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PASSIVE & CAUSATIVE IN ENGLISH. Study the example …. This house was built in 1930. (“ was built ” is passive ). Compare active and passive : Somebody built this house in 1930. (active) ( object to subject ) This house was built in 1930. ( passive ).
Studytheexample… Thishousewasbuiltin 1930. (“wasbuilt” ispassive). Compare active and passive: Somebodybuiltthishousein 1930. (active) (objecttosubject) Thishousewasbuiltin 1930. (passive)
We use an ACTIVE VERB tosaywhatthesubjectdoes: • My grandfatherwas a builder. He builtthishouse in 1930. • It’s a bigcompany. Itemploystwohundredpeople. • We use a PASSIVE VERB tosaywhathappenstothesubject: • Thishouseis quite old. Itwasbuiltin 1930. • Twohundredpeople are employedbythecompany.
Whenwe use thepassive, whoorwhat causes theactionisoftenunknownorunimportant: A lot of moneywasstolenin therobbery. Isthisroomcleanedeveryday? Ifwewanttosaywhodoesorwhat causes theaction, we use by…: Thishousewasbuiltby my grandfather. Twohundredpeople are employedbythecompany.
PASSIVE FORMS Present simple (affirmative) Somebodycleansthisroomeveryday Thisroomiscleanedeveryday Carelessdrivingcausesmanyaccidents Manyaccidentsare causedbycarelessdriving
PASSIVE FORMS Present simple (negative) Somebodydoesnotcleanthisroomeveryday Thisroomisnotcleanedeveryday Peopledon’t use thisroadveryoften Thisroadisnotusedveryoften
PASSIVE FORMS Present simple (interrogative) Doesanybodycleanthisroomeveryday? Isthisroomcleanedeveryday? Howdopeoplelearnlanguages? Howarelanguages learnt?
PASSIVE FORMS Past simple (affirmative) Somebodycleanedthisroomyesterday Thisroomwascleanedyesterday Theycancelledallflightsbecause of fog Allflightswere cancelledbecause of fog
PASSIVE FORMS Past simple (negative) Shedidnotwrite a story A storywasnotwritten (byher) Theydidn’t invite Sallytotheparty Sallywasnotinvitedtotheparty
PASSIVE FORMS Past simple (interrogative) DidMattbringtheingredients? Weretheingredientsbrought (byMatt)? Didyouwashthe car beforethetrip? Wasthe car washedbeforethetrip?
PASSIVE FORMS Future simple (affirmative) Somebodywillcleantheroomlater Theroomwillbecleanedlater Wewillsellallourbooks Allour bookswillbesold
PASSIVE FORMS Presentcontinuous (affirmative) Somebodyiscleaningtheroom Theroomisbeingcleaned John iswateringtheplants Theplantsare beingwatered(by John)
PASSIVE FORMS Pastcontinuous (affirmative) Somebodywascleaningtheroom Theroomwasbeingcleaned My motherwasbaking a cake A cake wasbeingbaked(by my mother)
PASSIVE FORMS Presentperfect (affirmative): Theroom looks nice. Somebodyhas cleanedit Theroom looks nice. Ithas beencleaned TheyhaveinvitedJohn totheparty John has beeninvitedtotheparty
PASSIVE FORMS Pastperfect (affirmative): Theroomlookednice. Somebodyhadcleanedit Theroomlookednice. Ithadbeencleaned Theyhadn’ttoldusthegoodnews Wehadn’tbeentoldthenews (bythem)
PASSIVE FORMS Modals: Theyshouldcleanthisroom! Thisroomshouldbecleaned! Youcouldtakesomesweets! Somesweetscouldbetaken!
PASSIVE FORMS Modal perfects: Theyshouldhavecleanedthisroom! Thisroomshouldhavebeencleaned! Youshouldtakecoatsforthekids! Coatsshouldhavebeentakenforthekids!
PASSIVE FORMS “Haveto”: Theyhavetocleanthisroom! Thisroomhas tobecleaned! He has towashthat jumper! That jumper has tobewashed!
I cut my hair I have my haircut Causativestructure: tohave/ get + pastparticiple
CAUSATIVE He washeshis car once a month Sheusuallychecksherteeth He has/getshis car washed once a month Sheusuallyhas/getsherteethchecked