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A holistic approach towards the first responder of the future. Dimitris Vassiliadis – Project Coordinator EXODUS S.A. Contents of the Presentation. The eSPONDER project: profile, objectives and key activities Working with the Security Work-programme – Answering the Call
A holistic approach towards the first responder of the future Dimitris Vassiliadis – Project Coordinator EXODUS S.A.
Contents of the Presentation The eSPONDER project: profile, objectives and key activities Working with the Security Work-programme – Answering the Call Consortium formation – Assigning roles to partners Writing of the Proposal The Coordinator The Hearing and preparation phases
Project Overview The eSPONDER New Generation First Responder Operations Support Platform Training platform for First Responders Logistics of First Responder Operations Regulation Framework of First Responder Operations Demonstration and validation of eSponder in full-scale field trials Holistic approach Technology Development Regulations and Logistics Training of first responders
Who we are Consortium at a glance Project information Duration: 48 months Budget: 12,595,983 € EC Funding: 8,791,544 € 15 partners from 9 countries 8 SMEs, 2 Universities, 1 Company, 1 NGO, 1 Public body, 1 Research Organisation, 1 Small Company
The eSPONDER helmet and wearable user terminal The system consists of a helmet mounted microphone and ear speaker assembly that easily snaps onto the user's fire helmet. Project Overview The First Responder Unit FRU Wearable Computer Integrated Navigation and Positioning Module Outdoor: GPS/DGPS, Indoor: LPS, microwaves, ultrasonic and/or laser) Communications Component BT, Wifi, 3G, Mobile WiMax, LTE, GSM Application Specific Sensors measure physiological parameters in real-time Textile Integration FRU local network for unobtrusive operations
The eSPONDER MEOC - Operator Terminals and Internal View Image courtesy of PANOU S.A. Project Overview The eSPONDER MEOC Provincial Government Response Coordination Coordination of Ministry Responses Municipal and National Support Coordination of local support efforts Communications Interoperability BT, Wifi, 3G/UMTS, WiMax, WSN, WPAN,VHF, UHF, Tetra, Satellite In situ Base of Operations Manage locally dispersed first response resources Incident Monitoring and Reporting high-resolution cameras on 13-meter masts with close-ups at up to 10km distance
The eSPONDER EOC Sharing a common operational picture. Project Overview The eSPONDER EOC Data Fusion and Mediation Portal and Back-Office Applications Real-time Communications Server Wifi, 3G/UMTS, WiMax, VHF, UHF, Tetra, Satellite 3-D GIS platform Static geographic and environmental information Emergency Response Planning - Execution Overall command of processes and resources
Project Overview eSPONDER in practice 2 Major Pilot Events 3 Simulated Scenarios covering end-to-end activity of first response work Simulated events cover both normal and abnormal types of crisis Total of 150 First Responders participating eSPONDER-based Training to involved personnel
Working with the Security Call eSPONDER was an idea initially conceived and submitted in the Joint Call of ICT and Security lines in November 2007. Although evaluated above all thresholds, the proposal did not get funded. When the Second call was published we saw it as a great opportunity to make another effort. SECOND SECURITY CALL FOR PROPOSALS SEC-2009.4.2.1: First Responder of the future Consult the material from the Relevant Information days – both National (PRAXI) and International. Information days provide very useful insight at all cases. Always make the best of the “three Bibles”: Work-programme Guide(s) for Applicants Guide for Submission and Evaluation of Proposals
Consortium formation Assigning roles to partners
Consortium - Putting together the puzzle • The steps we followed in putting together the eSPONDER team were: • Identified the subject of interest • Generated a 3-page abstract identifying key objectives and partners sought • Circulated the abstract to 3 partners that we consider as core members and then contacted potential partners on a confidential basis • For each potential partner we created a set of requirements on which we negotiated their participation – proposed potential role and involvement for each partner • We generated a roadmap with specific deadlines and progress milestones that all partners should abide to • Held 3 progress telcos involving all partners during the last 5 weeks before submission • Held weekly discussions with all partners separately and with groups of partners involved in the common activities (activity lines, work-packages)
Proposal Writing • Some and hints and tips for proposal writing: • Generate the proposal template at the beginning of the process and include detailed instructions regarding what each section is about and how each partner should contribute to it. • Make sure that your aspirations are in line with the call’s objectives and feasible within the duration of the project and the requested EC contribution. • Objectives in your proposal should be SMART: • Specific, • Measurable, • Attainable/Achievable, • Realistic, • and Time-bound • 4. Don’t say what you would like to do. Say what you can and will do and how you will do it eventually.
Proposal Writing 5. All partners have to contribute to the composition of the proposal. Partner complementarity and individual expertise is made obvious to the expert evaluator and is a bonus! 6. Pay attention to standards, security, regulations and legal aspects e.g. use of anonymised data for demonstration purposes 7. Ensure the participation of SMEs and define a strong user group. 8. End-users have to be active in the proposal setup. They will provide different viewing angles of the same aspect, that will have a positive effect on the proposal’s content. 9. Have two iterations in the proposal writing process. It will help with covering all parts of the proposal with content of equal quality. 10. Pay extra attention to the sections of Impact and Exploitation.
Coordinator’s Role • The Coordinator is the driving force in the proposal setup phase. • Monitors and controls the entire process. • Defines roles and assigns tasks to all partners. Ensures consortium’s complementarity and coherence of all partners contributions. Forms groups of partners that may work together for specific work-packages or sub-projects (in the case of an IP) • Performs overall quality control of the proposal. Ensures well-balanced description of all aspects tackled by the proposal. • Sets up and controls the proposal’s EPSS portal. Forms A1, A2 and A3 as well as PART B. • Manages the financial aspects of the proposal ensuring normal budget distribution according to individual effort requirements per partner. • Establishes regular communications with all partners through email and telephone (telcos are necessary). • Pushes for excellent contributions and keeps a contingency plan in the case of e,g late contributions or withdrawal of a partner.
The Hearing and Negotiation Phases
The Hearing • Once the proposal is positively evaluated the consortium (coordinator + 2 • more representatives max.) is invited for a hearing. • In order to prepare for the hearing one must: • 1. Be a master of all issues relevant to the proposal and its contents • 2. Prepare to address all questions listed in the Evaluation Summary • Report (ESR) • Be careful: Grade and ranking of the proposal is only finalized afterthe hearing • During the hearing make sure that you provide sound answers to all questions • and get ready to support your opinion with valid arguments
The Negotiations Phase • So everything has gone as planned and now you are invited for Negotiations. • The EC sends an official letter (Negotiation Mandate) inviting you to the Negotiations Phase. • Assigns your Project Officer and Legal/Financial Officer that will be your contact points through the Negotiations Phase as well as during the actual project. • The PO sets up the NEF Portal, an easy to use web-based platform for uploading all information relevant to the consortium and the proposal (based on Parts A and B of the proposal). • All partners need to obtain a Partner Identification Code (PIC). • All partners will need to define the relevant contact points for all project issues (technical, administrative, financial).
The Negotiations Phase • 5. The Coordinator leads the preparation of the Description of Work that will be the Technical Annex to the Grant Agreement. The DoW is based on Part B of the proposal but is modified according to the Negotiation Mandate and comments of the expert evaluators. • The Coordinator will prepare and circulate the Consortium Agreement that will be the “house rules” of the Consortium. • One negotiation meeting is arranged approximately 10 days after the submission of the first draft version of the DoW. • The entire Grant Agreement preparation phase can last up to 3 months.
Conclusions Idea Definition Consortium Formation Proposal Writing and Submission Evaluation Hearing Negotiations CONTRACT I hope this presentation has been helpful. If you still need help: Contact your National Contact Point! www.cordis.europa.eu/fp7/get-support_en.html PRAXI: http://www.help-forward.gr/
Thank you for your time! E-SPONDER Project Coordinator: Dimitris Vassiliadis Email: dvas@exodus.gr Tel.: +30.210-7450321