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Morphodynamics and hydraulics of vegetated river reaches: a case study on the Müggelspree in Germany. Alexander Sukhodolov and Tatiana Sukhodolova. Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries, Berlin, Germany.
Morphodynamics and hydraulics of vegetated river reaches:a case study on the Müggelspree in Germany Alexander Sukhodolov and Tatiana Sukhodolova Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries, Berlin, Germany
A. Sukhodolov and T. Sukhodolova: Morphodynamics and hydraulics of vegetated river reaches 1. Introduction General scheme of interactions in vegetated river reaches (after Tsujimoto 1999) Flow 1 8 3 2 6 Vegetation Sediment transport 7 5 4 Channel morphology River flow in vegetated river reaches is affected by channel morphology (1), aquatic vegetation (2) and it drives sediment transport (3) to cause bed deformation (4), that controls vegetation growth (5). Growing vegetation cover changes the flow and thus sediment transport (6) and channel morphology (7), the bend of the plants is thereby dominated by the flow characteristics (8).
A. Sukhodolov and T. Sukhodolova: Morphodynamics and hydraulics of vegetated river reaches 1. Introduction Hydrobiology: the effect of vegetation is investigated in field research is mainly focused on temporal dynamics of plants biomass and spatial characteristics of plants abundance and composition of macrophytes Fluid mechanics: the effect of vegetation investigated in laboratory flumes or by numerical simulations vegetation is simulated by plastic plants (steams) uniformly distributed In space Goals of this research: • to explore morphological structures and their seasonal dynamics in a river reach • of a lowland river with submersible vegetation; • 2) to estimate quantitatively the effect of vegetation-induced morphodynamic processes on the balk parameters of the flow; • 3) to investigate spatio-temporal dynamics of the vegetative cover and its relationships to the river channel and flow
A. Sukhodolov and T. Sukhodolova: Morphodynamics and hydraulics of vegetated river reaches 2. Measurement program Object of the study: straight river reach of the lowland river Müggelspree near Berlin (width 20-30m, depth 1-2m, velocities 10-60 cm/s) during May-October the reach is colonized by freshwater macrophyte Sagittaria Sagittifolia (1) Field measurement program comprised: riverbed and sedimentary deposits surveys, measurement of hydraulic characteristics (balk velocities, free-surface slope), surveys of vegetative cover (2), measurements of plants morphology and biomass (3), and measurements of turbulence characteristics with an array of acoustic Doppler velocimeters (4). 1 2 3 4
A. Sukhodolov and T. Sukhodolova: Morphodynamics and hydraulics of vegetated river reaches 3. Results: riverbed morphology without vegetation oblique sand dunes: Macro-forms: (bars and dunes) Riverbed elevations (arbitrary datum) A A Micro-forms: (2-D waves and ripples) alternate bars Profile A-A Riverbed material distribution (d50%) alternate bars: 30-50 m long, 20-40 cm high sand dunes: 10-12 m long, 15-20 cm high 2-D waves: 2-5 m long, 7-10 cm high
A. Sukhodolov and T. Sukhodolova: Morphodynamics and hydraulics of vegetated river reaches 3. Results: riverbed morphology induced by vegetation solitary vegetative patch: bedform induced by the solitary patch: grain size distribution across the bedform: Vegetation-induced bedforms: in large-scale patches: 20-25 m long, 4-6 m wide, 20-25 cm high; in solitary patches: 4-6 m long, 1-3 m wide, 15-20 cm high
A. Sukhodolov and T. Sukhodolova: Morphodynamics and hydraulics of vegetated river reaches 3. Results: dynamics of the vegetative cover 03.06.04 21.06.04 19.07.04 12.08.04
A. Sukhodolov and T. Sukhodolova: Morphodynamics and hydraulics of vegetated river reaches 3. Results: flow patterns and hydraulic characteristics ADV measurements downstream mean velocity isovels (cm/s): May July
A. Sukhodolov and T. Sukhodolova: Morphodynamics and hydraulics of vegetated river reaches 3. Results: flow patterns and hydraulic characteristics Seasonal dynamics of vegetation-induced flow resistance September mass canopy break up December break up of highly streamlined plants Here: S is free-surface slope; S0 is maximum free-surface slope; is averaged height of alternate bars; his mean depth on the reach March wash out of vegetative-induced bedforms
A. Sukhodolov and T. Sukhodolova: Morphodynamics and hydraulics of vegetated river reaches 3. Results: vertical structure of turbulence characteristics Vertical distribution of dimensionless turbulence shear stresses:
A. Sukhodolov and T. Sukhodolova: Morphodynamics and hydraulics of vegetated river reaches 4. Discussion Unlike sand dunes and waves created by longitudinal sequences of erosion-deposition, the vegetation-induced morpological structures are mainly formed by lateral erosion-deposition. Therefore secondary circulations driven by turbulence anisotropy play especially important role for formation of vegetative patches and associated morphological structures. Aggravation of alternate bars because of deposition of riverbed material beneath the vegetative canopies causes an increase in the height of the roughness sublayer and consequent reduction of the free surface slopes. 1 Submersible form of Sagittaria Sagittifolia is quite sensitive to the characteristics of riverbed substrate, specifically at the beginning of the vegetative period. Selectivity of plants for the substrate can be explained by the physiology of the plants. In lowland rivers this macrophyte reproduces by vegetative propagation and has rhizomes about 3 mm in diameter with tubers of 10-15 mm (1). Plants can find a stable substrate for rooting in case when a grain size is comparable in diameter with their rhizomes. Substrates with smaller grain size (0.6-0.8mm) are less stable and move in form of ripples (20-30 cm long, 1.5-3 cm high) during the vegetative period. Rhizomes of plants subjected to the flow area with finer substrate, active bedload transport, and relatively stronger current bend downstream and the lateral colonization of macrophytes became limited. 2
A. Sukhodolov and T. Sukhodolova: Morphodynamics and hydraulics of vegetated river reaches 5. Conclusions • spatial patterns of vegetative cover formed by submersible freshwater macrophyte Sagittaria Sagittifolia in the initial stage of development depend on the riverbed morphology, morpho- dynamic processes and associated distributions of riverbed material; • complex plant–flow interactions lead to significant modifications of morphodynamic processes and hydraulic characteristics of flow. In the study reach the interactions resulted in the develop- ment of specific morphological structures of the size comparable with dimensions of alternate bars – the larger-scale structures on the reach; • superposition of alternate bars and vegetation-induced bedforms increases the thickness of the roughness sublayer up to two times and significantly reduces the slopes of the free surface; • morphological structures induced by the plant-flow interactions persist quite a long period after vegetative period and impose considerable effect on flow hydraulics. Therefore, the influence of macrophytes on flow hydraulics in lowland rivers is most probably more than merrily plants- flow interactions during the vegetative period and due to complex morphodynamic processes the effect extends almost over the whole year cycle.
A. Sukhodolov and T. Sukhodolova: Morphodynamics and hydraulics of vegetated river reaches Further Research: implanting of plants: ADV measurements: June-August 2005: Fluid Dynamics Laboratory in the Field: a study of turbulent flow structure over vegatation in natural yet simplified conditions underwater photography: Simplifications: straight river reach, monospecific vegeta-tion, uniform distribution of plants (plants were artificially implanted) Measurements: ADV profiling of streamwise distributions of turbulence characteristics (10 profiles per run, 7 points at each vertical, simultaneously 3 point measurements); underwater photo-video recording of the vegetation Results: 4 runs with different densities of plants (one run without vegetation) uniform patch of plants: ADV-video recording :
A. Sukhodolov and T. Sukhodolova: Morphodynamics and hydraulics of vegetated river reaches Thank you for the attention! The research was supported in parts by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (BU 1442/1-1) and by Collaborative Programme of NATO (ESP.NR.EV 981608)