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PSF Effects of Pile-Up: Understanding Photon Distortion

Investigating the effects of pile-up in photon arrival and PSF distortion, determining counts per second, and creating a 3D PSF model. Analyzing clean PSF, pile-up consequences, and identifying extended sources. Using SAS Epatplot output for observations, selecting point sources based on count ratios, and calculating counts per second for source distinction. Determination of pile-up involves singles and doubles events analysis, assessing probabilities of pile-up, and avoiding false identifications. Next steps involve summing up observations, normalizing, and comparing with clean PSF.

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PSF Effects of Pile-Up: Understanding Photon Distortion

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  1. MODEL PSF EFFECTS OF PILE-UP Jonathan Gimeno Boal, UCM Tutor: Martin Stuhlinger Tutor: Martin Stuhlinger

  2. Index: • Aim of the project. • Selection of the observations. • Selection of point sources. • Determination of the counts per second. • Determination of pile-up. • Next steps.

  3. Aim of the project: - Pile-up: Arrival of two or more photons within the readout time of the detectors. - For very bright sources there is a considerable amount of pile-up. - The centre of the PSF (Point Spread Function) gets distorted: Clean PSF. Loss of counts at the centre of the PSF.

  4. Aim of the project: Finally a 3D model of the PSF will be created:

  5. What is pile-up? Pattern pile-up: Two or more photons arriving next to each other in the same readout time. Photon pile-up: One single photon causes multiple pixel activation Consequences: • Less counts at the PSF centre. • Shifts the spectrum towards higher energies. SAS task Epatplot output.

  6. Selection of observations: • Distinguish point sources: • Observation Modes • Filters

  7. Selection of point sources: Point source: ratio = counts outer countsinner In order to automaticallydetermine if an observation is of an extended source or a point source the counts per second of two annuli around the source were calculatedand then the ratio of these two count-rates. =[5% , 15%] Extended source: >X%

  8. Determination of counts per second: Once the number of events registered by the detectors and the exposure time is known, the count rate is determined.

  9. Source coordinates determination: Annuli extraction needs PSF centre, position of the source in the detector. Header sky coordinates Detector coordinates First Attempt: SAS task esky2det

  10. Work on the Generated Image Chosen Solution: Find the centre of mass using IDL software

  11. singles doubles inner annulus outer annulus ratio: Chosen Solution: Strong pile-up case Similar ratio as in the extended source case: Avoid the identification of extended sources as strong pile-up observations Extended source

  12. Determination of pile-up: singles singles ~=2 doubles doubles Pile-up Ratio between the single events and double eventsin energy band of 1keV to 1.8keV. (TBD) Clean PSF:

  13. Determination of pile-up: Probability true horizontal bipix. < True vertical bipix. Clean PSF: Probability horizontal bipix. from 2 piled up photons Vertical bipix. from 2 piled up photons Pile-up: = vertical bipix. pattern 0 On the source and inside an annulus, then calculate the ratio of both results. To assess pile-up calculate: Equal ratios: pile-up free. Repeat with horizontal bipix. and compare with vertical Different ratios: Pile-up case. Investigating in using vertical and horizontal bipixels: (S. Molendi & S. Sembay, 2003 “Assessing the EPIC spectral calibration in the hard band with a 3C 273 observation”)

  14. Next steps: Sum up observations with clean PSF: • Superposition. • Normalize. Summing up observations in different pile-ups and comparison with clean PSF: MOS camera examples.

  15. Questions?

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