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Responsive Management

Responsive Management. Pro-Active Teacher Moves: Teaching Smarter not Harder Program for Standard English Learners Academic English Mastery Program. Five CLR Pedagogical Areas. Infusing Situational Appropriateness with Language and Behavior (Responsive Language).

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Responsive Management

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  1. Responsive Management Pro-Active Teacher Moves: Teaching Smarter not Harder Program for Standard English Learners Academic English Mastery Program

  2. Five CLR Pedagogical Areas Infusing Situational Appropriateness with Language and Behavior (Responsive Language) Creating an Inviting Learning Environment for Student Success (Responsive Environment)

  3. Classroom Management101

  4. How might you prevent this?

  5. Objectives • Define Culturally Responsive Classroom Management • Build capacity around the Three Rs and Effective Classroom Management • Explore the purposeful use of Attention Signals and Protocols

  6. Research Says… Impact of Teacher Effectiveness on Student Achievement, Classroom Management That Works, Marzano (2003) Effective classroom management is the foundation upon which effective instructional strategies and good classroom curriculum design are built. (Marzano 2003)

  7. Standards Connections • “To build a foundation for college and career readiness, students must have ample opportunities to take part in a variety of rich, structured conversations—as part of a whole class, in small groups, and with a partner. Being productive members of these conversations requires that students contribute accurate, relevant information; respond to and develop what others have said; make comparisons and contrasts; and analyze and synthesize a multitude of ideas in various domains.” Common Core Standards Book, College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Speaking and Listening, page 20

  8. What is Culturally Responsive Classroom Management?

  9. Numbered Heads Think- Ink: “What do you think culturally responsive classroom management looks like?” • At the signal do a whip around to share responses • Be prepared to share one characteristic as a table group

  10. CLR REVIEW “CLR is the validation and affirmation of the home (indigenous) culture and home language for the purposes of building and bridging the student to success in the culture of academia and mainstream society(Hollie, p. 23).”

  11. Create Instructional Range REVIEW

  12. The Big Picture “The objective of Cultural and Linguistic Responsiveness (CLR) is to increase student engagement and decrease management issues with responsive strategies and activities (Hollie, p. 23).”

  13. Intensive social skills training • Individual behavior management plans • Parent training and collaboration • Multi-agency collaboration (wrap-around) services • Alternatives to suspension and expulsion • Community and service learning Targeted/ Intensive (High-risk students) Individual Interventions (3-5%) Adapted from: Sprague & Walker, 2004 Selected (At-risk Students) Classroom & Small Group Strategies (10-20% of students) • Intensive social skills training • Self-management programs • Parent training and collaboration • School based adult mentors • Increased academic support and practice • Alternatives to out-of-school suspension • Community and service learning • Effective academic support • Social skills training • Positive, proactive discipline • Teaching school behavior expectations • Active supervision and monitoring • Positive reinforcement systems • Firm, fair, and corrective discipline • Effective classroom management • Community and service learning Universal (All Students) School-wide, Culturally Relevant Systems of Support (75-85% of students)

  14. Validate Affirm Build & Bridge Validate: Making legitimate that which the institution (academia) and mainstream media have made illegitimate culturally and linguistically Affirm: Making positive that which the institution (academia) and mainstream media have made negative culturally and linguistically Build: Creating the connections between the home culture/language and the school culture/language through instruction (teaching necessary skills) for success in school and the broader social context Bridge: Creating opportunities for situational appropriateness or utilizing appropriate cultural or linguistic behaviors

  15. Responsive Classroom Management Validates and Affirms • Effective Attention Signals • Participation and Discussion Protocols • Infusion of movement • Extended Collaboration Opportunities

  16. The Three Ps and Rs for Effective Classroom Management

  17. Culturally Responsive Management • Teachers who are intent on incorporating CLR into their classroom management system should subscribe to the Three Ps. Positive Proactive Preventive

  18. Culturally Responsive Management • CLRdoes not replace ineffective classroom management. Find out what it means to me! RAPPORT RELATIONSHIP RESPECT

  19. Rally Table • Determine who will be PartnerA for Awesome and Partner B for Brilliant • Individually respond to the prompt • At the call of time please switch papers with your partner and respond to your partner’s response • Continue until time is called • Shhhhhh…no talking! • What do you do to build rapport, relationship and respect? • What evidence do you have that your management style supports the Three Rs? Each participant will take turns passing their response to the prompt, building upon the response making a contribution until time is called.

  20. Three Rs in Action! My Theme Song:  Song Title: Uptown Funk  Lyrics That Most Represent you: “Don’t believe me just watch”  Artist: Mark Ronson feat. Bruno Mars  Explanation: Actions speak louder than words HAND OUT

  21. Integration of Technology bit.ly/MYANTHEM

  22. More than just a survey… Create class playlists to play during musical shares or during transitions between activities Present lyrics as examples of figurative language, use for call and response Make references to students’ favorite shows when discussing character and conflict

  23. “I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” Maya Angelou

  24. Use of Attention Signals & Protocols

  25. What are Attention Signals? An attention signal is an agreed upon verbal or non-verbal cue used to bring back students to focus when they are engaged. • To clarify directions • To transition during the lesson • To bring the lesson to a close

  26. Protocols for Engagement • Explicit, structured norms for participating in whole group discussions • Decreases cultural misunderstandings and validates a variety of cultural behaviors and practices • Communicates high expectations for participation and accountability • Opportunities to practice situational appropriateness

  27. Purposeful use of Protocols HAND OUT

  28. Do Your Students… • need to go to the bathroom about 10 minutes into your lesson? • find the need to repeatedly sharpen their pencils? • find any reason to get up and move to see their friends? • look like they could fall asleep during your class? If you answered YES to one or more of these questions you might want to consider…

  29. Movement with Instructional Purpose • Tea Party • Give One Get One • Walk & Talk • Find Someone Who... • Musical Shares • Stand Up/Hand Up/Pair Up • Corners • Quiz Quiz Trade

  30. Cultural Learning Behaviors HAND OUT

  31. Video Example Student Moves • As you watch the video of a responsive classroom, take notes of your observations on the graphic organizer provided. • Remember the video is edited for the sake of time. Teacher Moves HAND OUT

  32. Protocols in Action

  33. Get Started! • Identify 3-4 new protocols that you will use on a consistent basis • Post explanations of the Participation and Discussion Protocols in a prominent area • Introduce and teach the protocols with low-content, high-interest activities that focus on the structures of the protocols

  34. Vignettes

  35. Discussion Question At your table group, please discuss the following question regarding your vignette. • Which strategies might assist the teacher with increasing student engagement and decreasing management issues?

  36. Reflection

  37. Let’s Recap… Which strategies can I use? What will be my next steps?

  38. Plan Deliver Reflect Cycle Plan Act Do Check

  39. Start CLR Now! • Be determined and prepared to go responsive when necessary • Start with 3 attention signals and 3 movement activities that go across the instructional range • Build a community of acceptance, respect of diversity (ALL), and tolerance with meaningful activities, rituals, and infusion into your daily instruction

  40. Resources

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