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Station-1. Mother brings her 14 year old daughter for Immunization advice. She has already recd. her 10 yr Tdap and 2nd dose of MMR vaccine. What vaccine will you advice? Give information on two different types of vaccines ( with respect to) A: Serotype B: Schedule

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  1. Station-1 • Mother brings her 14 year old daughter for Immunization advice. She has already recd. her 10 yr Tdap and 2nd dose of MMR vaccine. • What vaccine will you advice? • Give information on two different types of vaccines ( with respect to) A: Serotype B: Schedule C: Disease protection • Define : • cVDPV • iVDPV • aVDPV

  2. Station-2 • Identify the abnormality in the EEG and give your diagnosis. • Mention the drug of choice and prognosis. • In case of post traumatic convulsion, what is the drug of choice and how long to continue the same.

  3. Station-3 • What type of growth pattern is this? • What are the criteria for referral in case of a 7 year old boy from growth monitoring program? (any 4) • In WHO BMI charts , how many centile lines are there? What is the cutoff for overweight?

  4. STATION-4IN WHICH COLOR BAG WOULD YOU DISPOSE EACH OF THE FOLLOWING BIOWASTE Blood agar media Used Injection needle Injection amikacin with expiry Blood soaked cotton swab Intravenous set Incinerated ash


  6. Station-6 Describe the X ray. Give your diagnosis. What associated anomalies to look for?(spinal and genitourinary)

  7. Station-7 Please write the TANNER STAGE of the following patients: A:Girl BREAST: Breast and papilla elevated as small mound; areolar diameter increased “bud” stage. B: BOY: PUBIC HAIR:Scanty, long, slightly pigmented PENIS:Minimal change/enlargement TESTES:Enlarged scrotum, pink, texture altered Name the sub stages of adolescence with age range.

  8. Sattion-8 5 year old brought in status epilepticus to emergency room.. Write the steps in management including the drug / dose / precaution. As per “IAP expert committee guideline-2009”

  9. Station-9 A 2 year old boy with bad eczema was investigated for recurrent infections of his ear and chest. The following results were obtained: • Hb 14 g/dl • WBC 10000 • Platelet count 20000 • IgA twice normal • IgG twice normal • IgM half normal • Isohaemogglutinins ABSENT • Ques: what is the most likely diagnosis? • Ques: what is the mode of Inheritance? • Ques: What information can you derive from CBC / ESR (w.r.t. Primary Immunodeficiency.

  10. Station-10 • At what age would you expect a child to copy the above shapes correctly? • Name the pervasive developmental disorders.

  11. Station-11 • Case of dengue fever are being increasing reported in your city. A 6 year old boy presents to you with fever, body ache, and pain abdomen for 6 days. There is a history of bleeding from nose for last 1 day. The child is restless, pulses are feeble, has a petechial rash over limbs, and tender hepatomegaly. The systolic BP is 50 mm of Hg. Platelet count is 27000 /cu.mm. • Write your complete diagnosis ( as per WHO Classification) • Write down the initial fluid management.( wt 20 kg) • Does this child require platelet transfusion? • Name other(ANY 4) diseases to be notified.

  12. STATION-12 • A 2 day old neonate, 1400 gram , given surfactant at birth, and is on the ventilator for RDS. • PIP 27 • PEEP 5 • RATE 35/min • FiO2 0.4 • T-Insp. 0.4sec. • ABG: pH 7.57 / PaCO2 : 22/ PaO2 156 / HCO3 19 • Give complete diagnosis. • Name one change in ventilator setting to normalize the ABG. • Name 3 long term complications that can occur in this neonate due to the blood gas abnormalities.

  13. Station-13 An infant presents with failure to thrive, chronic airway infections, fatty stools, and elevated sweat chloride levels. Which of the following pedigrees best illustrates the inheritance pattern of this disease?  Likely diagnosis? Name each inheritance pattern..

  14. Station-14 A B C These are three skin manifestations of the same disease. Identify them. Give diagnosis. Write other skin manifestations seen in this condition.

  15. Station-15 • Ques A : • A 15 year old boy presented to casualty with a small wound while clearing manure in the stable. His last dose of tetanus immunization was 11 years ago. • What anti–tetanus ( if any) treatment would you prescribe? • Ques-B: • A 10 year old girl has been bitten on her left palm. She is rushed immediately brought to Casualty. • Mention the steps in management. Including dose / site /schedule of the treatment.

  16. Station-16 • Define the following • Incidence • IMR-infant mortality rate • Give formula for each of them: • Mean • Median • Standard deviation • P value • Specificity • Positive predictive value

  17. Station-17 As per Revised National Tuberculosis Control Program • Achievement of at least________ % cure rate through supervised short course chemotherapy. • Augmentation of case finding activities through quality sputum microscopy to detect at least_______ % of estimated cases. Malaria Program • In NMEP the program was divided into 4 phases (name them) • Modified plan of operation under NMEP came into force from______ year. • Endemic areas under modified plan of operation under NMEP is defined as annual parasite index ( API) > ________.

  18. Station-18 6 year old presented with pain in throat with difficulty in respiration 1 day. Throat examination showed palatal weakness with white patch on tonsil Name two common complications in this situation? What is the name of stain IN THE SLIDE? Write differential diagnosis of white patch on tonsil.

  19. Station-19 Describe the ECG. Give diagnosis. Give causes (any 4) Name two congenital long QT interval syndromes.

  20. Station-20 2 yr old boy brought with H/o intermittent painless rectal bleeding for last few months. The stool is described as brick colored or currant jelly colored. There is anemia. Following study was performed. Name the isotope. Identify the dark areas on the film. What is the diagnosis? How to enhance the yield of this test?

  21. Station : 21Counsel the mother, whose child has being diagnosed with Haemophilia A

  22. Station : 22Perform Motor system examination.

  23. Observed Station : 23 37 weeks, Primi with PIH with IUGR, Amniotic fluid clear, DID NOT cry or Breathe, Limp.

  24. Observed Station :24 Administer HIB Vaccine to this 4 month old child who is otherwise normal.

  25. Station : 25Counsel the mother, whose 6 month old child has tested positive first time for HIV ( ELISA).

  26. station 26Examine the Abdomen of this child.

  27. Observed station :27At Delivery Room 36 weeks, G2 P2 L1, Prolong labour, Outlet Forceps, Clear amniotic fluid Did not cry or breathe limp

  28. Observed Station 28 : Perform lumber puncture on this 1 year old child.

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