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Overview of the WP5.3 Activities. Partners: ECMWF, METO/HC, MeteoSchweiz, KNMI, IfM, CNRM, UREAD/CGAM, CNRS/IPSL, BMRC, CERFACS. Forecast quality assessment. Forecast quality assessment is a basic component of the prediction process.
Overview of the WP5.3 Activities Partners: ECMWF, METO/HC, MeteoSchweiz, KNMI, IfM, CNRM, UREAD/CGAM, CNRS/IPSL, BMRC, CERFACS
Forecast quality assessment Forecast quality assessment is a basic component of the prediction process Information about the quality and the uncertainty of the predictions is as important as the prediction itself
WP5.3 activities WP5.3: Assessment of s2d forecast quality • Target • “assessment of the actual and potential skill of the models and the different versions of the multi-model ensemble system“ • Main tasks during the first 18 months: • Assessment of the actual and potential skill of the different ensemble prediction systems and sensitivity experiments, including a comparison with reference models (link WP4.4). • Estimate useful skill for end users in seasonal-to-decadal hindcasts to assess their potential economic value (link WP5.5). • Develop web-based verification technology (link WP2A.4). • Assessment of the skill in predicting rare events (link WP4.3 and WP5.4). • Other links: RT1, RT2A
WP5.3 activities WP5.3: Assessment of s2d forecast quality • First 18 month deliverables: • 5.3 (UREAD/CGAM): Optimal statistical methods for combining multi-model simulations to make probabilistic forecasts of rare extreme events • 5.4 (UREAD/CGAM): Best methods for verifying probability forecasts of rare events • 5.7 (ECMWF): Skill of seasonal NAO and PNA using multi-model seasonal integrations from DEMETER • First 18 month milestone: • M5.2 (KNMI): Prototype of an automatic system for forecast quality assessment of seasonal-to-decadal hindcasts • First 18 month activity: ECMWF (3), MeteoSchweiz (1), UREAD/CGAM (0), CNRS/IPSL (6), KNMI (0), METO/HC(0)
WP5.3 action plan WP5.3: Assessment of s2d forecast quality • Two different types of verification activities: • Automatic quality control • Research on verification • Research verification requires efficient data dissemination: • MARS, public server at ECMWF • Climate explorer • Need of a probabilistic model before doing probabilistic verification • Broad range of research studies, in close link with validation work in RT4 and RT5 • Verification based on the end-to-end approach
Three-tier verification • Forecast quality needs to be assessed thoroughly also for end-user predictions, but there is no direct relationship between forecast quality and usefulness. • Use end-to-end approach: end-users develop prediction models taking into account prediction limitations. • Forecast reliability becomes a major issue. • A three tier scheme can then be considered: • Tier 1: single meteorological variables are assessed against a reference prediction (climatology, persistence, …) • Tier 2: application model hindcasts driven by weather / climate predictions are assessed against an application model reference (e.g., driven by ERA-40); no reference to real world application • Tier 3: as in tier 2, but the application model hindcasts are assessed against observed data
Automatic quality control • Most of the s2d simulations run at ECMWF and have a common output • Need checking asap the quality (units, missing files, wrong data…) of the hindcasts produced • Verification suite running periodically with graphical output made available on the web
KNMI Climate Explorer • An OPenDAP server allows the Climate Explorer to automatically access the ENSEMBLES data with no local copy of the whole data set. • The Climate Explorer performs correlations, basic probabilistic estimates, EOFs, plotting, etc. • The capabilities of the Climate Explorer will be expanded to allow for more tier-1 skill measures, including verification of probability forecasts and rare events (end 2006).
Climate explorer T2m point correlation for DEMETER 1-month lead multi-model seasonal hindcasts (1959-2001) From G. J. van Oldenborgh, KNMI
RPSS for unskilled (wrt climatology) forecasts Müller, Appenzeller, Doblas-Reyes and Liniger, J. Clim., in press From M. Liniger, MeteoSwiss Tier-1 verification Example: MeteoSwiss will work on the de-biased ranked probability skill score RPSSd • Conventional probabilistic skill scores based on the Brier score have a negative bias due to a finite ensemble size • How to compare forecasts from systems with low or even different ensemble sizes?
Tier-1 verification Example: CNRS/IPSL will develop a tool based on the “local mode analysis” to test the skill of the ISO in seasonal predictions (beg. 2006) Start 1st May (monsoon breaks) Start 1st Nov (MJO) Inter-annual correlation between simulated and observed OLR intraseasonal variance (90 day time section, 1 correlation every 5 days, 22 years) over the tropical Indian Ocean From J.-Ph. Duvel, CNRS/IPSL
Tier-3 verification DEMETER multi-model predictions (7 models, 63 members, Feb starts) of average wheat yield for four European countries (box-and-whiskers) compared to Eurostat official yields (black horizontal lines) and crop results from a simulation forced with downscaled ERA40 data (red dots). Germany France Greece Denmark From P. Cantelaube and J.-M. Terres, JRC
A service that offers immediate and free access to data from: • DEMETER •ERA-40 •ERA-15 •ENACT with monthly and daily data, select area and plotting facilities, GRIB or NetCDF formats Data dissemination Different depending on access granted to ECMWF systems: • access: MARS http://www.ecmwf.int/services/archive/ • no access: public data server and OPenDAP (DODS) server