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HELPING DISADVANTAGED PEOPLE Hungarian i nstitutional background

Learn about Hungarian State Labour Service's efforts to integrate disadvantaged individuals into the workforce. Discover how public, private institutions, funds, and associations work together to provide job opportunities and support services. Explore the active and passive tools used to achieve these goals. Gain insights into the role of private institutions, volunteers, and EU funds in supporting this noble cause.

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HELPING DISADVANTAGED PEOPLE Hungarian i nstitutional background

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  1. HELPING DISADVANTAGED PEOPLE Hungarianinstitutionalbackground GrundtvigLearningPartnership - DISCOVER Meeting – Belgium 23-27. March 2011

  2. Institutionalbackground • Public institutions • Statelevel • Local level • Privateinstitutions • Funds, Assosiations, etc • Church

  3. HungarianStateLabourService and LabourOffices • Main task is toseek and offerjobsforunemployedpeople • Alsotohelpphysicallyormentallydisadvantagedpeople, orformerprisonerstointegrate and findjobs • Operateswithactive and passive „tools” toachieveitsgoals.

  4. HowLabour Service operates • Activetools • Seeksjobs • Giveseducation and mentalsupport • Helpswithadministrative and legalmatters • Coordinatesprojects • Passivetools • Differenttransfers (onlycoordinator-ruleinsome of thesetransfers)

  5. Privateinstitutions • Privatefinancing (support, membershipfee, different EU funds, etc.) • Volunteers • Theirrole: • To lobby • To be „professional” intheirfield • Toraiseawareness • Tohelptheirtargetgroup

  6. Thankyouforyourattention!

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