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Newton Europe and NCC are conducting an assessment to identify opportunities to improve processes, pathways, and practice in order to deliver better outcomes for service users and achieve financial savings. This program aims to promote independence for service users. Get involved through workshops, job shadowing, meetings, interviews, and surveys. Learn more about Newton Europe and their experience in operational improvements.
What would you like to know? Navigate back to this home page or exit. WHAT WE’RE DOING WHAT’S HAPPENING NOW WHO ARE NEWTON EUROPE? Click the section you want to see. ATTENDING A WORKSHOP JOB SHADOWING MEETING AND INTERVIEWS COMPLETING A SURVEY Get in touch. Any questions?
What would you like to know? Navigate back to this home page or exit. WHAT WE’RE DOING WHAT’S HAPPENING NOW WHO ARE NEWTON EUROPE? Click the section you want to see. ATTENDING A WORKSHOP JOB SHADOWING MEETING AND INTERVIEWS COMPLETING A SURVEY Get in touch. Any questions?
What are we doing? This programme will look at all areas of ASCH so that we can build upon the great work we do already and look for opportunities to do it even better. During this first stage – the assessment - we aim to identify opportunitiesthat will further improve our processes, pathways and practice, and in doing so, deliver even better outcomes for service users, whilst delivering essential financial savings for NCC. We are keen to understand what is going well already, what we are worried about and what we need to improve. All with the goal of promoting independence for our service users. The assessment is being led by our own Transformation team in NCC, as well as our external partners for this work at Newton Europe. For more information on Newton Europe, click here. Any questions?
Who are Newton Europe? Newton Europe are an organisation who specialise in operational improvements. They have experience in analysing complex health and social care systems to reveal the core issues and identify the biggest barriers; they also have practical, front-line experience of implementing changes. They have recently worked with Kent County Council, Lancashire County Council and Swindon Borough Council. “We have been impressed with Newton Europe’s track record with other Councils. They are committed to identifying savings whilst achieving the best possible outcomes for the public. They also work together with staff to share experiences and opinions on key topics: from keeping people out of long-term care unless that is the best place for them, to the factors that influence the decisions we take, every day.” David Pearson, Corporate Director for Adult Social Care and Health and Public Protection Any questions?
What’s happening now? • The assessment is all about gathering information, processing it and using it to identify what we are doing well already and where we can be better. • To collect this information, we will complete a range of activities. These include: • case discussions at workshops led by NCC practice experts • Job shadowing members of staff from all levels and from across the organisation to get a better understanding of how NCC works • NCC-wide surveys to get wider opinions and feedback from across the organisation • collaborating with Finance and Performance teams to analyse historical data • Our assessment starts on the 14th August and will last 4 weeks. • . If you are selected to help in any of these assessment activities, please be open, honest and as helpful as you can – your input will help us determine any actions to take. Thank you. For a little more detail on the assessment activities, click here Any questions?
What’s happening now? We will be in touch with you and your manager if you are required to help with any of these activities. Thank you for your support. Any questions?
Attending a Workshop • In each workshop, you will revisit cases and discuss what was done well and how we could improve our processes or systems to allow the service user to retain more of their independence. • Please note – these workshops are not case audits, and we will not be reviewing individual practice. We are more interested in the processes around the services across NCC, and how we could use them better to promote independence. • You may be asked to participate in the workshop in one of three ways: • Leading a workshop • Being part of a case discussion group at a workshop • Talking about some of your cases at a workshop Click on each one to see what it involves Any questions?
Leading a Workshop What is my role? You will be asked to make sure that the workshop on the day runs smoothly. This will involve introducing the programme, leading a short session on how to make sure all the discussions are useful, and ensuring that the Practitioners feel relaxed when presenting their cases. You will also be asked to hold a Q&A call for Panellists and Practitioners attending your workshop to answer any questions and alleviate any concerns before the workshop itself. What will I need to prepare? Newton will prepare all of the necessary materials and logistics for the day, so you don’t need to worry about that. However, we would need to spend some time with you to go through some of the finer details a week or so before the workshop. Will I need to bring anything? Refreshments will be provided, but please bring your own lunch. You don’t need anything else. Which workshop will I need to lead? You will be asked to lead one of 6 workshops which will take place in the weeks beginning 14th and 21st August. Why should I do it? Being part of this programme means being part of shaping how we deliver care in Nottinghamshire in the future – it will allow you to be creative and share your thoughts on what we can do differently and better. It is also an excellent opportunity for professional and personal development. Back to workshop roles Any questions?
Being part of the Case Discussion Group What is my role? The Discussion Group’s role is to reflect on cases and discuss how we could have made better use of our services to promote independence, and what this different package of care would look like. Discussions will be within multi-agency panels of 3 or 4 (including social workers, OTs, physios, Reablement workers). The cases for discussion will be introduced to you by the worker who wrote the case notes – so your role is also to ensure that this practitioner feels relaxed, comfortable and able to contribute to the discussion. The discussions are not case audits, and so they should have a completely different feel – we need your help to make sure that happens. What will I need to prepare? Please read the more detailed guide that we’ll send you ahead of the workshop. You may also wish to dial in to a Q&A call hosted by the Group Manager leading the workshop. Will I need to bring anything? Refreshments will be provided, but please bring your own lunch. You don’t need anything else. Which workshop will I need to lead? You will be asked to lead one of 6 workshops which will take place in the weeks beginning 14th and 21st August. Why should I do it? Being part of this programme means being part of shaping how we deliver care in Nottinghamshire in the future. It is also an excellent opportunity to share ideas and knowledge across the services, and to think creatively about how we can work differently and better. Back to workshop roles Any questions?
Talking about your cases at a workshop What is my role? Your role is to bring in-depth knowledge of the cases that we discuss. You are there to help the group understand the case in detail so that they can better understand how we can improve outcomes for service users. You are also very well placed to contribute to that discussion! Remember: it is not a case audit – the discussion group won’t be challenging your practice, and you are there to make their job easier. What will I need to prepare? Before the workshop, we will send you a list of 4-6 cases that we would like to discuss on the day. We would ask you to briefly refamiliarise yourself with the cases - enough so that you feel confident discussing their details. You may also wish to dial in to a Q&A call hosted by the Workshop Lead before workshop itself. Will I need to bring anything? Just your ThinkPad (so that you can review case notes if you need to) and your own lunch. Refreshments will be provided. Which workshop will I need to attend? You will be asked to participate in one of 6 workshops which will take place in the weeks beginning 14th and 21st August. Why should I do it? It’s a chance to be reflective and creative, as well as get some interesting insight from specialist leads from across a variety of NCC services. It’s also a great opportunity to share your thoughts on what we should do differently. Back to workshop roles Any questions?
Job Shadowing We need to help the people supporting us from Newton understand what Adult Social Care is like across Nottinghamshire – especially what makes it different to other places in the UK. As such, a few people from Newton will job shadow NCC staff for a day to see first hand your work, role, experience, processes – all first hand. This is a great opportunity to share what works well at the moment for you, as well as highlighting the barriers that prevent you from being able to do even better. Who will be picked? To understand how we work at all levels and in all services we’ll ask a variety of different people to help out. If it’s you, your Group Manager will let you know. When will this take place? During the first few weeks of the assessment. We’ll speak to you and your manager beforehand, so you don’t need to worry about someone turning up unannounced. Do I need to do anything differently? Absolutely not. We need to understand ‘typical’ days and processes, so the less you do differently, the more helpful it is for us. Any questions?
Meetings and Interviews Throughout the assessment we’ll find areas across NCC that we can improve to help support you in delivering better outcomes. But we’ll need your experience and opinions to explore and validate these ideas as well as develop potential solutions. Whether they are referred to as ‘meetings’ or ‘interviews’, they are nothing more than a chance for you to share your opinion – so you don’t need to worry, or prepare anything beforehand. We’ll be in touch with you and your manager if we’d like to invite you to a meeting – we don’t show up unannounced. Any questions?
Completing a Survey At some points during the assessment, we will need to collect data from a large number of people across NCC. The easiest way to do this is through different types of surveys. They are not time-consuming, and they will be simple to complete – but they will be hugely valuable for us in the level of detail they can provide. So, if you are asked to complete one of the surveys – please do so. And feel free to get in touch if you have any further questions or comments to add. Thank you for your support. Any questions?
Any questions? Jennifer Allen Project Manager Programmes & Projects Team Nottinghamshire County Council E: jennifer.allen@nottscc.gov.uk T: 01159 772052 If you have a question or wish to raise a concern please contact: Ian Haines (Programme Manager) Strategic Development Manager Adult Social Care and Health Transformation Team Nottinghamshire County Council E: ian1.haines@nottscc.gov.uk T: 01159 772142 Any questions?
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