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Test your wildlife knowledge with this fun Jeopardy game. Click on a point value to reveal an answer, and you provide the question! Explore different ecological terms and endangered species while learning about environmental conservation.
Envirothon WildlifeJEOPARDY Click on a point value (100 to 500) to reveal an answer YOU provide the QUESTION!! Navigate back to the Jeopardy board by clicking on RETURN TO BOARD Created by Gisele Weese Civil Engineer & Biology Teacher March 2, 2015
The interaction between two different organisms living in close physical association, typically to the advantage of both. RETURN TO BOARD
Of adaptation, migration and hibernation, the one involving the seasonal movements of animals from one region to another. RETURN TO BOARD
An ecological or environmental area inhabited by a particular species of animal, plant or other organism. RETURN TO BOARD
The horizontal black line depicted below RETURN TO BOARD
Animals that are active during the day are called this. RETURN TO BOARD
NY’s State animal is the same as this country’s national animal. RETURN TO BOARD
Any native species for which a welfare concern or risk of endangerment has been documented in New York State. RETURN TO BOARD
NYS DEC issues permits for stream repair & rehabilitation, which contribute to this practice. RETURN TO BOARD
This bat is on the NYS DEC list of endangered mammals. RETURN TO BOARD
Robert Moses, Peebles Island and Letchworth RETURN TO BOARD
A game species with these beautiful tail feathers. RETURN TO BOARD
This phenomenon directly impacts the habitat of the animal below. RETURN TO BOARD
This tree species provides acorns, leaves, twigs, and young shoots for deer and rabbits to browse, making it an important species during food shortages RETURN TO BOARD
These rodents, respectively. 2 1 3 RETURN TO BOARD
These 3 animals, respectively. 2 1 3 RETURN TO BOARD
This animal is listed as an endangered species in NY. It was historically present in the state, but has been absent since the late 1800s. RETURN TO BOARD
A Species that no longer exists in the wild in a certain country or area, but can be found else where in the world. RETURN TO BOARD
The lake sturgeon is New York's largest freshwater fish, and currently listed with this status. RETURN TO BOARD
The 1966 Endangered Species Preservation Act was prompted by the plight of this animal, of which only 21 were left remaining in 1944. RETURN TO BOARD
In addition to habitat loss, these are 3 ways that species can become endangered. RETURN TO BOARD
NEPA, an act that requires federal agencies to integrate environmental values into their decision making processes by considering the environmental impacts of their proposed actions. RETURN TO BOARD
The CFR, the general and permanent rules published by the US government RETURN TO BOARD
Their interactions with prey help move energy through the food chain and control and balance wild populations. RETURN TO BOARD
Deer and Elk are susceptible to prions, which can cause this transmissible spongiform encephalopathy. RETURN TO BOARD
DDT is harmful to Bald Eagles and Brown Pelicans because of this result it has. RETURN TO BOARD