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10/6 - 7 th Grade Agenda

10/6 - 7 th Grade Agenda. Collect: HW: Chap 1 Study Guide Waves and Electromagnetic Specturm Class Reading: p. 38 - 41 HW: Workbook: p. 31- 32. Wave. A wave is a disturbance that transfer ene_____ from place to place. Who can give me examples of waves?. rgy. Is light a wave?. Yes

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10/6 - 7 th Grade Agenda

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  1. 10/6 - 7th Grade Agenda Collect: HW: Chap 1 Study Guide Waves and Electromagnetic Specturm Class Reading: p. 38 - 41 HW: Workbook: p. 31- 32

  2. Wave • A wave is a disturbance that transfer ene_____ from place to place. • Who can give me examples of waves? rgy

  3. Is light a wave? • Yes • But why?

  4. Picture of Light Wave • Image of a pulse of light that is 2.5 billionths of a millionth of a second long

  5. Energy • In science, energy is defined as the ability to do wo___. rk

  6. Medium • The material through which a wave tra____ is called a medium • Who can give me examples of medium? vels

  7. Does Light Waves need a medium? • Scientist first thought that Light needed to travel through a medium. So they invented the idea of aether in space. • They look for aether in outer space but they found nothing. • So, Light Waves can travel without a medium even in a Vacuum of outer space.

  8. Crest gh • Hi___ point of a wave is called a crest

  9. Trough ow • L___ point of a wave is called a trough

  10. Amplitude imum • Amplitude is the max______ distance that the particles of medium carrying the wave move away from their rest positions. • Which rope has higher amplitude?

  11. Wavelength • The distance between two corresp______ parts of a wave is its wavelength. • Which rope has longer wavelength? onding

  12. Frequency • Wave frequency is the num_____ of complete waves that pass a given point in a certain amount of time ber

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