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: Hey, Julie. Have you heard the news? Willy is not seeing his

next. Andy is trying to gossip with Julie about their friend, Willy. (A = Andy, J = Julie). Conversation. : Hey, Julie. Have you heard the news? Willy is not seeing his girlfriend anymore. : Well, he didn’t tell me about it, so I

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: Hey, Julie. Have you heard the news? Willy is not seeing his

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  1. next Andy is trying to gossip with Julie about their friend, Willy. (A = Andy, J = Julie) Conversation : Hey, Julie. Have you heard the news? Willy is not seeing his girlfriend anymore. : Well, he didn’t tell me about it, so I guess he doesn’t want everyone to know.

  2. back next Conversation : Aren’t you curious? : To be honest, I don’t want to pry into other people’s personal business. : Well, let me tell you a secret. Not only has Willy broken up with his old girlfriend, but he’s also dating someone else.

  3. back next Conversation : Oh, come on, Andy! How do you know that? : It’s simple. I saw him going into a restaurant with another girl last night. : That doesn’t mean anything. She may just be a friend of his.

  4. back next Conversation : I don’t think so. When I looked through the window, they were holding hands. What do you think of that? : Actually, I think your behavior was awful. You were like a peeping Tom.

  5. back Conversation : I just want to know the news about people we know, that’s all. : Yes, and then tell everyone about the gossip whether they like it or not! END

  6. BACK 1.gossip[`GAs1p] vi.說長道短; n. [U] 流言蜚語

  7. BACK 2.pry[praI] vi.刺探,打聽

  8. BACK 3.break up with 和……分手

  9. 1. Willy is notseeing his girlfriend anymore. (1) not...anymore = no longer = not...any longer,表示 「不再……」之意。例: ‧I think my boyfriend doesn't love me anymore.

  10. 1. Willy is notseeing his girlfriend anymore. (2) be seeing sb表示 「與……談戀愛」,可用 date sb替換。例: ‧Vera is seeing somebody now and always wears a smile on her face.

  11. 2. …so I guess he doesn’t want everyone to know. I guess (that)....表示「我 想……」之意,用於表達自 己的看法,為非正式用法。 例: ‧I guess that Laura won't come back soon, will she?

  12. 3. To be honest, …. to be honest = to tell you the truth = to be frank = frankly speaking = honestly speaking,表示 「老實說」之意。例: ‧To be honest, I don't think this dress suits you.

  13. 4. …I don’t want to pry into other people’s personal business. business為不可數名詞,在 此表示「個人事務」之意。 例: ‧Stop asking me about my grades. It's really none of your business.

  14. 4. …I don’t want to pry into other people’s personal business.

  15. 5. Not onlyhas Willy broken up with... someone else. 此為not only...but also...的倒 裝用法,助動詞要往前提。 例: ‧Not only does Ben know Peggy, but he has known her for a long time.

  16. 6. Oh, come on, Andy! come on在本句的語氣為 「得了吧,少來了」,表示 Julie並不相信Andy說的話。

  17. 6. Oh, come on, Andy!

  18. 7. She may just be a friend of his. his為所有代名詞,在此用來 代替his friend。

  19. 8. I don’t think so. I don’t think so. 用來表示 不同意對方的觀點或看法, 相似用法有I don’t agree.或 I disagree.。

  20. 9. I just want to know the news about people we know, that’s all. that’s all為「如此而已,沒 有別的意思」之意,表示除 了所說的話或所論及的事情 外沒有別的了。例: ‧I just went out for some fresh air, that’s all.

  21. 10. …and then tell everyone about the gossip whether they like it or not! whether...or not表示 「不管……」。例: ‧It doesn’t matter to me whether Teddy comes or not.

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