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Teacher Efficacy in Zimbabwe: Stamina & Sacrifice Judy K. Dunham, Ph.D. Daniel Song’ony, Ph.D. 51 st Annual Conference Comparative & International Education Society Baltimore, MD March 1, 2007. Overview. Type of Research Background of Zimbabwe Self-efficacy Teacher Efficacy
Teacher Efficacy in Zimbabwe: Stamina & Sacrifice Judy K. Dunham, Ph.D. Daniel Song’ony, Ph.D. 51st Annual Conference Comparative & International Education Society Baltimore, MD March 1, 2007
Overview • Type of Research • Background of Zimbabwe • Self-efficacy • Teacher Efficacy • Methods • Results • Limitations • Implications • Conclusion
Independence in 1980… GDP per capita was $600 Most well-developed economies in Africa During the 1990s… Became one of 19 WEI* countries Politically motivated crisis White farms confiscated by government Weakening of economic & political institutions *World Education Indicators – Middle Income Countries Fast FactsZimbabwe
GDP $200 Economy fallen by 2/3 since independence Food shortages Near collapse of tourism $700 (2003) to $70 million (2006) Inflation is nearly 1000% (2006) HIV/AIDS rate is 24.6% Life expectancy is 39 years Child mortality is 29/1,000 In July, 2006… Current situation…
Education • Primary enrollment 65-90% • Primary to secondary transition 70% • Secondary enrollment 24-30% (est.) • Literacy in adult population 62.5% UNESCO UIS 2004
These political, economic, and societal crises have led to the near collapse of all institutions. Thousands of professionals have left Zimbabwe, yet there are those who remain…. Buckle, 2004; CIA Fact Book 2007; Hill, 2006; International Crisis Group, 2006;Lindow (2006); UNESCO 2007; World Bank, 2006; Zimbabwe: An Opposition Strategy, 2006; Zimbabwe Situation, 2004
Two Theories Rotter’s (1966) Social Learning Theory Internal vs. External Locus of Control Bandura’s (1986) Social Cognitive Theory Reciprocal Determinism Self-Efficacy
“Beliefs in one’s capabilities to organize and execute the courses of action required to produce given attainments”(Bandura, 1986, p.3).
Efficacy is Enabling Conviction Estimate Bandura (1977)
Expend – Persist - Rebound Woolfolk & Hoy (1990), Tschannen-Moran & Hoy (2001)
Benefits of Teacher Efficacy • Linked to student achievement • Open to new ideas • Allow for student autonomy • Attention to high needs students • Build student self-confidence • Set goals • Persist when students fail (Hoy & Spero, 2005)
Research in countries where teachers experience difficult environmental conditions could reveal additional insights about the construct of teacher efficacy.
OSTES Items • How much can you do to get through to the most difficult students? • To what extent can you craft good questions for your students? • How well can you calm a student who is disruptive or noisy?
Subjects 23 educators from 9 rural schools Sanyati West Schools Catchment
Results RQ1: What are the levels of teacher efficacy of educators who work in a catchment of rural schools in Sanyati, Zimbabwe? • 87.3% of responses in highest 3 levels of 9-point Likert scale (7-9) • 10.2% of responses in the mid-levels (6-8) • Only 2.5% in lowest 3 levels
Means • 23/24 items had mean score of 7.0 or above
Only 1 item resulted in 1/3 of the responses in low-mid levels
RQ2: Are the three primary factors in the OSTES - - instructional strategies, classroom management, and student engagement – generally found in the responses of American teachers also present in the responses of the Zimbabwean teachers? It was not possible to conduct a factor analysis due to the small sample size. For a factor analysis to be reliable, 300 subjects is recommended. (Tabschnick & Fidell, 2006, cited in Mertler & Vannatta, 2005)
RQ3: In this sample of teachers, are there significant differences between the 3 underlying structures generally found in previous research using the OSTES? Means and Standard Deviations for Three Factors Factors Mean SD Factor 1 Instructional Strategies 8.065 1.227875 Factor 2 Classroom Management 7.98375 1.500875 Factor 3 Student Engagement 7.8925 1.388875
RQ4: Are there significant differences in the level of teacher efficacy for years of experience? Low = 0-5 yrs. Med = 6-12 yrs. High = 13-35 yrs. Analysis of Variance for Years of Experience – ____________________________________________________ Source SS df MS F Between Groups 228.323 2 114.161 Years of Exp 228.320 2 114.161 .594 .562 Total 844665.000 23 __________________________________________________________
Discussion • Possibility of cultural bias • OSTES measures personal rather than general teaching efficacy • OSTES does not include adequate # items related to environment
Limitations • Sample size • Funding • Time
Implications • Conduct confirmatory analysis of the OSTES in Zimbabwe with larger sample of teachers • Collect comparative data from another country in sub-Saharan Africa • Redesign OSTES to include external, general factors • Use qualitative methods to study contextual variables • Resources & facilities (Hoy & Spero, 2005) • Socio-cultural dimensions (Sorrells, Schaller, & Yang, 200) • Culturally-specific teaching responsibilities Ho & Hau (2004)
“In the world of human thought…the most fruitful concepts are those to which it is impossible to attach a well-defined meaning.” Lewis (1991) A Question of Values
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References, cont. • Wheatley, K. F. (2005). The case for reconceptualizing teacher efficacy research. Teaching and Teacher Education, 21, 747-766. • Woolfolk, A. E., & Hoy, W. K. (1990). Prospective teachers’ sense of efficacy and beliefs about control. Journal of Educational Psychology, 82, 81-91. • World Bank. (2007). Zimbabwe Data Profile. Retrieved February 23, 2007, from • http://devdata.worldbank.org/external/CPProfile.asp?CCODE=ZWE&PTYPE=CP • Zimbabwe Situation. (2004, May 7). The rise and fall of Zimbabwe’s schools. BBC News. Message posted to http://www.zimbabwesituation.com/may9_2004.html#link3