental Health and Well Being % happy or very happy with life Source: Quality of Life Survey, 2006
Mental Health and Well Being % satisfied with local area Source: Place Survey Tracker 2009
Mental Health and Well Being Estimated neurotic disorder per 1000 Source: North East Public Health Observatory, 2008
Mental Health and Well Being Admissions for deliberate self harm per 100,000 Source: North West Public Health Observatory, 2009-10
Mental Health and Well Being Years of life lost from suicide Source: National Centre for Health Outcomes Development, 2009-10
Living Conditions and Health Inequalities Infant mortality per 1000 births Source: National Centre for Health Outcomes Development, 2009
Living Conditions and Health Inequalities % born with low birth weight (<2.5kg) Source: National Centre for Health Outcomes Development, 2009
Living Conditions and Health Inequalities Teenage pregnancy rate Source: Office for National Statistics, 2007-2009
Living Conditions and Health Inequalities % children living in poverty Source: HMRC, 2009
Living Conditions and Health Inequalities Claimant to vacancy ratio Source: Office for National Statistics, 2011
Living Conditions and Health Inequalities % working age adults with level 4 or greater education Source: Annual Population Survey, 2010
Living conditions and Health Inequalities % working age adults with disabilities in employment Source: Annual Population Survey, 2010
Excess winter deaths Living conditions and Health Inequalities Source: North West Public Health Observatory, 2006-2009
Living Conditions and Health Inequalities % of people who agree they can influence decisions in their area Source: Place Survey Tracker, 2009
Lifestyle and Behaviours Estimated smoking prevalence Source: North West Public Health Observatory, 2009-2010
Smoking during pregnancy per 100 maternities Lifestyle and Behaviours Source: North West Public Health Observatory, 2009-2010
Lifestyle and Behaviours Hospital admissions due to alcohol Source: Local Alcohol Profiles for England, 2009-2010