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THE LEXICON AND ITS CLASSES. Hülya YILDIZ Zehra ŞERİFOĞLU Ceylan AYAN Esen ŞAHİN. In all known languages, both spoken and signed, the vocabulary of an individual language can be grouped into open and closed word classes.
In all known languages, both spoken and signed, the vocabulary of an individual language can be grouped into open and closedword classes. • Open word classes are typically lexical classes and are those where words can easily be added, for instance through derivation or other ways of forming new words, or through borrowing. • Closed word classes are typically functional classes and are those where words are not readily added; while there is change in these classes too, the change is much slower than with open classes.
1. WORD FORMATION There are two main ways for languages to form new lexemes: derivation and compounding. • Compounding basically involves amalgamations of lexemes to form a new lexeme. For example, ‘ windmill’ wind + mill • Derivation relies on modifying a lexeme through various morphological processes to form a new lexeme. For example, ‘healthy’ health and the suffix –y
Compoundingandderivationare not mutuallyexclusive. Forinstance, • Football is a compoundfoot + ball • Footballeris a derivationfootball + er
a. Derivation Derivational morphology is different from inflectional morphology in that, very generally speaking, inflection carries grammatical information such as number, case and gender, while derivation does not. Derivation only serves to create new words; these new words may then take necessary inflectional morphology For example, • from ‘trap’ , deriving the word ‘entrapment’ ,using the prefix ‘-en’ and the suffix ‘-ment’
There are many different ways in which languages can form new words through derivation, and any one language may employ several strategies. A common derivational device is affixing. Another very common derivational device is reduplication. • Apophonyinvolves internal modification of the stem. For example, Derivation involving both a vowel and a consonant change is ‘breach’ /bɹi:tʃ/ from ‘break’/bɹeik/ (Aikhenvald 2007:45)
Prosodic modification through stress or tone is another derivational device. For instance, • ʼpermit (noun) and perʼmit (verb) The difference between this noun and verb is only one of stress. • Less common are devices which involve removing something. With substractiona predictable part of the word is removed. An example can be found in French, where the masculine counterpart of the feminine adjective form is predictably shorter, namely lacking the final consonant: compare petite/pətit/ ‘little.F’ versus petit /pəti/ ‘little.M’ and verte /vɛʁt/ ‘green.F’ versus vert /vɛʁ/ ‘green.M’(Bauer 2003: 39)
Other kinds of shortenings are truncationclipping and backformation. An example of clipping is pram from prembulator or phone from telephone. One way of thinking of truncations is that the suffix –ate is cut off (tuncated) before the suffix –eeis added to evacu- • A back-formation is when a part of a word which seems to be an affix (but might not be) is deleted an example is baby- sit from baby-sitter where –eris conceived of as a suffix parallel to the suffix in singer and runner.
A blend involves merging to words that get partly truncated, as in smog which consist of the begining of the smoke and the end of fog ,or motel which consists of the begining of motor and the end of hotel • Conversion is when a word changes word class without any modification to the word itself. An example would be bottle, which in isolation is intuitively classed as a noun, but which by conversion can be used as a word,for instance in To bottle wine.
b. Compounding • A compound is not just two separate words, but that it actually constitutes its own phonological unit. This hold true irrespective of how the compound is spelled, as it is the pronunciation that is relevant. For example; In English, compound words are written as one one word, with a hyphen or two separate words such as, football, pie-eyed, and fire door. The essential thing about all these words is that they are pronounced as one phonological units, they all have only one primary stress : football /fʊtbɔ:l/ , pie-eyed /paıaıd/ , fire door /faıədɔ(ɹ)/
There are exceptions to this general rule. Pacoh (Austro-Asiatic (Katuic): Vietnam) compounds may consist of phonologically free words but still function as one single lexeme, as in ‘aatachéq’ wilderness ( Anial+ Bird)(Watson 1976: 226). • Compounds are also generally inflected only once, as one word, as its head (main) lexeme. We would inflect for plural only once for the entire compound: fooballs (not *feetballs), fire doors (not *fires doors)
There are also exceptions to this rule, even in English. Both parts of the compound are inflected. tooth mark = teeth marks • Compound generally do not get broken up by, for example, modifiers. a new football *a footnewball a metal fire door *a fire metal door • It should be kept in mind that none of these criteria are absolute universals.
Types of compounds • Endocentric compounds ( tatpuruşa compounds) refer to “sub- class” of the items denoted by one of ( the) elements. AB is an instance of B Like these compounds give extra information about head. The word class of these compounds are determined by their head. In English: school boy tea pot black bird sea sick bed room diesel motor In Maori : wharenui(whare ‘house’ + nui ‘big’ is a type of house (Harlow 2007: 130).
Exocentric compounds (bahuvrihi compounds ) not refer to ‘a sub- category’ of any of the compounded elements. A+B denotes a special kind of an unexpressed semantic head. A+ B is not an instance A or B In English: pie-eyed ‘drunk’ ( neither a type of pie nor a type of eye) redneck ‘ illiterate’ ( neither a type of red nor a type of neck) In Lango: wan ɔt‘window’ ( neither a type of wan ‘eye’ nor a type of ɔt ‘house’) In Maori : ihipuku ‘sea elephant’ ( neither a type of ihi ‘ nose’ nor a type of puku ‘swollen’)
Copulative or coordinatve compounds ( dvandvacompouns) refer to “an entity made up of the two elements mentioned in the compound together” (Bauer 2003: 43). A+ B denote “the sum” of what A and B denote In English : bitter-sweet (both bitter and sweet) actor-director ( both actor and director) blue- green ( both blue and green) In Malto: pesa- taka ( both pesa ‘coin’ and taka ‘bank- note, rupee’) (Steever 1998: 384).
Syntactic compounds ( verbal compound ) the head element is a verb and modifying element is something which could have functioned as the verb’s argument in a phrase. In English: hair-dryer ( the head is the verb DRY and HAIR is an argument of the verb DRY) earmark, head hunt In Russian: sneg-o-pad ‘snowfall’(sneg ‘snow+ o ‘linker’+ pad ‘falling’; Aikhenvald 2007: 32). - Incorporationis a special type of syntactic compound because it involves not only the word-formation process of combining two lexemes, but also involves a host of other proceses, both morphological and syntactic.
- Nounincorporationis, themostcommontype of incorporation, a nounincorporatedinto a verb. Yucatec(Mayan (Mayan): Mexico) (52) a. t-in-p’o?-ø-ah nook Comp-1sg-wash-it-perfcloths ‘I washed (the) clothes.’ b.p’o?-nook-n-ah-en wash-clothes-antipass-prf-1sg.abs ‘I clothes-washed.’ (= I washedclothes) (Bricker 1978: 15) In (52a) nook ‘clothes’ ia an object of theverbp’o?. Itreferstospecificclothes. In (52b) theincorporationrefersto “a unitaryactivity”, general action, but it doesn’treferstospecificentity.
Incorporation consists of not only the full form of the noun but also the stem form of the full, free noun. HuastecaNahualt (Uto-Aztecan (Aztecan). Mexico) (53) a. askémanti-?-kwanakalt never 2sg-it-eat meat ‘ You never eat meat’ b. na? ipanimani-naka-kwa 1sg always 1sg-meat eat ‘I eat meat all the time.’ ( lit. ‘I always meat-eat’) (Merlan 1976: 185) Turkısh balıktutmakkitapokumakseyahatetmek (fish- catch) ( book-read) (trip-take)
2. PART OF SPEECH Parts-of-speech (or word classes), which in essence are major categories of words that group together grammatically. Languages differ radically in how many classes they have and in the proportions of these classes. Some languages have an extremely limited set of closed class words (or functional categories), while others have a high number of such words.
Some languages have only two open word classes (or lexical categories), others, like English, have as many as four separate such classes. Furthermore, a word class found in one language will not necessarily be found in another language. In other words, while it seems to be universal that languages actually do group their words into categories of some kind, the categories themselves are languages dependent.
A. Lexicalclasses The open classes • Consist of content words, i.e. words with more or less concrete, specific meanings. - Languages may have up to four major open class parts-of-speech, nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs. The definitions of these categories rely on a cluster of features, both semantic (denoting meaning), grammatical and syntactic (how items are combined).
In English, nouns can be subcategorized into mass and count nouns, depending on whether they can take the plural (e.g. sand/*sands versus chair /chairs); or proper and common nouns, depending on whether they can take the article (e.g. Peter/*the Peter versus chair/ the chair), or abstract versus concrete (e.g. emotion versus chair),
Other languages subcategorize depending on whether or not the item is possessable. In Maasai, for example, nouns are either possessable or non-possessable. Such things as tools, money, houses, kin, and so on can be marked for possession grammatically, but such things as meat, water, land and stars cannot.
In Mamaindé, Subcategorize their nouns depending on, among other things, physical properties such as consistency (whether the item in question is solid or liquid) and shape (Eberhard 2009). In other words, the potential sub categorizations of each major part-of-speech category are language dependent.
Nouns • Refers to things, persons and places, but also includes abstract notions such as feelings, ideas. • Grammatically, nouns may typically be marked for • number (how many of the item (s) are being referred to), • case (what role the item has in the sentence), • gender (what sub-category the item belongs to) • definiteness (whether it is a specific entity referred to or not), for instance through morphological processes, but also, especially in the case of languages with predominantly analytic strategies, through syntactic processes.
Combine with demonstrative pronouns (e.g. this/that as in this/that house) and many function as arguments (that is, participants, e.g. Subject and object) in a clause. English has two numbers; • singular (one entity) • plural (more than one of the same entity); as in chair versus chairs. Lavukale, specify for dual (two of the same entity), as in funfun‘firefly’ (singular)-funfunil ‘ (two) fireflies’ (dual) – funfunaul‘fireflies’ (plural).
- While English hardly has any case marking at all, the exception being the genitive ‘s as in chair’s, many languages do mark for case. • In Dime; (Afro-Asiatic (South Omotic): Ethiopia): compare ziti ‘ox’ (nominative case) with zitim‘ox’ (accusative case) (Seyoum 2008).
- Gender refers to which subclass the noun belong to. • In French; nouns are either masculine (le cadeau‘the gift’)or feminine (la table ‘the table’), • In German; nouns are either masculine (derStuhl‘the chair’), feminine (die Mütze‘the hat, cap’) or neuter (das Buch‘the book’). Definiteness indicates whether we are referring to a general example of an entity or a specific entity, as in the difference between a man, the man.
Verbs • Verb refers to actions and processes (e.g. Dance, grow, etc.), but also states (e.g. Know, exist, etc.). • Verbs may typically be marked for tense (placing the event in time), • Aspect (specifying the perspective taken on the event), • Mood (indicating the speaker’s attitude toward a situation or a statement),
Voice (e.g. Whether an event is active or passive) • Polarity (whether the statement is in the affirmative or the negative) • Verbs may also be marked for person agreement, where a grammatical marker indicates the number and person of an argument, most commonly the subject. • Verbs typically function as predicates, typically form the core of the sentence or clause and typically have ‘a relational meaning, relating one or more participants to an event’ (Anward 2006:408).
Tense, Aspect, andMood in Turkish • Tense; • Okul-larpazartesiaçıl-dı. school-PL Monday open-PF ‘ The schools started on Monday.’ • Okul-larPazartesiaçıl-acak -FUT ‘ The schools will start on Monday.’
Aspect; • Ahmetbirelma ye-di. an apple eat-PF ‘ Ahmetate an apple.’ • Ahmetbirelmayi-yor-du. -IMPF-P.COP ‘Ahmet was eating an apple.’ • Ahmetsabahlarıbirelma ye-r-di. -AOR-P.COP ‘In the mornings Ahmet used to eat an apple.’
Mood Markers in Turkish -sA Denotes conditional meanings; bilsen, bilseydin, bilseymiş, okusaydın… -(y)A Optative mood marker. Which is the expression of speaker’s wish; yapayım, yapalım… -mAII Modal functions of obligation/necessity, and assumption; Ali’yeolmalı… -(y)Abil modal category that marks ability and possibility.; okuyabilirim…
English has three tenses, two of which are marked morphologically and one that is marked syntactically. • The present tense (placing the event in the present, the ‘now’) is marked with a suffix –s for third person singular, as in He walks. • The past tense (placing the event in the past) is also marked morphologically, with a suffixed -ed, as in He walked • The future tense (placing the event in the future) is marked analytically with the use of an auxiliary verb, as in He will walk.
It is common for languages to have some kind of aspect marking. • In English, marks for progressive (denoting that the event is on-going) with the suffix –ing, as in He is walking. • Languages may also make a grammatical difference between perfective and imperfective (again extremely simplified, if an event is seen as an ongoing process). • In French, where the difference between ll a payé‘he paid’ (perfective) and llpayait‘he paid’ (imperfective) is one of aspect.
English has two voices, active and passive. • Active; He opened the door, • Passive; The door was opened by him. • Languages also mark for polarity one way or another, and often that is done in connection with the verb. English contrasts affirmative and negative sentences with not,as in He walked versus He did not walk.
The only form of person agreement that English has is the present tense third person singular suffix –s, as in He walks versus I walk. • Other languages, however, grammatically indicate agreement for all three persons, and all the numbers that the language has.
In Italian, the verb is inflected for three persons and two numbers: Italian (Indo-European: (Romance):Italy) 1SG mangio ‘I eat’ 2SG mangi ‘you eat’ 3SG mangia ‘he/she/it eats’ 1PL mangiamo ‘we eat’ 2PL mangiate ‘you eat’ 3PL mangiano ‘they eat’
Other languages may inflect for dual, and even trial and paucal, depending on their systems. A cluster of characteristics that may serve to identify whether a given word is a noun or a verb. For example; • In Mwotlap(Austronesian (Oceanic): Vanuatu) koyo ma-tayakke, to keni-ente-yotogolgol 3du pfct-adopt 3sgthen 3sg aor-child-3du straight ‘They have adopted him, so that he (became) their legitimate son’. In example; ente‘chid’ is marked both for tense/aspect with the aorist prefix ni- and for agreement with the 3rd person dual subject with the suffix –yo, just as if it had been a verb.
Adjectives Adjectives typically modify nouns, and denote qualities and attributes. Quantitive or limitating adjectives (like many, a little…) never form an open class • Descriptive adjectives may form open class in many languages, but it does not universal…
Grammatically adjectives may be specified for degree, either morphologically or syntactically. Also grammatically adjectives cannot combine with nouns or verbs In English:too cold is acceptable *too book or *too follow is unacceptable
In some languages adjectives show agreement in form with the noun they modify. In German: einroterStuhl (masculine) ‘a redchair’ eineroteBlume (feminine) ‘a redflower’ einrotesHaus (neuter) ‘a redhouse’ The adjective (rot) is marked morphologically to agree with the gender of the noun its modifies.
There are three degree modifications; positive, comparative, superlative • Degree or comparison may be expressed either morphologically or syntactically. English has both options tall (positive), taller (comparative) , tallest (superlative) : the adjective (tall) is marked morphologically beautiful (positive) , more beautiful (comparative), most beautiful (superlative) : the adjective (beautiful) is marked analytically.
The use of adjective separate into two groups; 1) modification of a noun > a big apple 2) predication (denoting a property of the subject of a clause) > the apple is big
While nouns and verbs form near-universal open class categories, this is not the case with adjectives. 153 languages for adjectives are mapped. 66 (43.1 %) have an open class 30 (19.6%) have a closed class 57 (37.3%) do not have any separate class for adjectives
Igbo has a very small closed class of adjectives which counting only 8. Four properties ‘value’, ‘dimension’, ‘age’, ‘colour’ are found in a closed class adjectives Other properties like position (high), speed (fast), physical characteristics (hard) are expressed with nouns or verbs in languages with a closed class of adjectives
In Hause, properties (value, dimension, age, colour) are expressed by nouns. Hausa (Afro – Asiatic (West Chanadic): Nigeria) • Mutummaialheri b. Mutummaidoki person havingkindness person having horse ‘a kind person’ ‘a person having a horse’ c. Yana daalherid. Yana dadoki he.iswith kindness he.iswith horse ‘he is kind’ ‘he has a horse’ (describe properties are expressed by possession of nouns)
In Bemba language, adjectival notions are expressed with verbs. Adjectival notions are expressed with verbs whether relativized or not Bemba (Niger- Congo (Bantoid) : DR Congo) • Umuuntuuashipac. Umuuntuaashipa person who.is.brave person is.brave ‘a brave person’ ‘the person is brave’ • Umuuntuualemba d. Umuuntuaalemba person who.is.writing person is.writing ‘a person who is writing’ ‘the person is writing’
Adverbs • Adverbs may constitute an open class, also it is the most heterogeneous of all word classes. • Adverbs typically modify categories other than nouns. run quickly (modify verbs) quite happy (modify adjectives) very quickly (modify other adverbs) well with (modify prepositions) *Dog quickly (NOT modify nouns) That was quite [a party] (modify noun phrases)