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Air Traffic Control System Command Center Use of Weather Products for the National Airspace System

Air Traffic Control System Command Center Use of Weather Products for the National Airspace System. Overview. Weather delays ATCSCC Overview A Day in the NAS Possible Future Products. Weather Delays.

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Air Traffic Control System Command Center Use of Weather Products for the National Airspace System

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  1. Air Traffic Control System Command Center Use of Weather Products for the National Airspace System

  2. Overview • Weather delays • ATCSCC Overview • A Day in the NAS • Possible Future Products

  3. Weather Delays • About 70% of delays in the National Airspace System (NAS) consistently attributed to weather • Leading causes are: • Thunderstorms • En route and terminal • Winds • Ceiling and Visibility • Snow • Hurricanes

  4. ATCSCC Overview • Responsible for balancing air traffic demand with system capacity across the NAS

  5. ATCSCC Overview • At any one time, there may be over 5000 flights in the NAS

  6. ATCSCC Overview • National System Strategy Team (NSST) • Traffic Management Focal Point • Responsible for developing the Operations Plan • Coordination responsibilities • National, regional, and international • Tactical Customer Advocate • Works matters specific to airline-defined critical flights • Weather Unit • Provides current and forecasted weather information

  7. A Day in the NAS • Start with a big picture look

  8. A Day in the NAS • Continue with leading airport forecasts • KEWR 131734Z 1318/1424 13009KT 3SM RA BR SCT008 OVC010 • TEMPO 1318/1321 1 1/2SM RA BR OVC008 • FM132100 14008KT 5SM SHRA BR OVC012 • FM140400 10004KT 4SM -DZ OVC010 • TEMPO 1407/1411 1SM BR OVC007 • FM141200 24005KT 4SM BR OVC015 • FM141500 22007KT P6SM BKN025 • FM141800 19007KT P6SM SCT030 BKN060 • KLGA 131859Z 1319/1418 12011KT 3SM RA BR OVC013 • TEMPO 1319/1321 1 1/2SM RA BR OVC006 • FM132100 13011KT 5SM SHRA BR OVC015 • FM140400 12005KT 4SM -DZ OVC012 • TEMPO 1407/1411 1SM BR OVC008 • FM141200 22006KT 4SM BR OVC015 • FM141500 21008KT P6SM BKN025 • KJFK 132013Z 1320/1424 13013KT 6SM RA BR FEW009 OVC013 • FM132100 13011KT 6SM BR OVC013 • FM140400 14007KT 4SM -DZ OVC012 • TEMPO 1407/1411 1SM BR OVC008 • FM141200 21006KT 4SM BR OVC015 • FM141500 20008KT P6SM BKN025 • FM141800 19008KT P6SM SCT030 BKN060

  9. A Day in the NAS • The Strategic Planning process • 0-6 hours into the future • Updated every 2 hours beginning at 0515 local • Strategic Telecons facilitated by ATCSCC • Collaborative Decision Making (CDM) participants • FAA facilities • Aviation industry • CDM is a philosophy on how to conduct business between the various components of aviation transportation, both government and industry. Two central principles are: • Information exchange and data sharing • Tools and procedures in place

  10. A Day in the NAS • Look at current weather radar with air traffic

  11. A Day in the NAS • Airport tactical responses (0-1 hour) with Integrated Terminal Weather System (ITWS)

  12. A Day in the NAS • Regional tactical responses (0-2 hour) with Corridor Integrated Weather System (CIWS)

  13. A Day in the NAS • Look at forecasted conditions with the Collaborative Convective Forecast Product (CCFP)

  14. CCFP Characteristics • Coverage • Sparse: 25-49% • Medium: 50-74% • Solid: 75-100% • Echo Tops (feet) • 25 – 31K • 31 – 37K • > 37K • Confidence • Low: Gray • High: Blue • Snapshot • 2, 4, 6 hour

  15. A Day in the NAS • Identify demand/capacity imbalances

  16. A Day in the NAS • The ATCSCC devises a suitable plan with other Air Traffic facilities and system users for addressing constraints. Through coordination with affected air traffic facilities and users, an operations plan is developed to ensure the safe and orderly flow of air traffic around impacted areas.  As the weather changes, the plan can be revised and, if necessary, new routings or restrictions are issued. 

  17. A Day in the NAS • Types of Traffic Management Initiatives • Reroutes • Avoid constraints • Miles in Trail (MIT) • # of miles required between aircraft • Airborne Holding • Dependent upon airspace • Sequencing • Specified interval between aircraft • Ground Delay Program (GDP) • Aircraft delayed at departure airport to manage demand and capacity at arrival airport • Airspace Flow Program (AFP) • Aircraft delayed due to en route constraint • Ground Stops • Aircraft remain on the ground; usually reactive

  18. Possible Future Products • Localized Aviation MOS Program (LAMP) Thunderstorm Probability • Under consideration to augment CCFP at extended times http://www.nws.noaa.gov/mdl/gfslamp/tstorm.php

  19. Possible Future Products • Integration of CIWS into Traffic Management Decision Support Tools Decision support tools

  20. Possible Future Products • Consolidated Storm Prediction for Aviation (CoSPA)

  21. Questions? Special thanks to Brad Sherman & Dan Kremnitzer at the ATCSCC For further information, please contact danny.sims@faa.gov 703-326-3938

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