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Cordova Elementary School. School Improvement Plan 2012-2013. Tamera Avanzi Principal Tamika Jackson Assistant Principal Timika Sandridge Instructional Facilitator For questions and concern, email: Sandridgetd@mcsk12.net. School Improvement Plan. Our objective today is:
Cordova Elementary School School Improvement Plan 2012-2013 Tamera Avanzi Principal Tamika Jackson Assistant Principal Timika Sandridge Instructional Facilitator Forquestions and concern, email: Sandridgetd@mcsk12.net
School Improvement Plan • Our objective today is: • I can read and understand Cordova Elementary’s data. • I can identify target groups and attainable performance level goals. • I can identify timelines for measuring progress and attaining the goals. • I can identify key strategies to achieve 2012-13 goals.
Achievement Targets2012-13 AMOs Focus-Where we are………..
2012-13 Achievement Targets- Where we need to go. We can do this, BUT HOW?
DATA ANALYSIS • AREAS OF GREATEST PROGRESS IN READING/LANGAUGE ARTS • Proficient/Advanced IMPROVEMENTS Reading/Language Arts in grades 3-5 increased proficiency by 8.5% from 2011. • RLA 4th grade: 14% gain RLA 5th grade: 9% gain • Subgroups in RLA for grades 3-5: • ALL: 8.5% gain • White: 2.6% gain • Hispanic: 4.5% gain ED: 7.7% gain • Black: 12.8% gain SWD: 18.3% gain • Asian: 15.5 % gain LEP: 20% gain
DATA ANALYSIS • AREAS OF GREATEST PROGRESS IN MATHEMATICS • Proficient/Advanced IMPROVEMENTS • Mathematics in grades 3-5 increased proficiency by 19.3% from 2011. • Math 3rd grade: 10% gain • Math 4th grade: 20% gain • Math 5th grade: 24% gain • Subgroups in MATH for grades 3-5: • ALL: 19.3% gain Asian: 13.4% gain • White: 19.7% gain ED: 20% gain • Hispanic: 15.9% gain SWD: 10.9% gain • Black: 18.8% gain LEP: 30% gain
DATA ANALYSIS • AREAS OF GREATEST CHALLENGE • Although proficiency grades 3-5 in Reading increased from 52.8% to 61.3% (an increase of 8.5%), 3rd grade missed the Achievement goal of 53.9% proficient/advanced by 1.7%.
GAP CLOSURES • Although Cordova Elementary School met the gap closures in Reading/Language Arts and Math for each subgroup in grades 3-5 for the 2011-12 school year, we will continue to focus on closing the gap in the following subgroups:
SOURCE OF PROGRESS • The new TEM Evaluation Model promoted increased rigor in everyday instruction. It also helped the administration focus on areas in need of improvement. • Teachers in grades 3, 4 and 5 meet regularly to review and track results of common assessments, benchmark tests and class work to build both remediation and enrichment activities for all students. • Students in grades 3-5 math classes made 19% gains. These gains may be attributed to the following: 1) Targeted math students were selected for math intervention sessions. 2) Saturday tutoring services were offered to students who needed additional assistance in Math. 3) Teachers received professional development in Mathematics- Calculator training. 4) Students received tutorials on how to use calculators on assignments. • Common planning times for Grades 3, 4, and 5 were allowed for high quality PLC meetings. Teachers were able to discuss lesson planning, assessments, student progress and develop a plan of action for intervening.
SOURCE OF CHALLENGE • Focusing on the needs of students in grades 3-5 Math results from the previous school year was another challenge. These challenges may be attributed to the following: 1) The implementation of Common Core State Standards. 2) Constructed Response Testing in Math –Third grade teachers had to prepare students for the new assessment technique as well as equipping students with the necessary skills for the current TCAP Assessment.3) Using TVAAS scores to select teachers who were most qualified to teach 4th and 5th grade Math. • Closing the gap in 3 subgroups-SWD, ELL, and Economically Disadvantaged was the greatest area of challenge for this past school year. We needed additional professional development centered around differentiating instruction in Math and Reading. • Teachers will have to adjust to the new State Standards and the revised TEM Evaluation Model. During this transition period, some teachers will struggle to meet the new framework.
Overall Achievement Goal # One • Cordova Elementary School students’ RLA proficiency scores on the TCAP test for grades 3-5 (All Subgroups) will increase from 61.3% to 63.7% in 2012-13 school year.
Overall Achievement Goal # Two • Cordova Elementary School students’ mathematics proficiency scores on the TCAP test for grades 3-5 (All Subgroups) will increase from 56.1% to 58.8% in 2012-13 school year.
Overall Achievement Goal # Three • Cordova Elementary School students’ RLA proficiency scores on the TCAP test for 3rd grade (All Subgroups) will increase from 52.2% to 54.5% in 2012-13 school year.
Overall Achievement Goal # Four • Cordova Elementary School students’ mathematics proficiency scores on the TCAP test for 3rd grade (All Subgroups) will increase from 63% to 65.3% in 2012-13 school year.
Subgroup goals • Cordova Elementary School will close the gap for students in the following subgroups listed below: • Cordova Elementary School will close the gap for students in the Black/Hispanic/Native American subgroup by 0.9% in Math and 0.6% in Reading/Language Arts as measured by the 2012 TCAP Achievement Test. • Cordova Elementary School will close the gap for students in the Economically Disadvantaged subgroup by 1.8% in Math and 2.1% in Reading/Language Arts as measured by the 2012 TCAP Achievement Test. • Cordova Elementary will close the gap for students in the ELL subgroup by 1.7% in Math and 2.7% in Reading/Language Arts as measured by the 2012 TCAP Achievement Test. • Cordova Elementary School will close the gap for students in the SWD subgroup by 2.6% in Math and 2.2% in Reading/Language Arts as measured by the 2012 TCAP Achievement Test.
Other required Goals • Cordova Elementary School students will continue to meet or exceed MCS attendance goal of 95%. • 100% of all teachers at Cordova Elementary School are Highly Qualified. We will continue implementing strategies to attract Highly Qualified teachers by providing support by Instructional Leaders and Mentoring Programs for new teachers. • Cordova Elementary School will continue implementing strategies to increase parental involvement by providing Parent Meetings and Trainings, Open House Events, Family Nights, and Curriculum Activities.
Key strategies to achieve goals • Actions • Continue to work closely as PLC teams to focus on high quality instruction. Use common and formative assessments to identify areas of need and use intervention time to address those needs. • Increase instructional and intervention time for ELL and SPED Students. ELL and SPED teacher will provide additional support for students in regular classroom setting to address individualized skill deficits.
Key strategies to achieve goals • CES will continue to implement K-5 weekly PLC collaborative meetings/ staff development sessions; with a focus on data analysis and data driven instruction. • CES will provide Professional Development focusing on Research Based strategies, Best Practices, Brain Based Learning and the new Common Core State Standards. • Work closely with District Reading/Math Coaches to assist our teachers in implementing new State Standards and instructional strategies best designed to increase student achievement. • Target 4th and 5th grade students who scored Basic or Below Basic on either Math or Reading on last year’s TCAP and schedule them for intervention time to address deficiencies. • Target 3rd grade students who scored below the 50th percentile on the Stanford 10 on either Math or Reading for intervention time to address deficiencies.
Key strategies to achieve progress for student with the greatest need • Continued implementation of the following: Headpsrout ( K-2), Headsprout Comprehension (Grade 3), Reading PLUS (grades 4-5) Stanford Math (Grades1-5), Aimsweb (gradesK-5), including weekly and bi-weekly Progress Monitoring in a timely response to students at-risk. • 3rd-5th grade ELL instructional time will increase from 30 to 60 minutes daily to focus more on individualized skill deficits. • CES will offer a variety of parent trainings, parent resources, volunteer opportunities, and family events which focus on common core standards striving to increase parent attendance and participation. • Provide Before-During- After School tutoring for students who have been identified as needing assistance. • Focus more on using high quality non-fiction and informational text materials in the classroom. • Continue tracking and monitoring common/formative assessments used throughout the year to increase student achievement.
Benchmarks for Progress • Administer benchmark assessments • Aimsweb • Folio Writing • Discovery Assessments A,B,C • Constructed Responsive Assessments • STAR Reading • STAR Math • Professional Development throughout the year. • Common Core Training-Math and Reading • Responsive Classroom • ReadingPlus • Headsprout • Differentiate Instructions • Folio Writing Grade Level PLC Meetings- throughout the entire year. Grade levels will meet weekly to plan lessons, analyze assessments, and develop intervention plans for enrichment and remediation.
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