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This workshop aims to initiate a collaborative effort to resolve unresolved issues related to IP-Telecom interworking, develop a joint work plan, and create an output document. It is not an official ITU or IETF meeting but will provide a baseline document for ongoing work.
Workshop Introduction Presentation by: Fred Gaechter Rapporteur, Q1/2 +1 732 699 5500 fredgaechter@monmouth.com Document IPW-2
Purpose of Workshop • Assumption: convergence of services offered on IP and Telecom networks will necessitate interworking methods • Multiple forums addressing convergence issues in the context of their own knowledge and expertise • Quality convergence issue resolution requires collaborative effort to ensure ubiquitous and operationally viable conclusions • Workshop intended to initiate the collaborative effort • Understand each other’s perspective • Agree on terms and definitions • Develop a joint issue resolution work plan and linkage
Workshop Objectives • Identify NNAR unresolved issues relative to IP-Telecom interworking • Develop a collaboration method and joint Work Plan for the resolution of the identified issues • Create a Workshop output document
Workshop Work Method • Assumptions • Workshop is not an official ITU or IETF meeting • Scope of topics: technical, operational, administrative - not regulatory or tariff/charging • Informal, open discussion • Issue Identification - “Green light” Sessions • Agreements are to be consensus-based • Potential for break-out sessions
Workshop Output Document • Output document has no official ITU or IETF status • Capture final agreements - not a Meeting Report or Notes • Baseline document for ongoing work • Matrix-based document • Document to be introduced to Responsible Forums for internal Work Plan development • Include Future Work Plan and Methods