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Tracing the Accretion History of the Universe by stacking X-rays from Red Galaxies in the NDWFS

Tracing the Accretion History of the Universe by stacking X-rays from Red Galaxies in the NDWFS. Kate Brand, NOAO, Tucson

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Tracing the Accretion History of the Universe by stacking X-rays from Red Galaxies in the NDWFS

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Tracing the Accretion History of the Universe by stacking X-rays from Red Galaxies in the NDWFS Kate Brand, NOAO, Tucson A. Dey, B. Jannuzi, M. Brown, J. Najita, C. Kochanek, C. Watson, D. Fabricant, G. Fazio, W. Forman, P. Green, C. Jones, A. Kenter, S. Murray, A. Vikhlinin, B. McNamara, J. Shields, M. Rieke AAS, Denver, June 2004

  2. The NDWFS / XBoÖtes fields

  3. Summary • Stacking analysis of X-rays from optically selected galaxies to determine mean X-ray properties and how this evolves. • Wide field / deep multi-band optical data • AGN / star formation.

  4. The NDWFS red galaxy population (Brown et al. 2003) 3316 red galaxies in 1.4 deg2 region selected by model SED fitting to photometric data Photometric redshifts, z= 0.3-0.9 Same evolution corrected absolute magnitude distribution over all redshifts (MR < -20.5) -> tracing same population

  5. The stacked X-ray images

  6. Evolution of X-ray Luminosity with Redshift TOTAL HARD SOFT

  7. Future Work • The full 9 deg2 -> ~ 7 x number of objects -> better number statistics • Smaller errors • Divide population into sub-populations • Mean X-ray spectra • Bimodality in number counts • Stacking of X-rays in different optical populations - AGN / Star formation • Multi-wavelength data - deep radio / FIR - star formation rates

  8. Extraction radius / off-axis distance

  9. Results

  10. Number counts

  11. Tau distribution

  12. MR distribution

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