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How Does the Internet Work?

How Does the Internet Work?. A Basic Introduction to the Worlds Biggest Computer Network. Aims of this Session. What is the Internet? How does the Internet work? How do I connect to the Internet? What happens when I connect? What do I need to do to safeguard myself and my computer?

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How Does the Internet Work?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. How Does the Internet Work? A Basic Introduction to the Worlds Biggest Computer Network

  2. Aims of this Session • What is the Internet? • How does the Internet work? • How do I connect to the Internet? • What happens when I connect? • What do I need to do to safeguard myself and my computer? • Where can I get more help?

  3. How did it all Start? • Grew out of an experiment begun in the 1960's by the U.S. Department of Defence • The Web physically consists of your personal computer, web browser software, a connection to an Internet service provider, computers called servers that host digital data and routers to direct the flow of information.

  4. Some Internet Facts • In North America and Europe 1 in 6 people use the Internet • About 20 million households shop online • Over 100 million domains registered to date and rising • Its still only 1% of the worlds total population that own a computer!

  5. How does it all work? Telephone number 0845 123456 Username and Password Your Computer Your Internet Service Provider (ISP)

  6. How does it all work? An Internet Service Provider (ISP) Computers Computers

  7. Part of the World Wide Web Your Computer The World Wide Web

  8. Connecting Computers • Each computer on the Net is connected via a network of cables • Your computer connects to that network using an ISP • When you connect you are given an IP address (

  9. Hyper Text (HTML) • The glue that holds the Web together is called hypertext and hyperlinks. This feature allows electronic files on the Web to be linked so that you can easily jump between them

  10. Domain Names • Domain Names are the familiar, easy to remember names for computers on the Internet (such as jubileecentre.net).They correspond to a series of numbers (called Internet Protocol numbers or IP addresses)

  11. Computer Names & IP Addresses • Computer names (domain names) are resolved to IP addresses • A huge database (the biggest in the world!) matches names to numbers Demonstration of Superscan & Neotrace (see http://www.neotrace.com )

  12. Demonstration of Superscan & Neotrace (Visual Trace)

  13. What is a Domain Name? http://www.ianmayer.com/christmas/index.html • http:// short for Hypertext Transfer Protocol • www. is a page on the World Wide Web • ianmayer.com is the domain name • christmas is the directory or folder • index.html is the name of the web page

  14. Finding a Web Page?

  15. What can you Access? • Pages of information • Music • Pictures • Video • Files • Programs • In fact anything that can be stored on a computer!

  16. Caution • Because you are connected to a world wide network and you can access many resources - it make sense that others may also be able to access your information! • Consider protection against misuse • Consider creating policies

  17. The Firewall • A firewall ISOLATES your computer from the Internet using a "wall of code" that inspects each individual "packet" of data as it arrives at either side of the firewall - inbound to or outbound from your computer - to determine whether it should be allowed to pass or be blocked.

  18. What is a Firewall? A firewall ISOLATES your computer from the Internet It can be software or hardware

  19. You need a Firewall if: • Your computer's files need to be accessed remotely across the Internet. • You are operating any sort of Internet server such as Personal Web Server. • You use any sort of Internet-based remote control or remote access program • You want to properly and safely monitor your Internet connection for intrusion attempts.

  20. What is a Virus Scanner? A virus scanner protects your computer from malicious files It is software that checks each file for any hidden dangers!

  21. Virus Protection • Install a good programme • Update it regularly • Always Scan attachments to emails • Don’t introduce any file to your system without checking it first • Keep backups of critical files

  22. Policies and Procedures • Strategic planning of Information Technology (IT) must be aligned with the strategic corporate planning of the organisation • Health & Safety, Data Protection, Security, Support, Training, Purchasing, Backup, Internet & Email use etc. etc.

  23. Further Training Available • Visit: www.idea.org.uk/go • Email:idea-support@mcr1.poptel.org.uk • Tel: 0161 247 6172 • Advanced Internet, HTML Training and Real-time Communications • Free, self paced and on-line • You will need to register with MIID first

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