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Australasian Parliamentary English Debate System. Johanes Leonardi T., S.Pd, M.Sc English Education Study Program Faculty of Teacher Training & Education WIDYA MANDALA CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY - SURABAYA. Definition. A formal method of interactive and representational argument.
Australasian Parliamentary English Debate System Johanes Leonardi T., S.Pd, M.Sc English Education Study Program Faculty of Teacher Training & Education WIDYA MANDALA CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY - SURABAYA
Definition • A formal method of interactive and representational argument. • Consist of two teams debating over an issue, more commonly called a topic or proposition. • Encouraged in high schools and colleges
The Advantages • A means of encouraging critical thinking. • A means of personal expressions. • Tolerance of others' opinions.
Formation Chair Person Time Keeper Negative Team Affirmative Team Adjudicators
Affirmative: 1st Speaker 2nd Speaker 3rd Speaker Reply Speaker Negative: 1st Speaker 2nd Speaker 3rd Speaker Reply Speaker Australasian Debating
Speech Delivery • Substantive Speech: 5-8 minutes • Reply Speech: 3-5 minutes
Affirmative (“The Government”) • Has the right to define the motion. • Support it with constructive arguments.
Negative (“The Opposition”) • Oppose the motion defined by the Affirmative. • Build a counter-case against the Affirmative. • Challenge the definition if invalid only.
Motion (Topic) • A prepositional statement that determines what a debate shall be about: • That we should give President SBY a chance. • That American pop culture is a threat to civilization.
Defining the Motion • Must be debatable. • Must not a bizarre distortion of the motion.
Defining the Motion • That what goes up must come down. • what being the President of RI. • goes up takes power • come down step down from the power • “That the Indonesian presidency should be limited to 2 terms”
Challenging the Definition • Truistic • Tautological/ Circular • Squirreling • Time & Place Setting
Truistic Definition • It is ‘true’ by nature thus make the arguments unarguable. • That we should eat, drink, and be merry. • That we should eat because otherwise we starve to death; drink because otherwise we would die; and be merry because we are alive.
Tautological/Circular Definition • The given definition is circling to the motion. • That technology is killing our work ethic. • That all scientific advancements that make life easier and therefore kill our work ethic are killing our work ethic.
Squirreling Definition • It isn’t tied down to the spirit of the motion & doesn’t have a proper logical link to the motion. • That the USA is opening up to the PRC. • USA: Untidy Students of Asia • PRC: Pretty Room Cleaners
Time & Place Setting Definition • The subject matter of the debate cannot be confined to a very particular time & place. • Limiting the subject matter to only the economic development of Japan during the specific period of the Meiji restoration.
Theme Line • It is the underlying logic of a team’s case. • Used to prove a team’s stand on the motion. • Key question: Why is it true? • Indonesia’s presidency should be limited to 2 terms in respect to democracy, balance of power, and adapting to the world changes.
Team Split Distribution of arguments to the 1st, 2nd, 3rd speaker.
Argumentation • The process of explaining why a point of view should be accepted. • Valid by its supporting logic & facts.
Good argumentation • Relevance • Organization • Consistency & internal logic • Clarity • Effective use of evidence
Rebuttal • The process of proving that the opposing team’s arguments should be accorded less weight than its claim. • Showing how & why the opposition’s arguments are invalid.
Rebuttal: The arguments are… • Based on a wrong of facts/ interpretation of facts. • Irrelevant to the topic. • Illogical. • Involving unacceptable implications.
Role of the First Speaker Affirmative: • Defines the motion. • Presents the team’s theme line why the case is logically correct. • Outlines the team split. • Delivers 1st substantial argument. • Provide a brief summary of the case.
Role of the First Speaker Negative: • Accepts/challenges the definition. • Rebut 1st affirmative’s arguments. • Presents the theme line. • Outlines the theme split. • Delivers 1st substantial arguments. • Provides a brief summary.
Role of the Second Speaker Affirmative: • Rebuts the 1st negative’s arguments. • Restates the affirmative team’s case. • Delivers 2nd substantial speech. • Provides a brief summary.
Role of the Second Speaker Negative: • Rebuts the two affirmative speakers. • Restates the team’s case. • Delivers the 2nd substantial arguments. • Provides a brief summary.
Role of the Third Speaker Affirmative: • Rebuts the two negative speakers. • Restates the theme line & the two speakers’ arguments. • Summarizes the issues of the debate.
Role of the Third Speaker Negative: • Rebuts all three affirmative speakers. • Restates the theme line & the two speakers’ arguments. • Summarizes the issues of the debate
Reply Speakers • Provide an overview of the debate. • Identify the issues by both sides. • Provide a biased adjudication of the debate.
Adjudication • The process of determining which team wins the debate. • Matter: 40 • Manner: 40 • Method: 20