1. Becoming Readers and Writers From the book
Guiding Readers and Writers Grades 3-6 by Fountas & Pinnell
2. What are traits of a good reader & writer?
3. Reading A good life-long reader reads:
1. Voluntarily & frequently
2. Wide variety of materials
3. Has confidence in themselves as a reader
4. Presents themselves as a reader to others
5. Becomes informed on a wide range of topics
4. Reading A good life-long reader reading:
6. Improves their lives
7. Is satisfying and rewarding with vicarious experiences
8. Expands their world beyond the here and now
5. Reading A good life-long reader:
9. Collects books and refer to favorites again & again
10. Recommends books to others
11. Talks about what they read
12. Knows authors & illustrators, genres, & styles
6. Reading A good life-long reader:
13. Develops preferences & constantly expands on them
14. Reflects on their reading
15. Makes connections between and among the things they have read.
16. Thinks critically about what they read.
7. Writing A good life-long writer writes:
1. Voluntarily & frequently
2. Wide variety of genres
3. Has confidence in themselves as a writer
4. Presents themselves as a writer to others
8. Writing A good life-long writer uses writing to:
5. As a tool to think
6. Communicate on a personal & professional level
7. Share experiences or information with others
9. Writing A good life-long writer is:
8. Sensitive to other writers, noticing techniques & style
9. Invites comments on, responses to, and critiques of their writing
10. Writing A good life-long writer:
10. Draws on literary knowledge as a resource for their writing.
11. Organizes sets of information as a resource for their writing
12. Explores favorite topics and genres.
11. How do you assist students to be life-long readers?