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Asian Parliamentary Debate. Basic Debate Seminar October 26, 2006. Part One: MECHANICS. What an Asian Parliamentary Debate Looks Like. A point of information lasts for a maximum of 15 seconds Motions are given 30 minutes prior to the debate.
Asian Parliamentary Debate Basic Debate Seminar October 26, 2006
Part One:MECHANICS What an Asian Parliamentary Debate Looks Like
A point of information lasts for a maximum of 15 seconds Motions are given 30 minutes prior to the debate There are 2 teams per round, with 3 members per side (Government and Opposition) Each speech lasts for about 7 minutes, with the first and last minute uninterrupted In the remaining 5 minutes, members from the opposing teams can raise POINTS OF INFORMATION The Basics
Structure Government Prime Minister Deputy Prime Minister Opposition Leader of Opp’n Deputy Leader of Opp’n Gov’t Whip Opp’n Whip
Part Two:RULES The Technical Stuff
Motions must be defined by the Prime Minister More on this later under Speaker Roles it is the proposition which the Government side is supposed to defend there are three types of motions: Open motions Semi-closed motions Closed motions Motion
Unfair definitions: Bad or illegal definitions are usually challenged (more on this later) Truisms “Squirrels” Time/Place Sets Tautologies Each definition MUST: Have a direct link to the motion Be fair and debatable Identify the issues to be debated and the scope of the debate (criteria or standard) Include parameters when necessary Definitions
If a definition provided by the Prime Minister is judged to be a truism, squirrel, time/place set, or a tautology, a definitional challenge may be made ONLY the Leader of Opposition may initiate and issue a definitional challenge If the LO doesn’t challenge, NO ONE else in the debate may do so LO provides an alternative correct definition which he must oppose Even-if arguments for both sides No automatic wins Rules for Challenging
Team and Speaker Roles An Overview
the Deputy Prime Minister must: rebut the points of the LO Support the arguments of the PM Introduce substantive material to support his/her side of the split the Prime Minister must: introduce the definition and provide a link to the motion introduce the case of the OG introduce substantive material to support his/her side of the split Government • provide a clear and reasonable definition • establish the issues and scope of the debate • advance a substantive case
Opposition • Examine the definition of OG • Challenge or accept the definition • Rebut the arguments of OG • Advance a substantive case the Deputy Leader of Opposition must: • rebut the points of the DPM • Support the arguments of the LO • Introduce substantive material to support his/her side of the split the Leader of Opposition must: • Accept or reject the definition and provide a link to the motion • Rebut the points of the PM • introduce the case of the OO • introduce substantive material to support his/her side of the split
Whips the Government Whip must: • Summarize the debate • Reiterate and support the points of the entire gov’t side • Introduce fresh examples to support/rebut previously mentioned arguments • the Opposition Whip • must: • Summarize the debate • Reiterate and support the points of the entire opposition side • Introduce fresh examples to support/rebut previously mentioned arguments
Part Three:Matter, Manner, Method It’s the meat in your sandwich, the heart of the matter
Matter Arguments Rebuttal POI’s
The content of the speech. It is the arguments a debater uses to further his or her case and persuade the audience Includes arguments, reasoning, and examples Includes positive (substantive material) and rebuttal Includes points of information Soon to follow: What is an argument? Rebuttal Points of Information Matter: Definition
the reason why you support or oppose a motion argument versus premise Arguments must be backed by: Analysis: go beyond the label and ask the most important question: WHY? Examples: use relevant ones and DON’T argue by example What is an argument?
All speakers, except the Prime Minister, are expected to present rebuttal Types of rebuttal: Error of fact Irrelevancy Illogical Argument Unacceptable Implications Little Weight Contradictions and Inconsistencies How much rebuttal is too much rebuttal? - Response triangle Rebuttal
Keep it short: You just have fifteen seconds! It is the discretion of the person speaking whether to recognize the point or not Types of POIs: Clarification Question Direct rebuttal Introducing your argument Bringing back your argument How often should I raise points of information? How many points of information should I ask? - Respond to the POIs you’ve accepted POIs!
Manner It matters how you say it…
The presentation of the speech. It is the style a member uses to further his or her case and persuade the audience Comprised of many separate elements. There is no correct style of debating Don’t be tentative! Some things to keep in mind: Eye contact Voice modulation Hand gestures Clear and simple language Efficient notes Look like you’re winning Manner: Definition
Method Individual Method And Team Method
Can be divided into individual method and team method Individual method refers to the organization of your speech Team method refers to the flow and consistency of the arguments of the two speakers in a team Method: Definition
Individual method: Structure your speech Sign-posting Time management Team method: Allocate your arguments properly If you are the first speaker, give a team split If you are the second speaker, refer to your partner regularly Other things to remember: LISTEN MAINTAIN PROPER CONDUCT Two Kinds of Method