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Multi-literacy in education research in national core curriculum in basic education practice

Multi-literacy in education research in national core curriculum in basic education practice. Ria Heilä-Ylikallio Hannah Kaihovirta Åbo Akademi University 29.9. 2015. READ TO SUCCEED. Multi-literacy in education research.

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Multi-literacy in education research in national core curriculum in basic education practice

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  1. Multi-literacy in education research in national core curriculum in basic education practice Ria Heilä-Ylikallio Hannah Kaihovirta Åbo Akademi University 29.9. 2015 READTOSUCCEED

  2. Multi-literacy in education research By tradition in school settings, written and spoken language has had a dominant role whereas visual, dramatic or musical modes have been valued mainly for aesthetic purposes (Eisner, 2008; Kress, 2008; Østern, 2014). However, the interest for the connection between multimodality and learning has grown lately within the Nordic educational debate. In Finland the renewed national core curriculum for basic education, which is planned to be in use from 2016, includes the concepts of multi-literacy and multimodality. What are the possibilities and positions for L1 and subject integrated practice in a multimodal and multi-literacy education perspective?

  3. Research and Development Project History

  4. Hermeneutic research design. An encounter of possibilities. Society as Horizon: New understanding and look beyond what is close at hand. Students in research focus:: Heidi Höglund research in progress on students’ meaning making, grades 7-9. Teachers in research focus: five didactic strategies for multimodal and aesthetic literacy learning. Classroom research in focus: Vikinga skola grades 1-6. Preunderstanding: need of new literacy learning strategies for the 21st century in Swedish L1 Education in Finland.

  5. Research and Development Project Transparent Layers of New Understanding and Knowledge Layer One: Teacher - Artist dialogue, didactics and documentation, 2001-2010 - Hannah Kaihovirta PhD dissertation on aesthetic ,art based, multimodal and interpretative learning (diss. 2009) Layer Two: Developing 5 didactic strategies, production of literature books for children and teacher tutorilas. Published by Schildts & Söderströms, 2004-2012 LayerThree: Professional development courses for teachers in service. Språkets Magiska Maskin CLL Åbo Akademi University, 2005-2013 - About 500 teachers participated in Finland, Sweden and Norway - Anne Lie Nyman: Master Thesis Teacher experiences of professional development in aesthetic and interpretative learning didactic strategies (2013) - Colleges as Mentors on aesthetic and multimodal didactic strategies, CLL 2013-2014 - Use of strategies in teacher education programs, Åbo Akademi University (2004-2015) Layer Four: Continuous interpretation and research publications, collaborations, lectures, conferences and seminars, 2000-2014 Layer Five: Future society and school as research horizon.

  6. Creating the 6th strategy New understanding upon the experience of 5 two dimensional didactic strategies. Multi-literacy on phenomena in life as a three dimensional didactic strategy.

  7. Multi-literacy in core school curriculum Why is it new? Why is it difficult?

  8. A curricula sticker for teachers on multiple competence areas 1. The ability to think and learn 2. Cultural and communication competence 3. Everyday knowledge and competence 4. Multi-literacy 5. Digital competence 6. Competence in working life and entrepreneurship 7. Ability to engage, influence and contribute to a sustainable future

  9. Multi-literacy in basic education practice How could teachers think theoretically and in praxis? Multilitteracies, languages, signs and artifacts (f.ex. Helle Pia Laursen in Denmark)

  10. Developing practice on multi-literacy and digital design in education www.dididi.fi/english/

  11. References: Eisner, E. (2008). Eisner, E. (2008). Art and knowledge. In Knowles, G.J. & Cole, A.L. Handbook of the Arts in Qualitative Research. Perspectives, methodologies, examples, and issues. SAGE Publications. (pp. 3–12) Heilä-Ylikallio, R., Østern, A-L., Kaihovirta-Rosvik, H. & Rantala, B. (2004). Tjugotre poetiska landskap. Lärarhandledning till litteraturboken Poetens penna. Helsingfors: Söderströms. Heilä-Ylikallio, R., Østern, A-L., Kaihovirta-Rosvik, H. & Rantala, B. (2005). Sjutton stigar att trampa upp. Lärarhandledning till Valters fotspår Litteraturboken 2. Helsingfors: Söderströms. Heilä-Ylikallio, R. Østern, A-L., Kaihovirta-Rosvik, H. & Rantala, B. (2007). Åtta riktmärken. Lärarhandledning för Huvudet kallt. Helsingfors: Söderströms. Höglund, H. (in progress). Transmediating poetry to film. An Inquiry of Film Making Practices in Literature Education. Åbo Akademi University, doctoral thesis. Kaihovirta-Rosvik, H. (2009). Images of Imagination. An Aesthetic Approach to Education. Åbo: Åbo Akademis Förlag. (Diss.) Kaihovirta-Rosvik, H. Heilä-Ylikallio, R., Østern, A-L. (2011). Didaktisk modellutveckling för tolkande läsning. En studie i multimodalt konstpedagogiskt utvecklingsarbete. In: J.Smidt & ass. (Eds.) Tekst og tegn. Lesing, skriving og multimodalitet i skole og samfunn. pp. 217-236. Tapir Akademisk Forlag. Kaihovirta-Rosvik H., Heilä-Ylikallio, R. Østern, A-L., & Rantala, B. (2012). Två arenor för samhälle och individ - Noll tolerans. Lärarhandledning för Vems Romeo? Vems Julia? Helsingfors: Sets. Kress, G. (2003). Literacy in the New Media Age. London: Routledge. Kress, G. (2010) Multimodality: a social semiotic approach to contemporary communication. London: Routledge. Kress, G. (2008). ́Literacy ́ in a Multimodal Environment of Communication. In Flood, J., Heath S.B, & Lapp, D. (Eds.) The Handbook of Research on Teaching Literacy Through the Communicative and Visual Arts. Vol 3. New York: Taylor & Francis Group (pp. 91–100) Kress, G. (2010) Multimodality: a social semiotic approach to contemporary communication. London: Routledge. Østern, A-L., Heilä-Ylikallio, R., Kaihovirta-Rosvik, H. & Rantala, B. (2010). Tusen trollformler. Lärarhandledning för Litteraturboken 4: Trolltrumman. Helsingfors: Söderströms. Østern, A-L. (Ed). (2014). Dramaturgi i didaktisk kontekst [Dramaturgy in didactical context] Bergen: Fabokforlaget.

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