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Submit your abstract in English or French (maximum one A4 page) in Word format as an attachment to the conference secretariat. The conference will cover topics such as waste management strategies, recycling, waste treatment, and environmental impacts. Deadline for abstract submission is 15 May 2009.
Authors instructions Accomodation General Informations Abstracts (English or French), one A4 page maximum (Word Format), must be submitted as attachment file to conference secretariat by Email: ssm_08@yahoo.fr & conferencessm_08@ucd.ac.ma. Abstracts presentation Font: Times New Roman, Size: 12 Points, A4 letter format, Portrait mode. Margin borders 2.5 cm . TITLE IN CAPITAL 12 POINTS, BOLD (title1 style) 1 blank line Authors : Initial (s) first name, underline the name of the speaker. 1 blank line (1) affiliation, postal address & Email, 12 points, italic 2 blank lines Abstract body plain text 12 points, 1.5 line spacing (normal style ). 1 blank line 4 - 5 keywords. University Chouaïb Doukkali Faculty of Sciences El Jadida Organize within the framework LIFE 06 TCY/MA/000254 WASTESUM project International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management SSWM09 Deadlines 15 mai 2009 :Abstract submission 25 mai 2009 :Notification of acceptance 10 juin 2009 : Deadline of submission of the electronic communications 19-20 juin 2009: Conference running In collaboration with The National Technical University of Athens (Greece) Municipality of Azemmour (Maroc) Registration Fees* Contact Secretariat of Conference MWM09 Faculty of Sciences BP. 20. El Jadida 24000. Marocco Phone: + 212 523 34 30 03 ou 523 34 23 25 Fax : + 212 523 34 21 87 Email : mwm09@hotmail.fr Site web:http://sswm2009.freehostia.com Site web: www.uest.gr/wastesum 19 et 20 June 2009 at Faculty of Sciences El Jadida -Marocco * :: The fees includes Proceedings, Documents Lunches/Dinner and Coffee breaks. The selected communications will be published in an international Journal LIFE 3rd Countries—WasteSUM LIFE 3rd Countries—WasteSUM
General Presentation Scientific Committé The strategies and technologies of communal management of solid waste are currently subject to a fast development. The disposition of waste in the open and not controlled landfill is a current practice in the countries in the process of development which undergo the direct consequences on the public health and the water resources. The improvement of the state of the garbage landfill in these countries passes by the design of management systems of sustainable and accessible waste. This durable management of solid waste must integrate the sustainable techniques and adopt the solutions economically viable and socially acceptable. The International Conference on the Sustainable Solid Waste Management will be the occasion to share the innovating processes and the successful experiences in this field where eminent experts will present their research studies and will discuss the new concepts and technologies for sustainable waste management Fiche d’inscription International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management MWM 09 Name.: ......................................................................... First name:.................................................................. Organization:................................................................ Function :.................................................................... Address : .................................................................... .................................................................................... Zip code :.............................................................. Town : ......................................................................... Country :. ..................................................................... Phone. :........................................................................ Fax :............................................................................ E-mail :…………………………………….......… ……… □ I will participate to the conference □ I will submit a presentation □ Oral □ Poster Title : ................................................................................... ................................................................................... ................................................................................... To be returned by Fax (+ 212 523 34 21 87) ou E. Mail : mwm09@hotmail.fr Submission deadline 15 June 2009 OrganizingCommittees The main objectives of the conference are : - dissemination of the results of the research program carried out within the framework of the project Life06 TCY/MA/254 WasteSUM on Sustainable Solid Waste Management in Morocco. - discussion of the results of the national and international studies of management of waste. - identification of the constraints of application of the policies and the legislations as regards management of municipal solid waste in the Morocco. - sensitizing of the decision makers of the environmental impacts, economic and social related to the management of waste. Topics /Thèmes • Policy on solidwaste (Réglementation et législation relatives aux déchets) • Waste management strategies – Evaluation and decision making tools (Stratégies de gestion des déchets – Evaluation et outils de décision) • Solid waste recycling (Recyclage des déchets) • Aerobic and anaerobic waste treatment (Traitement aérobic et anaérobique des déchets) • Thermal treatment of waste (Traitement thermique des déchets) • Waste disposal and environmental impacts (Décharges- impacts environnemental) LIFE 3rd Countries—WasteSUM LIFE 3rd Countries—WasteSUM