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TOPIC 1.3 MAINTENANCE PROGRAMS AND PROCESS. Reference :. Remember....write em down!!!!. COMNAVAIRFORINST
Reference: Remember....write em down!!!! COMNAVAIRFORINST 4790.2 series VOLUME V, CHAPTER 10 Student Journal, pg. 5
TOPIC 1.3 MAINTENANCE PROGRAMS AND PROCESS ENABLING OBJECTIVES 1.6 DESCRIBE the Engineering Investigation (EI) program including the reporting criteria, the handling and preparation of EI material IAW COMNAVAIRFORINST 4790.2 series, VOL V. 1.7 DESCRIBE the Quality Deficiency Reporting (QDR) program including the types of QDR’s, the handling and preparation of QDR material IAW COMNAVAIRFORINST 4790.2 series, VOL V.
TOPIC 1.3 MAINTENANCE PROGRAMS AND PROCESS 1.8 DESCRIBE functions and procedures associated with the Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) program IAW COMNAVAIRFORINST 4790.2 series, VOL V 1.9 DESCRIBE the Aircraft Maintenance Material Readiness List (AMMRL) IAW COMNAVAIRFORINST 4790.2 series. 1.10 DESCRIBE the Individual Material Readiness List (IMRL) program IAW COMNAVAIRFORINST4790.2 series
Terms • E.I.Engineering Investigation • PQDR Product Quality Deficiency Report • HMR Hazardous Material Report Itprovides a standard method for reporting matl deficiencies which, if not corrected, could result in death, or injury to personnel, or damage to or loss of aircraft, equipment, or facilities. (sec. 10.5) • ESD Electrostatic Discharge • AMMRLAircraft Maintenance Material Readiness List • IMRLIndividual Material Readiness List
HMR Hazardous Material Report (HMR) ch. 10.6 Purpose: It is the means of providing a standard method for reporting material deficiencies which, if not corrected, could result in death or injury to personnel, or damage to or loss of aircraft, equipment, or facilities. Such incidents are reported regardless of how or when the discrepant condition was detected. Reporting CriteriaSubmit an HMR by the https://namdrp.navair.navy.mil/index.cfm?web site reporting system. When the web is not accesible, report by priority precedence message within 24 hours of discovery.
E.I. Engineering Investigation (EI)ch. 10.6 Purpose: It is the means of providing an avenue for the investigation of all aircraft weapons systems, subsystems, equipment, components, related SE, Special tools, software, fluids, and materials used in equipment operations. Types / Reporting Criteria EI without HMR Submit an EI request using the https://namdrp.navair.navy.mil/index.cfm web reporting system. When the web is not accessible, report by routine precedence msg. within five working days after discovery of the deficiency.
E.I. • EI combined with HMR ( Hazardous Material Report) • When combined with a HMR, the reporting criteria/compliance time of the HMR takes precedence. • Action / Handling / Preparation • Material must be turned in to supply pending disposition. • Material must be properly marked. (3in red letters) • Material must be properly capped and packaged. • Supporting documentation must be provided. • Material must be kept in an “as is” condition.
Product Quality Deficiency Reporting (PQDR) ch.10.7 Purpose: A means of reporting deficiencies in new or newly reworked material which may indicate nonconformance with contractual or specification requirements or substandard workmanship. Note: Discrepancies discovered after initial use do not qualify for PQDR reporting
CAT I: All quality deficiencies which may cause death, injury, or severe occupational illness; would cause loss or major damage to a weapon system; critically restricts the combat readiness of the using org; or would result in a production line stoppage. CAT II: Quality deficiencies assessed to have significant and widespread material or human resource impact but do not affect safety of personnel or impair combat efficiency. Types:
QDR • Action/Handling and Preparation • CAT I: • Submit a PQDR using the https://namdrp.navair.navy.mil/index.cfm (NAMDRP) web reporting system. • When Web access is not available, submit by routine precedence msg. within one working day after discovery, unless combined with a HMR. • When combined with a HMR, a priority precedence msg. within 24hr’s of discovery is required. • May be reported by phone or in person when urgency dictates. Oral communication shall be confirmed by message. • The supporting supply department and DSP (for DLR’s) shall be the information addresses. • Do not combine CAT I QDR’s with EI’s.
PQDR • CAT II: • Submit on a Production Quality Deficiency Report (SF 368) to FST( Fleet Support Team) / LMTC (Lead Maintenance Technology Center) within five working days after discovery of deficiency. • Ensure all supporting documentation is obtained and reflects the correct RCN. • Submit to FLEMATSUPPO, (Fleet Material Support Office), for general type materials, (nuts, bolts, wires, tools, lubricants, or corrosion preventive material) rcvd bad from supply, but not installed on, or peculiar to a specific aircraft.
ESD • Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) Control and Prevention • COMNAVAIRFORCE series VOL V ch.22 • The transfer of electrostatic charge between bodies at different electrostatic potentials caused by direct contact or induced by an electrostatic field and is potentially damaging to electrical and electronic equipment. • MIL-HDBK-263B / MIL-STD-1686; provides policy and guidance for implementing program. • NAVSUP P-484 provides fleet supply afloat and field packaging procedures, and NAVSUPINST 4030.46 covers handling, identification and protection of ESDS items.
ESD Responsibility: MO Develop local command procedures,designate, in writing via the MMP, an ESD Program Manager. Ensure personnel are properly trained prior to handling ESDS items. SO Designate, in writing via the MMP an ESD Program Coordinator, ensure personnel are properly trained prior to handling ESDS items, keep required ESDS protective materials in the local supply system for all levels of maintenance, retain ESDS items in protective packaging while in pre-expended bins and other storage areas,ensure ESDS items are properly packaged per MIL-HDBK-773 prior to shipment.
ESD Responsibility (cont’d) Program Manager Be responsible to the MO/Supply Officer for implementing and maintaining the ESD Program (see para 22.3 c for additional requirements)
ESD • Functions: The Electrostatic Discharge Program establishes policy, responsibility and requirements for handling, transportation, storage, and maintenance of ESDS devices/components. • Procedures: ch. 22.4 • Uninstalled WRA’s / SRA’s • cover all external cannon plugs and connector pins • Ensure proper wrapping / tape / Affix appropriate labels • Open only in an ESD protected work area • Use conductive floor matting
ESD * Ensure personnel safety: Material or equipment must be de-energized when personnel wrist straps are connected to ground, SRA’s, or when components are being removed or replaced. * Ensure all energized equipment is isolated from the conductive work station mat and other conductive materials.
AMMRL Aircraft Maintenance Material Readiness List (AMMRL) ProgramCOMNAVAIRFORINST 4790.2 VOL1 ch 10.2.6 Definition: AMMRL program is the title of the overall program which provides the data required for the effective management of SE (Support Equipment) at all levels of aircraft maintenance. Maintenance: Maintenance (including calibration), inventory control, and reporting of SE is an integral part of the task of maintaining aircraft and airborne weapons systems. Changing References again!!!!!
AMMRL Objective: The objective of this program is to document technical and cataloging data, and end use asset information, concerning the IMRL (Individual Material Readiness List) and TOL (Tailored Outfitting List) items which can be used by management. Policies/Procedures / Responsibilities: 10.2.6.(c) (4) SECA - Support Equipment Controlling Authority (5) CNET - Chief Of Naval Education and Training (8.a) NAVICP- Navy Inventory Control Point (9) CFA - Cognizant Field Activity --- Cognitive Field Activity
AMMRL SECA: Support Equipment Controlling Authority, a term applied to major aviation commands exercising administrative control of AMMRL Program end items for allowance and inventory control. They are: COMNAVAIRFORCE CNATRA COMNAVAIRRESFOR NAMTRAGRU COMNAVAIRSYSCOM
AMMRL Reporting Custodians: An organizational unit of the lowest echelon of command accepting responsibility, involving the accountability of Individual Material Readiness List items in compliance with policies / procedures dictated by the AMMRL Program. ICP: Inventory Control Point, SE ICP’s / PSICP’s are activities assigned material management responsibilities for end items of SE. All ICP’s are responsible for computing SE requirements and procuring assigned items to fill requirements.
IMRL This is the customized list that is tailored to each activity . by the type aircraft that is supported and the levels of maintenance that are associated with your command. LAMBS, a computer based program, is used to inventory and transact SE items that fall under the AMRL/IMRL program.
IMRL Individual Material Readiness List (IMRL): 10.2.6 (d) 6 A consolidated allowance list specifying quantities of certain aviation SE items required by a particular activity to perform its assigned maintenance level functions. Content and Format: 10.2.6 (f) 1 Pg138 IMRL’s are presented in five sections, with a bi-monthly cumulative supplement. These sections are, employment data, change list, index, main body, the activity inventory record. IMRL Cumulative Supplement: 10.2.6 (f) 2 A monthly SERMIS source data update. It is produced to provide an activity with a cumulative list of changes to their IMRL, since the printing of the currently held IMRL.
IMRL IMRL Maintenance: 10.2.6 (f) 3 The MO will appoint an IMRL manager who is responsible to the material control officer for the maintenance of the IMRL. IMRL Transaction Reporting: 10.2.6 (f) 4 All Items listed in the IMRL are subject to transaction reporting. Inventory: 10.2.6 (f) 5 The annual physical wall-to-wall inventory can be conducted any time during the calendar year at the discretion of the SECA. Revision: 10.2.6 (f) 6 It is the process of tailoring an individual activities allowance of SE.
IMRL Reporting Excess: 10.2.6 (f) 7 A process which enables the SECA to redistribute SE. Reporting Surveys: 10.2.6 (f) 8 A process by which an activity may report an item lost, or beyond economical repair.
Maintenance Programs and Processes Under the concept of Maintenance Programs and Processes, we have discussed terms such as EI, QDR, HMR, ESD, AMMRL, and IMRL.
Maintenance Programs and Processes An Engineering Investigation is a means of providing and avenue for investigations related to aircraft weapon systems, subsystems, equipment, components, related SE, Special tools, software, fluids, and materials used in equipment operations.
Maintenance Programs and Processes Two conditions apply to the EI process: An EI without , or and EI with an HMR. An EI, when combined with a HMR, will take the reporting criteria and precedence of the HMR.
Maintenance Programs and Processes A QDR is a means of reporting deficiencies in new or newly reworked materials, which may indicate non-compliance with contractual or specification requirements, and/or substandard workmanship. There are two type or categories of QDRs: Cat I or Cat II.
Maintenance Programs and Processes The ESD program was established to ensure the material safety of components and personnel. Electrostatic discharge is the displacement or transfer of electrostatic charges between objects – and is damaging to electrical and electronic equipment.
Maintenance Programs and Processes The AMMRL program provides data required for the effective management of SE at all levels of aircraft maintenance. We are familiar with the terms such as Accountable Item, Prime Item, Alternate Item, and Custody Codes. From this OVERALL program is born the IMRL Program.
Maintenance Programs and Processes The IMRL is a consolidated list, which specifies the QUANTITIES of aviation SE required by a particular activity to perform its assigned maintenance level functions. It is based on the type and quantity of aircraft assigned to a unit. Terms such as IMRL Transaction Reporting, Inventory, Revision, Reporting Excess, and Reporting Surveys are all means of IMRL Maintenance, and AMMRL Program compliance.
TOPIC 1.3 Enabling Objectives1.7 through 1.11Explain Describe
ROUND THREE There are 7 questions in this round. Each question is worth 2 points Good Luck
What method is used to submit an Engineering Investigation? A. OP-Immediate Naval Message B. Priority Naval Message C. NAMDRP web site/Routine Naval Message • NAMDRP web site/Routine Naval Message D. Unclassified Naval Message 50/50
What method is used to submit an Engineering Investigation? B. Priority Naval Message C. NAMDRP web site/ Routine Naval Message C. NAMDRP web site/ Routine Naval Message
Discrepancies discovered after the initial use DO NOT qualify for QDR Reporting. A. True in every case A. True in every case B. Not true in every case C. Depends: Request Engineering Investigation D. Depends: Check IMA Repair Capability 50/50
Discrepancies discovered after the initial use DO NOT qualify for QDR Reporting. A. True in every case A. True in every case B. Not true in every case
QDRs can be reported by phone or local visit? A. Only as TYCOM Directs B. Not True under any circumstance C. True.When urgency dictates C. True.When urgency dictates D. True, but only where death has occurred. 50/50
QDRs can be reported by phone or local visit? C. True.When urgency dictates C. True.When urgency dictates D. True, but only where death has occurred.