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Explore the various metaphors that describe life as a journey and learn valuable lessons for success. From product development to playing poker, discover the wisdom hidden in everyday experiences.
Life is like new product development Market research is the decision By the parents to have child… Product conceptualization is conception. Development of prototype is birth. Successful sales is working. Product maturation is retirement. And product obsolescence is death.
Life is like a poker game. You deal or are dealt to. It includes skill and luck. You bet, check, bluff, and raise. You learn from those you play with. Sometimes you win with a pair or lose with a full house. But whatever happens, it is best to keep on shuffling along.
Life is like a puppy dog…always searching for a street full of fire hydrants.
Life is like a room full of open doors that close as you get older.
Life is like eating grapefruit. First, you have to break the skin; then, it takes a couple of bites to get used to the taste; and just as you begin to enjoy it, it squirts you in the eye.
Life is like a bagel. It is delicious when it’s fresh and warm but often it’s just hard. The hole in the middle is its great mystery and yet it wouldn’t be a bagel without it.
Life is like a jigsaw puzzle but you don’t have the picture on the front of the box to know what it’s supposed to look like. Sometimes, you’re not even sure if you have all the pieces.
Parable: Two men were walking down along a crowded sidewalk in a downtown business area. Suddenly one exclaimed: “Listen to that lovely cricket.” But the other could not hear. He asked his companion how he could detect the sound of a cricket amid the din and traffic. The first man had trained himself to listen to the sounds of nature. But he didn’t explain. He simply took a coin out of his pocket and dropped it to the sidewalk, whereupon a dozen people began to look about them. “We hear,” he said, “what we listen for.” Kermit Long
Treasure is not always a friend, but a friend is always a treasure.
A ship in port is safe, but that is not what ships are built for.
The artist is not a different kind of person but every person is a different kind of person.
You can’t control the length of your life – But you can control it’s width and depth. You can’t control the contour of your face – But you can control the expression. You can’t control the weather – But you can control the atmosphere of your mind. Why worry about the things you can’t control when you can keep yourself busy controlling the things that depend on you.
Trying to do something and succeeding in part is better than trying to do nothing and succeeding completely.
If the Creator had a purpose in equipping us with a neck, she surely would have meant for us to stick it out.
If you spend too much time warming up you’ll miss the race. If you don’t warm up at all, you may not finish the race.
Today, we celebrate a partnership. It will stand as our legacy. It will be our constant reminder that together all things are possible, that there can be no hurdle high enough to deter us, and it will be through the art and skill of partnership that each of us will realize the very best each has to offer.
Character is not an inheritance: each person must build it for himself.
Take Time Take time to laugh – It is the music of the soul Take time to think – It is the source of power Take time to play – It is the source of perpetual youth Take time to read – It is the fountain of wisdom Take time to pray – It is the great power on earth Take time to love and be loved – It is a God-given privilege Take time to be friendly – It is the road to happiness Take time to give – It is too short a day to be selfish Take time to work – It is the price of success