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Les Cartes de Grammaire. Chapitre 5. Reflexive Verbs. Reflexive verbs are identified in the infinitive by the reflexive pronoun “se.” Reflexive verbs are used when the person doing the action is also receiving the action. To conjugate (use the correct reflexive pronoun!): se laver
Les Cartes de Grammaire Chapitre 5
Reflexive Verbs • Reflexive verbs are identified in the infinitive by the reflexive pronoun “se.” • Reflexive verbs are used when the person doing the action is also receiving the action. • To conjugate (use the correct reflexive pronoun!): se laver Je me (m’) lave Nous nouslavons Tute (t’) laves Vousvouslavez Il/Elle se (s’) lave Ils/Ellesse (s’)lavent • Negatives: put ne…pas around reflexive pronoun AND verb. Ex: Je ne me lave pas.
Troisverbesirréguliers • s’appeler (to call) Je m’appelle Nous nousappelons Tut’appellesVousvousappelez Il/Elle s’appelleIls/Elless’appellent • se lever (to get up) Je me lève Nous nouslevons TutelèvesVousvouslevez Il/Elle se lèveIls/Elles se lèvent • s’ennuyer Je m’ennuie Nous nousennuyons Tut’ennuiesVousvousennuyez Il/Elle s’ennuieIls/Elless’ennuient
Tout • To say all or whole, use: • Ex: Toute ma famille se lèvetôt. (My whole family gets up early) • Ex: Tous les élèves (all the students)…(étudient pour le français) • Tout le monde = everyone • Ex: Tout le monde est prêt? Is everyone ready?
Reflexive Verbs in the Passé Composé • Reflexive verbs use ÊTRE in the P.C. • Subj. + (ne) + Reflexive Pronoun + helping verb + (pas) + P.P. + agreements • Ex: Marie (ne) s’est (pas) lavée. • Ex: Nous noussommesrasé(e)s. • ATTENTION! When a DIRECT OBJECT follows a reflexive verb, the past participle does NOT change to agree with the subject. • Ex: Marie s’estlavée Marie s’estlavéla figure. • Ex: Nous noussommesrasé(e)s. Nous noussommesraséles jambes.
Commands with Reflexive Verbs • Positive commands: attach the reflexive pronoun to the end of the verb. • te->toi • Couche-toi! Go to bed! • Brossez-vous les dents! Brush your teeth! • Coiffons-nous! Let’s fix our hair! • Negative command: place the reflexive pronoun directly before the verb (ne…pas around the whole thing). • Ne tecouche pas! • Ne vousbrossez pas les dents! • Ne nous coiffons pas!
Reflexive Verbs with Infinitives • Reflexive pronouns and verbs are placed after the first verb. • J’aime me couchertôt. I like going to bed early. • Remember to use the reflexive pronoun that agrees with the subject! • Tuaimestebrosser les dents avant le petit déjeuner, maiselleaime se brosser les dents après. You like to brush your teeth before breakfast, but she likes to brush her teeth after. • Conjugate aller with a reflexive pronoun and verb in the infinitive to form the immediate future. • Nous allons nous sécher les cheveux. We are going to dry our hair.
Definite Article with Reflexive Verbs and Body Parts • Use the Definite Article (le, la, les, l’) • NOT the possessive adjective (mon, ton, son, etc.) with body parts after reflexive verbs. • Ex: Je me lave la figure. I’m washing my face. • Ex: Nous noussechons les cheveux. We are drying our hair. • Ex: Elle se rase les jambes. She is shaving her legs.