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Blood and lymph Hematopoiesis

Blood and lymph Hematopoiesis. Blood components and functions Plasma Erythrocytes Leucocytes Theories of hematopoiesis 6. Stem cell structure and functions 7. Embryonic and postembryonic hematopoiesis 8. Classes of hematopoietic cells 9. Main features of different hematopoietic lines.

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Blood and lymph Hematopoiesis

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  1. Blood and lymph Hematopoiesis • Blood components and functions • Plasma • Erythrocytes • Leucocytes • Theories of hematopoiesis 6. Stem cell structure and functions 7. Embryonic and postembryonic hematopoiesis 8. Classes of hematopoietic cells 9. Main features of different hematopoietic lines

  2. Tissues of inner environment1. Blood and lymph 2. Connective tissues Blood functions Transport 1. Trophic 2. Respiration 3. Humoral 4. Excretion Protective Homeostatic

  3. Blood= cells + plasma (RBC+WBC+PL)hematocrit VFe/Vpl

  4. Plasma physical condition – colloid solution chemical composition: 90-93 % water 7-10 % dry residue (7% proteins; albumins 4%, globulins 1-3%, fibrinogen 0,2-0,4%) others 3% (enzymes, vitamins, salts, waste products…) pH 7,36

  5. Hemogram (general blood analysis)

  6. ErythrocytesRespiratoryTransportAlkaline-acidic balanceGroup

  7. Sickle-cellanemia Normocyte 7,1-7,9 mkm (75%) Macrocyte >8 mkm Microcyte <6 mkm Anisocytosis >20% abnormal sized cells Discocytes, planocytes,echinocytes… Poykilocytosis >25%abnormal shaped cells

  8. Leucocytes

  9. Leucocytes count %

  10. Neutrophils

  11. Neutrophil

  12. Eosinophil

  13. Eosinophil

  14. Basophil

  15. Basophil

  16. Lymphocytes –immunocytes • Small, medium sized, large • EM: small light and dark, medium sized, B-plasma cells • T and B • Active and memory cells

  17. Lymphocyte

  18. Monocyte-mononuclear cell >20 mkm Bean-like nucleus Golgi apparatus =>lysosomes Active type - macrophage

  19. Monocyte

  20. Mononuclear macrophagic system

  21. Platelet

  22. HEMATOPOIESIS –blood components development (blood cells and plasma) Hematocytopoiesis: 1. Erythrocytopoiesis 2. Leucocytopoiesis a) granulocytopoiesis b) agranulocytopoiesis 3.Trombocytopoiesis

  23. THEORIES OF HEMATOPOIESIS • POLYPHYLETIC THEORY – each mature blood cell type is derived from its own distinct stem cell • MONOPHYLETIC THEORY(A.A. Maximov) – there is one stem cell, which can form all the mature blood cells types • Multipotential stem cell (CFU-S – colony-forming-unit of spleen)

  24. Scheme of hematopoiesis

  25. Hematopoietic stem cell 1. Originates in the yolk sac 2. Thrives in RBM 3. Similar to small dark lymphocyte 4. Migrating cell 5. Pluripotential cell (gives rise to different cells) 6. Self-supporting cell 7. Rarely dividing cell (Go) 8. Sensitive cell

  26. Differences between embryonic and postembryonic hematopoiesis

  27. CLASSES OF HEMATOPOIETIC CELLS I class – polipotent (pluripotent) stem cell II class – hemistem cells for lymphocytopoiesis and myelopoiesis III class – unipotent cell (committed) sensitive to exact hemopoietin (erythropoietin, leykopoietin, thrombopoietin) IV class – blasts (young actively dividing cells) V class – maturing cells VI class – an “adult” mature cells in peripheral blood

  28. Erythropoiesis 1. Decrease in cell size (from 20 till 8 мm)2. Ejection (extrusion) of the nucleus3. Accumulation of hemoglobin in the cytoplasm4. Basophily decrease and acidophily increase



  31. GRANULOCYTOPOIESIS 1. Decrease in the cell size 2. Chromatin condensation 3. Changes in nuclear shape (flattening – indentation – lobulation). 4. Accumulation of cytoplasmic granules.


  33. LYMPHOCYTOPOIESIS 1. Begins in red bone marrow and then continues in lymphoid tissue 2. Lifespan varies in different types of lymphocytes 3. Antigenindependent development – in the central hematopoietic organs (red bone marrow and thymus) and antigendependent – in peripheral ones (spleen, lymph nodes and nodules)

  34. MONOCYTOPOIESIS 1. Decrease in cell diameter 2. Decrease in nuclear diameter 3. Cytoplasm basophily decreases 4. Nucleus changes its shape from round to kidney-like


  36. Trombocytopoiesis Megakaryocyte

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