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2. This presentation. Introduction:The evolving importance of governancePrinciples and foundations International trendsRestoring standards of ethics, probity, and accountability in public and corporate lifeRisk - the new paradigm for everythingPractical steps. 3. What is governance?. Not easi
1. A Governance Agenda for the Rudd government Stephen Bartos
Allen Consulting Group
15 February 2008
2. 2 This presentation Introduction:
The evolving importance of governance
Principles and foundations
International trends
Restoring standards of ethics, probity, and accountability in public and corporate life
Risk - the new paradigm for everything
Practical steps
3. 3 What is governance? Not easily answered
Numerous competing and overlapping perspectives
Some definitions include:
4. 4
the framework of rules, relationships systems and processes within and by which authority is exercised and controlled in corporations. It encompasses the mechanisms by which companies, and those in control, are held to account (ASX Corporate Governance Council August 2007)
5. 5
The processes whereby decisions important to the future of an organisation are taken, communicated, monitored and assessed (Bartos 2004)
6. 6 Corporate governance involves a set of relationships between a companys management, its board, its shareholders and other stakeholders. Corporate governance also provides the structure through which the objectives of the company are set, and the means of attaining those objectives and monitoring performance are determined (OECD 1999)
7. 7
Public sector governance:
the processes by which organisations are directed, controlled and held to account. It encompasses authority, accountability, stewardship, leadership direction and control exercised in the organisation (ANAO, 2003)
8. 8 Political governance How a country is run
Institutions of the state and civil society
A key concern for World Bank (see Kaufmanns governance indicators)
And other multilateral agencies
9. 9 World Bank Governance indicators Voice and Accountability
Political Stability & Absence of Violence
Government Effectiveness
Regulatory Quality
Rule of Law
Control of Corruption
10. 10 Other meanings of governance Public administration (the sense in which it is often used in the USA)
many writers do not make a distinction between governance and management
11. 11 Many specialised uses of governance Used in increasingly many other fields:
IT governance
Medical governance
Project governance
University governance
Judicial governance
12. 12 Implications Lack of consensus on definition creates potential miscommunication
Discipline barriers in academe mean different strands of governance rarely come together
13. 13
14. 14 Todays focus: corporate governance Basis in the anglo-american model
OECD Principles of Corporate Governance
Australian Stock Exchange principles
Although a divide has emerged between the Ango and the American sides
15. 15 Anglo (British, Australian, New Zealand) Origins in Cadbury (1992)
integrity, openness and accountability
ASX Principles of Good Corporate Governance (2003)
Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations (2007)
Corporate Governance in New Zealand Principles and Guidelines (Securities Commission 2004)
16. 16 American model Sarbanes-Oxley Act 2002
Including s.404: internal controls on financial reporting
Imposes an onerous compliance regime
Has created a large SOX industry
As well as SOX, highly detailed and prescriptive audit and accounting standards
17. 17 Regulation: Principles vs. rules In the 1980s-1990s, a move to principles based legislation/regulation
Accompanied by calls for deregulation
Reflected a realisation that principles provide more certainty over outcomes than do rules
18. 18 The return of rules More emphasis now on process
Including from governance experts who think it is just about compliance
International regulatory pressures
SOX becoming a global default standard
International financial reporting standards
19. 19 Convergence? Some aspects of SOX could be valuable here
Eg stricter separation of audit and non-audit services
Some questioning in the US of whether SOX has gone too far down the prescriptive route
20. 20 Theoretical foundations Agency problem
Dating from Coase, 1937
Imbalance in information held by parties
Legal issues what is a corporation? Why does it exist?
Transactions costs approaches
Limitations of contracts
21. 21 Is corporate governance important? Little statistically reliable empirical evidence linking what is commonly described as good governance to good results
Good performance determined by many factors
BUT, lack of evidence does not disprove a hypothesis
Generally, directors and CEOs think there is something to be said for good governance
And there are many observed links between poor governance and poor results
22. 22 The need for a new governance agenda Decline in public sector standards nationally
Compliance burden on business
But at the same time, increased vulnerability of consumers and small investors
International competition
23. 23 Public sector Being addressed:
Political advertising
Spendthrift culture
Poor program performance
Ministerial staff
Still needs attention:
Ministerial employment post Parliament
Legacy of poor ethical decisions in public sector
Growth of unnecessary internal regulation
24. 24 Corporations Role of ASIC, APRA, other regulators
Does the ASX if not, why not? approach work?
Complexity of corporate legislation and regulation (despite successive CLERPs)
Complexity of Tax Acts
25. 25 Indigenous governance Sorry as a first step
Attention now on service delivery
Underpinning governance problems:
Inappropriate structures
Mismatch between delivery and governance
What is an indigenous community?
Need to move away from one size fits all
Recognised in 13 February PMs speech
26. 26 Not for profit governance A large sector: 15% of GDP (Mark Lyons)
Not all small and poor
Includes Australian Rugby League, Australian Cricket Board, the churches, World Vision, ACTU, etc.
But suffers from governance legislation that is:
Inconsistent between States
Often inconsistent with corporate governance
Poorly explained and enforced
27. 27 Risk and governance fundamental not an add on
Shared responsibility with management
Boards dont manage day to day risks
But do look at those that affect the whole future of the organisation
And must put in place processes to ensure risk management is done
28. 28 What is risk? the chance of something happening that will have an impact on objectives
(AS/NZS 4360, 3rd ed. 2004)
meant to encompass both potential gains and losses
In reality most risk management focuses on:
events outside normal business
Those with a negative impact
29. 29 Usefulness of risk management standards ANZS 4360
A guide, not a rulebook
But many public sector bodies treat it as the latter
Compliance rather than performance approach
30. 30 Risk as the governance paradigm Risk management of everything
Power, M, Demos 2004 (cc)
Ubiquity of risk
Danger of too much risk management at expense of other values
31. 31 So how does this all come together as a governance agenda? Federalism: once in a century opportunity to sort it out
Regulation: move from rhetoric to reduction
Simplifying tax would be a good first step
Could be done by reducing the number of tax expenditures - link to government fiscal agenda
Reduce internal regulation in public sector
Better understanding of risk (rather than risk aversion) in both corporate and public sector governance standards
32. 32 Transparency Transparency = openness to public and any other external scrutiny
Online, on paper, orally
Transparency enhances accountability, ethics, performance
And minimises risks
Government and corporate transparency can go hand in hand
Part of Federalism and national competition
33. 33 Questions and comment